What's in your purse right now?
My roller ball of Harvey Prince Eau de Flirt (which I adore!), Orbit Cinnamon chewing gum (best on the planet), about a dozen lip balms, ponytail holders (I've really been getting into the Twistbands lately as they don't seem to snag my hair nearly as badly as conventional hair rubber bands), keys, lipstick & lipliner (those two makeup products ALWAYS come with me..), my wallet, mini hair brush, anti-bacterial hand wipes (love these!), small handheld mirror, Mor hand cream, my Bench earbuds, prescription meds, and not nearly enough pens & pencils.
What is your favorite holiday?
Christmas. Hands down. The lights, the sounds, the food, the sweets, and probably more than anything the nostalgia. It is by far my favorite time of the year.
What candies and baked goods do you especially like?
Oh, man. This is tough. I usually don't discriminate when it comes to candies and baked goods, but some of my favorites would have to be brownies & cookies. I'm also a big "bar" fan..you know the ones that have layers and layers of all different kinds of yummy goodness? Yeah, those. If there's coconut, chocolate AND walnuts inside-even better. Oh, and fudge. I'm a sucker for fudge. and sugar cookies. and pretty much pumpkin anything.
I'm stopping now.
What candies and baked goods do you dislike?
For me, this really has alot more to do with certain flavors rather than particular types of baked goods and candies, although I'm not particularly fond of hard candy... not a huge fan of butterscotch, or lemon..or fruitcake..dates and raisins really aren't my favorites, either.
Is there any beauty product that you are dying to try?
I'm sure there is, but it's escaping my memory at the moment LOL..Wait! Face masks...! I have a current obsession lately with the new individual ones that come in foil packets...any brand...whether paper based, or not is irrelevant to me..high marks if they are yummy smelling! (Chocolate, Strawberry, Raspberry, and kind of fruit, really...vanilla, honey, etc..) If you can find one that smells like cake, I...will....die.
What are a few of your hobbies?
Trolling MUT! Does that count? Okay...my hobbies. I've really taken a huge interest in studying Astrology in the last couple of years. I've collected a little over 30 books on the subject and I recently started doing natal chart readings for close friends and family.. so.. that takes up most all my "hobby" time as of late, but I absolutely love it

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How old are you (approximately) if you are comfortable sharing?
Do you like coffee or tea?
This is going to be a hugely unpopular answer but NEITHER. I almost never drink coffee and/or tea. I'm more of a Diet Coke and flavored water type of gal... I do, however, ADORE hot chocolate in every variety

[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Do you have any pets?
Not at the moment
You're in the sephora version of Supermarket Sweep and you have 30 seconds. What's the first thing you bolt for?
Aggh! My mind went in so many different directions when I read this question! I can't decide whether I want to run to the skincare or barrage the makeup section! (This is a prime example of the Gemini in me!) Ok..let me really think about this for a second...hmmm...
If it were today, I would probably just run to the holiday section where all the body care gift sets are! That way, I could maximize my value! LOL
I seriously think gift sets are the best idea ever...I just purchased the Laura Mercier Patisserie hand cream sampler and I LOVE IT. (Probably because I love mini hand creams

[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Is there a particular color that has a majority in your closet?
Not really. Every color of the rainbow is pretty much equally represented
What subs do you get?
Birchbox (x2), Ipsy, Glossybox & Sample Society.
Blush Mystery Box if it's a good month.
What scents do you like:
I have an on going joke with several MUT'ers about this, but seriously...I LOVE TO SMELL LIKE CAKE. Or any baked good, really. I'm pretty sure I have every bakery scent ever released from Demeter, and they rate highly in my most treasured belongings category..I love Orange Blossom, as well...(especially when it's mixed with Vanilla!)...Lavendar & Vanilla is definitely one of my most favorite scent combinations of all time.
What scents do you not like:
I'm not a huge fan of "earthy" scents...grass, trees, etc.
Really not into Patchouli, either...
What makeup item can you not use at all:
Mascara. Not because I already have a million laying around, but because I wear eyelash extensions... so, I literally can't use it LOL
What makeup item do you use every day:
Well, in all honesty, I use about 25 different makeup items everyday LOL
What colors do you avoid:
Blues and Purples...they tend to accentuate the already ghastly blueish purple in the dark circles under my eyes
How would you describe your style of makeup?
I'm all over the place with my style of makeup..one day classic..the next day trendy...it really comes down to my mood that particular day..I'm very versatile and love to experiment with different looks
What are your favorite colors (both generally and for makeup products)?
With the exception of blues and purples, I LOVE ALL THE COLORS!!
(I secretly love blues and purples, too, but can't wear them due to the already blueish/purple discoloration that plagues my undereye area
Do you own a lot of items from any particular brand?
I honestly don't...If I had to say, I probably have the largest collection of Benefit..
If I am your secret santa and send you an over the top, fab gift would you:
A) prefer everything wrapped individually or B) have a huge smorgasboard to look at?
If it's not too much trouble for my SS, I would love to have everything wrapped individually..to me, unwrapping gifts is the best part!
A) open each gift slowly and methodically or B) tear everything open like a mad woman
Definitely open each gift slowly and methodically!
What are your feelings on prepared/unsealed samples?
Totally fine
I'm also very open to receiving gently used/swatched things that are sitting alone and unloved in your stash
What kind of extras would make your day?
Foils. Seriously. I love them. Send me ALL the foils.
Also miniature sized anything beauty/makeup related!! I love minis!!
Pacifica lotion wipes?
Is there an item (makeup, tool, skincare) you feel is missing from your routine, if so what?
Hmm...not that I can think of!