Do you have a Tattoo? forums

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Sorry, no pic. My computer is about to go out the window! It has been acting up all day. When I get working right I'll try and reattach the pic.

Originally Posted by tylda1969 Yes I have 1 on my right ankle. I like it as much now as when I first got it which was about 12 or 13 years ago. Thou I don't think about it. I really want to get one on the small of my back of some kind of scrolling design. My husband didn't used to want me to get another one, but he's been thinking about one for himself lately. If he gets one I will be with him getting the one that I want. Here's the one from my ankle.
Angelina's tatt would be too big for me....

I don't have one, but have been thinking about getting one on my lower back. Not sure about the design yet....

Tattoos for most people are not simply because they want a tattoo, or because it is "in". It represents something. Something, that maybe only they will understand. Just like Angelina. I may never get one that is that big, but it suites her really good.

I have one too. On my lower back, like NYangel, pretty low. a Chinese sign for "destiny". :)

I am not sure if I would like another one, but I would love to go through that experience again. That feeling of sweet pain is just addicting.

No tatoos for me or on my guy. I personally do not like them

Originally Posted by Diane

Do you have a Tatoo? If so what is it? Would you get another one? What do you think of Angelina's?
This is for Tony.


Suprisingly, I have no tattoos. I have given someone a gang tattoo when I was drunk with a homemade ink gun. Yes, they were a gang member, and my stupid friend was dating him. Ugh. I plan on tattooing every part of my body that I hate. My plans include shoulder pieces and lower back ones that wrap around the stomach, possibly some cute stuff on the back of my calves. Very bright and colorful, my first tattoo will be a Hawaiian floral design on my back. My parents aren't too happy with my idea for the arms, so I am going to wait until later before I get that done.

Hi everyone!! i also have a tattoo from when i was 14, and really stupid!! im not allowed to have them in my religion, so i did a big mistake, but before i didnt listen to i regret it.....i want to get it taken off, but still collecting the money to do it and it is and it a baby with butterfly wings who can make wishes.....but now my only wish is that it wasnt

IMHO, I think many people have Tattoos they regret, but just don't say it. It's a pride thing I am sure.

Originally Posted by kitakat

Hi everyone!! i also have a tattoo from when i was 14, and really stupid!! im not allowed to have them in my religion, so i did a big mistake, but before i didnt listen to i regret it.....i want to get it taken off, but still collecting the money to do it and it is and it a baby with butterfly wings who can make wishes.....but now my only wish is that it wasnt

Originally Posted by kitakat Hi everyone!! i also have a tattoo from when i was 14, and really stupid!! im not allowed to have them in my religion, so i did a big mistake, but before i didnt listen to i regret it.....i want to get it taken off, but still collecting the money to do it and it is and it a baby with butterfly wings who can make wishes.....but now my only wish is that it wasnt Thats actually a cute idea, Kita....l think that if you had it done now instead of at 14, it could've been more detailed, colored, realistic, etc.... & you might find it more appealing. The tattoos people are getting now are so "WOW" in comparison to ones that were done years ago... guess the technology changes with the times...
I think I would only regret mine if I had a name on there.. I would NEVER put someone's name on me permanently... but that I would eventually regret if I did. Especially if me & the guy broke up & I'm stuck with his name on me.
I like the position of mine, and that it's simple and small... so I have no regrets... but I can see how some people might.

Yes, I have 2 and I DO want more!! My first one I got about 10 or 11 years ago. It is of an English Bulldog just above my right ankle. I love those breed of dogs, but since they are so expensive, I figured that was the only way I could have one. The other one I got for my 33rd birthday this past October. It is of roses w/ full and closed blooms w/ the leaves wrapped around my left ankle. My next one is going to be of an alligator. And I can't wait!!! I also want a few more here and there, but right now I am concentrating on getting the alligator. As for Angelina's, I LOVE it!!


Originally Posted by jamiemeng No tattoos for me. Just gonna get a piercing on my nose in a year or two. Thanks That's cool.... I only have my ears pierced.

