Uh Huh Her
Just got my i+ta bag! Discussion of the extras in the spoiler!
I *really* like the format of this month's insert! Those long strips are cute, but this is almost like a book. I think I might prefer it to the long strips.
And now, time to go shower and THROW OUT THIS BRA. Ugh. (Further complaining about this monstrosity can be found in the NEST.)
It looks like the AFK and Beauty Bar Baby samples are the same for everyone (at least I got Mikasa and Island of the Fay, too), but the Scaredy Cat and Midsummer Dreams (funny thing: I distinctly remember finding this company around the time the Midsummer exchange was starting but never got around to ordering anything from them) samples are different. I received Aurora Borealis from SC and Beauty (Vanilla, Amber, Rose, Rosewood, Oakmoss) from MD. And, ooh, Beauty is *wonderful*, and in looking over the rest of their offerings, this would probably have been the one I would have picked out for myself. I'm really looking forward to trying it tomorrow!
I *really* like the format of this month's insert! Those long strips are cute, but this is almost like a book. I think I might prefer it to the long strips.
And now, time to go shower and THROW OUT THIS BRA. Ugh. (Further complaining about this monstrosity can be found in the NEST.)