Obsessed with lipstick
Hi Marisol! So glad the BrowZing worked out for you. It's pretty much the best stuff ever made....for brows. Give benefit another chance!!!! Good Luck.
Originally Posted by Marisol I happened to walk by the Benefit counter at Macy's yesterday and decided to try Brow ZIng. Talk about a good product! The SA did one brow and it looked great. She asked me if I wanted to do the other one to see if I would be able to do it at home and boy, my brows looked so much better.
Thanks to BeneBaby and Scarlette for their recommendation. Maybe I will have to give Benefit a chance again.
Originally Posted by Marisol I happened to walk by the Benefit counter at Macy's yesterday and decided to try Brow ZIng. Talk about a good product! The SA did one brow and it looked great. She asked me if I wanted to do the other one to see if I would be able to do it at home and boy, my brows looked so much better.
Thanks to BeneBaby and Scarlette for their recommendation. Maybe I will have to give Benefit a chance again.