Tried it..... disaster so let me suggest that if you do that, dont rinse with hot water. I had a head full of scrambled eggs and face of stupidity full of tears
Originally Posted by Aprill /img/forum/go_quote.gif Beer is good but I never tried it. I did mayo, and was dry heaving while I rinsed with HOT WATER again!!!! I just rinse with the beer and then with cold water, right? I might try it tonight.
Originally Posted by Adrienne /img/forum/go_quote.gif I just rinse with the beer and then with cold water, right? I might try it tonight. Beer buzz
There are several theoretical arguments for putting beer on your hair. Unfortunately, none of them can hold their liquor.
Beer contains protein which is good for strengthening hair.
While beer does contain corn, wheat, or rice protein it’s not in the correct form to deposit on your hair and form a stengthening film, which is how proteins work.
Beer has a low pH which can tighten the cuticles and make your hair shiny.
The pH of beer is low due to dissolved carbon dioxide but it’s not enough to make a difference to the condition of hair.
Beer contains herbs known as hops which are natural astringents that have beneficial tightening effect on the scalp.
Hops are present at a very low level and are not in contact with your skin long enough to have a measurable effect.
Beer contains alcohol which is good for removing dirt and grease from hair.
The cleansing power of the relatively low amount of alcohol in beer pales in comparison to shampoo.
Originally Posted by Aprill /img/forum/go_quote.gif Tried it..... disaster so let me suggest that if you do that, dont rinse with hot water. I had a head full of scrambled eggs and face of stupidity full of tears
i did egg white a while ago. it made my hair stiff as anything and took an hour to wash out! and it smelt really eggy.. and did sort of start to cook when i used hot water because the lukewarm water just wouldn't get it out. once my hair was dry too it still smelt eggy and felt stiff and gross. it wasn't shiny it just looked dull and smelly. horrible experience, never doing it again.
I have tried the egg and it just went horribly wrong!!
I use olive oil on my hair. I just massage it onto my scalp and hair and leave it on overnight and wash in the morning. Or you can apply it and wrap cling film round your head so that the oil can penetrate into your hair and scalp then wash off after an hour or longer if you want. Love it!!