(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Quote: Originally Posted by MissRoe /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Hey, just thought of something, and I don't mean to be a buzzkill since we just got our ss assignments--

1) when is the latest @Tiffany27la, (my secret santa), should put my SS gift in the mail. Is there a due date for these gifts?

2) When I open said gift from @Tiffany27la, when will it be ok for me to post pics and announce she was my secret santa??

My gift is going all the way across the country so it's important for me to get some dates in my head!!


Someone please get this woman the proper information!!!!

Here you go my lovely SS.

PS : I'll try to fill out my wishlist better. 

What are your favorite colors (both generally and for makeup products)?

Generally I love purple, pink, and blues.

Makeup, I usually stick to neutral colors but I want to start wearing some fun colored makeup!

What colors do you use most in your apartment decoration?

Purple and blues.

Do you own a lot of items from any particular brand?

Ehhh. Quite a few things from The Balm (nude tude, 3 instains, 2 blushes, sexy mama, and I can’t remember what else)

What scents do you like:

Food scents,  light fruity scents, light florals (I love lilac!).

What scents do you not like:

Not fond of strong scents. Or Lavender.

What makeup item can you not use at all:

I’d say bronzer and/or tanning products because I’m so pale and scared to use these items.

What makeup item do you use every day:

For my simple days foundation, powder, lip scrub and lip balm, mascara. For days I have more time : previous items + eyeliner, highlighter, blush, and either a lip gloss or lip stick.

What colors do you avoid:

Yellow,  and orange. I’m not sure they would look good on me.

How would you describe your style of makeup?

Simple and safe.  I sometimes get to lazy to try to do anything cool.

If I am your secret santa and send you an over the top, fab gift would you:

a)prefer everything wrapped individually


B) have a huge smorgasboard to look at

I enjoy unwrapping things!

a) open each gift slowly and methodically


B) tear everything open like a mad woman

I’d like to think I would take my time, but….I can’t promise I won’t be a mad woman.

My Questions:

What are your feelings on prepared/unsealed samples?

I would be happy with them.

What kind of extras would make your day?

Handmade and local items. Beauty samples (I even like your unloved items but please just let me know if they’re used)! I love me some samples. Postcards or a letter (I like penpals!), mixed cd, a book.

What ONE PRODUCT (not brand or color in particular, just product) do you use more than any other?  (What runs out the quickest in your make-up drawer?)

Probably lip balm.

You just won a $50 giftcard to Birchbox/Target/or insert your favorite beauty store here....What's the first thing you want to buy???

Makeup of course! Maybe some cute **** from Target. Or a purse! I love purses.

Love LUSH & love baths! I have fair skin (usually wear "light" in foundations & BB Creams) Blonde hair & blue eyes My Santee is playing hide & go seek! Hmmm! Come out & play already so I can spoil you rotten!

I feel sort of spoiled by the fact that my giftee is a frequent poster, has an awesome wishlist, and has completed most of the questions! Almost too easy 

Okay so I just got my makeup brush roll that I ordered from an Etsy shop (austineg) and thought I'd share because it would make a lovely Christmas gift! She has so many prints. Thinking I might have to order another one for me and one for my SS!
Oh my gosh I've been looking EVERYWHERE for one of these!!!
Quote: Originally Posted by allistra44 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I feel sort of spoiled by the fact that my giftee is a frequent poster, has an awesome wishlist, and has completed most of the questions! Almost too easy 


Quote: Originally Posted by LisaLeah /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  What is the best way to stalk their posts? It's a great idea to find out what they like!
If you hover over a name with your mouse a box will show up and you can click on "all posts"  to read everything they've posted on any group.  

Here are some questions I haven't answered. I will also add them to my Wish list so it's easy to find. Do you like to watch and/or play any sports? AZ Cardinals fan :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Do you like to read? If so, what kind of books/magazines do you like you read? Not into books as much but I love reading articles on different lifestyles, places and people's experiences. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? I would love to go to Paris. My question, if I were to buy you slippers and/or slipper socks, what is your general size? 6-6.5 Dear People Who Want to Try Lush: Do you have a tub? Do you/would you take a fancy bath? Yes & Yes

Quote: Originally Posted by Jamie P /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I would like to know what everyones skin tone is.... light/medium/dark? Just a general range... but feel free to add in tones too.
Light/medium ,  I get pretty pale in winter but then get freckles and a bit tan in summer. 

Quote: Originally Posted by LadyK /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  If you hover over a name with your mouse a box will show up and you can click on "all posts"  to read everything they've posted on any group.  
Thank you! I seriously was wondering if there was some way to do that.

Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Dear People Who Want to Try Lush:
Do you have a tub? Do you/would you take a fancy bath?
Yes to a tub and YES to fancy bathing.  

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  My question, if I were to buy you slippers and/or slipper socks, what is your general size?
Womens size 9 for shoes.  Do they size socks the same way?  I am realizing that I have never as an adult bought myself socks.  My Mom gets us each a bunch of socks every Christmas.  Wow.  weird.  I just freaked myself out.  LOL

At 27, this is what I'm starting to feel. In Jun I'll have been out of HS a decade and other than a marriage and a kid I have nothing to show for it. I didn't get to finish my schooling. I've never even held down a real job for more than 6 months. I have no idea where the time went *sigh*
I know! Time flies! But girl at 27, you gotta a lot of life left to live! Never too late to make changes :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> But enjoy the time you have with your daughter and your hubby (when he is home. I cant even imagine what thats like, just remind yourself how strong YOU are!) those are the real things that matter in life :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I only wish I had more time with my family and didn't work like a mad woman. Though, I'm at work right now and clearly working really hard LOL.
Do you like to watch and/or play any sports? I don't play any sports really. I'd like to get into hula hooping/hoop dancing. 

But I am a huge fan of the Detroit Red Wings!!!!Do you like to read? If so, what kind of books/magazines do you like you read? YES! Love reading. I do have a nook color but seriously nothing beats a real paperback book. I also like magazines and those are just generally beauty/fashion/lifestyle/women related. I love Cosmo!If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Europe! I would loooooooooooooooove to go to Europe!

My question, if I were to buy you slippers and/or slipper socks, what is your general size? 8Dear People Who Want to Try Lush:Do you have a tub? Do you/would you take a fancy bath?YES & YES! 

Skin tone:  Pasty pale and pink.

Baths:  No tub.

Shoe size:  Canoes!  I mean size 10.

Okay, I have *so much* to go through tonight that I need to stop posting now and start reading!  My Santee doesn't seem to have a very extensive list or posting history, so there may be a lot of "well, *I* like it, so maybe she will, too!" going on for me.

Light medium My HG foundation is tarte's amazonian clay 12 hr in light but I can get a bit deeper in summer

shoe size U.S. 10

I have a tub downstairs but also a shower upstairs so stuff for both would be awesome

I just brought my purse out so nothing in it I was just using my wallet before

Supermaket sweep sephora?

the marc jacobs line because I love the packaging but soo expensive or atelier ambre nue

I think I'm done keeping up with the questions though, I think I've given enough information that anyone should have a good idea. If not I swear I'm not picky.