Originally Posted by NYAngel98 Thats actually a cute idea, Kita....l think that if you had it done now instead of at 14, it could've been more detailed, colored, realistic, etc.... & you might find it more appealing. The tattoos people are getting now are so "WOW" in comparison to ones that were done years ago... guess the technology changes with the times...
I think I would only regret mine if I had a name on there.. I would NEVER put someone's name on me permanently... but that I would eventually regret if I did. Especially if me & the guy broke up & I'm stuck with his name on me.
I like the position of mine, and that it's simple and small... so I have no regrets... but I can see how some people might.
My father has about 20 tattoos, mostly tribal and aquatic stuff like that, he pays big money to have them done and gets them mostly done in amsterdam and singapore...i still regret mine though, but i agree that nowadays there is more of a choice...i did choose to get the gray color that it is, because i didnt want it to dark.....When i went to get it done there was a 25-26 year old guy in the chair and he was getting a girls name covered up, but it was huge and exactley where yours is...he had to get a batman logo over it bigger than a sheet of paper, it was bleeding so bad and he was in so much pain!! i almost left....i also convinced my cousin to get a toungue ring that day....have u ever seen how they do that!!yuck!! in the car leaving she got it stuck in between her two front teeth, and as she was driving she had to take the wheel pretty quick and that was my first driving lesson.loool...
Originally Posted by kitakat My father has about 20 tattoos, mostly tribal and aquatic stuff like that, he pays big money to have them done and gets them mostly done in amsterdam and singapore...i still regret mine though, but i agree that nowadays there is more of a choice...i did choose to get the gray color that it is, because i didnt want it to dark.....When i went to get it done there was a 25-26 year old guy in the chair and he was getting a girls name covered up, but it was huge and exactley where yours is...he had to get a batman logo over it bigger than a sheet of paper, it was bleeding so bad and he was in so much pain!! i almost left....i also convinced my cousin to get a toungue ring that day....have u ever seen how they do that!!yuck!! in the car leaving she got it stuck in between her two front teeth, and as she was driving she had to take the wheel pretty quick and that was my first driving lesson.loool... Yeah... I saw a friend get her tongue pierced once... ugh I couldn't even watch them do the whole thing! Too painful looking for me - & I think I would have something like that happen to me too (if not worse) so I don't thinkI'll ever be getting one! LOL Plus for some reason I dont think I'd like having to feel it in my mouth all the time.. too annoying!

Originally Posted by Naturally Funny ..I don't even feel mine ...forget that it's there actually! But then I've had mine since 92 so no wonder I'm used to it. I did have to repierce it also ...had taken it out for a job interview ..and didn't put it back in time (those WILL heal over) ...didn't take much and it didn't hurt! Didn't even have the swelling like the first time! I guess you'd get used to it... especially in that amt. of time! But I don't know... a poppy seed that gets stuck in my tooth or on the side of my mouth will drive me crazy.. so I don't think I have the tolerance to leave it in long enough to get used to it! LOL I'd be ripping that thing out the minute I smack my teeth with it! LOL

Originally Posted by Naturally OH NO NO NO NO me ...I'm like that too ...strawberry seeds, POPCORN ..god I hate when those little pieces get stuck ...I can get REAL anal about getting that LITTLE piece out too! LOL Maybe because this is in the center of the tongue ..although at first it was some time getting used to it ..and mostly that was because the bar was TOO long! Once I went to a much smaller bar's better. I'll admire yours from afar! LOL I'm like that w/ popcorn too - I refuse to eat it unless I have plenty to drink nearby... especially for those plastic like things that always seem to get stuck in the WAY back and shiny side up so that you can't wash it down!! Ugh ugh ugh!

Originally Posted by broken I have a small one on top of my right foot. Hurt really bad too. It's 3 keys representing "love, health and wealth".
thats cute!
And did they bring you 'love health & wealth' ?

Originally Posted by broken LOL well I have love and health so 2 out of 3 isn't bad! I guess the 3rd one could be very close.
Thats cool!
I think I may need some keys! LOL
Here's pics of two of my tattoos, as promised!



Originally Posted by Tony(admin) We will require PICS, you know
Originally Posted by wongy74 Here's pics of two of my tattoos, as promised!


cute Jess!

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