DIY Spa Treatment: At-Home Hair Purifier forums

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Jan 10, 2007
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If clarifying shampoos aren't getting rid of the greasy, grimy residue that gets left behind in your already oily hair, you'll love this at-home purifying hair treatment. Made with aspirin to help stimulate your hair follicles and apple cider vinegar to get rid of build-up and control dandruff, it'll help your hair feel bouncier, lighter, and clean as a whistle. Here's what to do:


  • STEP 1: Wash your hair as usual
  • STEP 2: Crush two aspirin and pour them into an eight-ounce cup filled with apple cider vinegar (use more vinegar for thick hair and less for fine hair).
  • STEP 3: Next, apply to damp hair and leave on for fifteen minutes and then shampoo hair again. Skip using conditioner unless your hair is really tangled. In that case, just use a little bit on the ends and rinse well.
Thanks for the information, i just love many great uses!! I love that and can't believe how many things to do w/asprin...woohoo just did my first asprin mask tonight and now think I just may have to do my hair, since the bottles out, why not?LOL Thanks again Aprill!

WOT! this sounds great! Thanks for the tips Aprill! (im gonna try it)

i need to try this tomorrow, cause my hair has been greasier than its normal greasy self lately.

I am going to try this but without the aspirin because I don't have any at the moment.

has anyone tried this yet? I really want to but i'm out of asprin right now. I'll have to go get some now.


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