Do you have a Tattoo? forums

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Oh, those are cute Jess!

I was really thinking about getting one not too long ago. It would have been two red cherries next to my left hip bone. but I didn´t get it after thinking about it for a while.

I like the lower back spot, but so many girls already have a tattoo there, so I would want it somewhere else.

I´m still thinking about it though...but I`m too chicken I guess. I can change my mind withing minutes so I´m probably not the person for a permanent tattoo.

I really want one but I am totally not into pain at all. Maybe one day when I get the courage...

i love your tattoos, janelle and jess! very cute!

kim, i'd NEVER think you have all those tattoos. you seem like a very conservative person. i hope you don't take that the wrong way! i don't mean it in a bad way at all

Thanks everyone! I have to be honest though... if I could do it all again, I wouldn't! I was 18 when I got those... I *really* should have thought about it more. I'm lucky I wasn't dumb enough to pick something huge and/or ugly!

Arielle~ Keep this in mind before you get a tattoo! My advice would be to wait until you're at least 21. I've heard it hurts WAYYY more to get it removed and doesn't get rid of all of it! Also, if you get one, make sure it's in a place where you can hide it easily if you need to, keeping in mind your future, possibly as a big shot business woman or whatever you want. So don't tattoo your head! LOL!

Maybe I'm just too conservative, but I've never had a desire to get a tatoo, or pierce anything except a single hole in each ear .... of course I also have a low pain tolerance so that just makes me want them even less! lol At least with piercings they can grow back -- looking at how my taste in clothes and makeup has changed over the years, I know I couldn't pick a tatoo that I would still like in 10 years!

Ugh! I have 2 lousy tatts. First one, a dove on my right ankle when I was 18. Second one about 6 months later...a heart-shaped wreath that I designed myself. The tattoo artist was not talented, to put it nicely. The colors suck and the detail work is blurry. I did try to take pictures but they came out bad. I was planning on getting a whole bunch of tatts, I had all kinds of designs thought out. Mostly things like flames (I'm obsessed with them), angels wings, or a gothic cross. kitakat it's frowned upon in my religion. I am sad because I love tattoos a lot! But it isn't worth it, if I'm going to regret it, like I do the ones I already have. Oh, since piercings were mentioned, I may as well put my 2 cents in. I don't like them!

I've got a small butterfly on my lower it when I was 19 just because I wanted one, it has no significance. I was gonna get a flower till I got to the shop and saw the pictures they had. But I like it because it's cute and guys always think its sexy

Originally Posted by girl_geek

Maybe I'm just too conservative, but I've never had a desire to get a tatoo, or pierce anything except a single hole in each ear .... of course I also have a low pain tolerance so that just makes me want them even less! lol At least with piercings they can grow back -- looking at how my taste in clothes and makeup has changed over the years, I know I couldn't pick a tatoo that I would still like in 10 years!

I am sort of the same way. I have no tatoos. Prolly too conservative like GirlGeek
My tattoo actually TICKLED! God, it tickled so bad I tried so hard not to laugh. Not really any pain at all. The only time I actually felt anything was at the very end for like a minute when he colored in the yellow flower center. That was it.

I love tattoos if they're done with thought and meaning, hate the ones that are just for fad. I have 3 right now, but I want a couple more, just trying to find the right person to do it(the one who did my first 3 is locked up now) I have an ankh with a snake wrapped around it on my ankle, a snake in the form of a treble clef on my outer thigh, an ancient dragon symbol on my lower abs. I want one behind my neck and one on my lower back also.

is it true that if a female gets a tattoo where her ovaries are, there will be complications?

WHAT?!?! Doubt it.

Originally Posted by Jennifer is it true that if a female gets a tattoo where her ovaries are, there will be complications?
i have 2 tats one on my right shoulder blade it's a poinsetta type flower i got that when i was 18

and i got my ankle done when i was 20 i have a pic of my ankle


a friend drew the design and at like 2am it looked cool and i said dude put that on there.

i got mine done b4 it was the "in" thing to do. and i'd like to get a couple more. I want a Harley Davidson tat i just never figured out what i wanted so i haven't gotten it yet. i'd lke something on my foot but that would hurt like ****** so i am rethinking that. (my cousin has a cool as tat on her foot it wraps from by her toes up her foot on the side (not by the arch but the flat part) and goes up her ankle

I have three! One is of a yellow hibiscus flower with my daughter's name on the back of my neck. The second is on my left shoulder blade of a baby angel sleeping (for the one I lost in 2003) and the third is on the small of my back of a heart with a flame, like the one in the below. And yes I would get another one. I do like the one Angelina is getting in the pic. I have no regrets. I really think out what I want first b/c it's something that I will have for the rest of my life.

Originally Posted by NYAngel98 My tattoo actually TICKLED! God, it tickled so bad I tried so hard not to laugh. Not really any pain at all. The only time I actually felt anything was at the very end for like a minute when he colored in the yellow flower center. That was it.
That's so funny Janelle. My first one (the hibiscus) my hubby and his friend told me that it was going to really hurt. I told them that if I was able to give birth with no drugs that worked that I felt it all the pain, then I can handle a tattoo! And it is true it didn't hurt at all. The second one (baby angel sleeping) I was pretty numb to begin with b/c I did it 3 weeks after I loss my baby so I felt absolutely nothing. The third I felt a little but it was okay.
Originally Posted by Anya1976

i have 2 tats one on my right shoulder blade it's a poinsetta type flower i got that when i was 18and i got my ankle done when i was 20 i have a pic of my ankle


a friend drew the design and at like 2am it looked cool and i said dude put that on there.

i got mine done b4 it was the "in" thing to do. and i'd like to get a couple more. I want a Harley Davidson tat i just never figured out what i wanted so i haven't gotten it yet. i'd lke something on my foot but that would hurt like ****** so i am rethinking that. (my cousin has a cool as tat on her foot it wraps from by her toes up her foot on the side (not by the arch but the flat part) and goes up her ankle

LOL "i got mine done b4 it was the "in" thing to do."

Originally Posted by Tony(admin) LOL "i got mine done b4 it was the "in" thing to do."
well it's true. as soon as every one and their mother started getting tats i was like ok looks like i am waiting to get another one til after all the kids getting them decide it's not cool anymore, that was the main reason i didn't get my nose pierced when i wanted it done. i have wanted my nose pierced since i was 18 then it got "cool" then i had a window a couple years ago when it wasn't the "in" thing to do now it's "in" again so i have to wait and that was a thing i said i'd do b4 i am 30 cus yanno you can do stuff like that in your 20's but people look at ya funny when you are doin this stuff in your 30' i have a year left hopefully it gets uncool again lol (i am not one for trends can't you tell i do try to be kind of original)
Sorry girls, I have no tatoos. I am the ipotome of conservatism and just cannot fathom getting any.
Nothing against you all who have them tho.

I have one on my right calf. Which I have only had for about a year. Though i did think about it for ten. I had drew up the design in the early nineties and kept it around. I figured if I still liked it in ten years and it still held the same meaning, then I would not regret getting it. It is of a pyramid with the latin phrase "face quidlibet volo" insde, which means do what thy will. Then insde that is anothe pyramid with the eye of Osiris inside that and an ankh off the lower curved line of the eye. The pyramids represent power, the ankh and eye are life and death. As for another one I am debting on one for the other calf of a jester or fool, to represent my carefree spirit and innocence in life that one should never let die.

As for Angelina's one I like it very much. For myself it is a little bit to big though.

Here is a pic of mine


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