Originally Posted by Sloe Gin /img/forum/go_quote.gif You can't make hair grow faster. How fast your hair grows, is set in the genes. You can increase the condition of the hair that does grow - by taking multi vitamins.But all the ones that claim to make your hair grow faster, are all rubbish. There's no such thing. Sorry!
Thats not actually true, if that was the case, hair would always grow at a constant rate. Clearly environmental factors make difference. I havent consciously tried to get my hair to grow more quickly, but I have noticed that some times, probably depending on my diet, vitamin intake etc, my hair grows faster than other times.
Its just finding the right combination of external factors that work for you. A good start would be vitamins. Not sure about how effective topical stuff is, except for strong stuff like Regaine (which also works on the principle of supplying extra blood and nutrients to the follicles).