(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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I have a message for my elf!  I have a different address for them if they plan to send my gift out this coming friday or later!  I will be at my parents house from 12/22-12/27, and If it gets delivered those days, I am afraid it will get stolen :|

Got an elf message, and sooooooo excited!

I was trying to be all nonchalant and hoping to forgot about expecting it so it would be like a surprise....like finding a $20 in the pocket of a pair of jeans you haven't worn in a while. Alas, fail...I keep stocking this forum and the reveal forum because it's so awesome that people who have not met each other offline have been so thoughtful and generous. I makes me smile. Aaaannnnd....also because I'm hoping to see my santee post any day now! 

Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I worry for companies if hubby won't finish something off, I'm like "If he won't eat it, who does?!?!".



Originally Posted by missemiee /img/forum/go_quote.gif

My quotes aren't working!! Bahhh!

Lol but yes! He eats everything, things most people think are disgusting like gizzards (omg gross!! ) but yet bacon popcorn is where he draws the line! I agree, it doesn't bode well for those companies who probably assume my husband and his love for gross food is their target market.

Both our hubbies should be on the testing/tasting panel for new products!  "HE didn't like it, NO GO, next...."

edit, I mean your hubbies, I don't have one yet 

Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I would make sure that your people have access to a microwave Hubby says that someone in the Hangar bought the one they have. He says that he thinks every Hangar has one and that they share when someone asks to use it but I'm not sure how much access anyone has to what. If microwave is confirmed, popcorn sounds awesome also thin enough to get a lot on a box.Good idea I'll ask hubby if he wants some in the next box.

On a related note due to company switches he might be coming home in Jan for a lil while before starting training at a new company. Less pay but he'll be home more and he'll be training on UAV's so he's excited about that

Thanks, I think they do.  Am glad you might get to spend more time with him.  

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Now I really want some chocolate filled with brandy! Those are my favorite. Next time I'm at the commissary I'm stocking up.

Also, this cold weather has not helped my hankering for vodka. I need something to keep my belly warm.

They came out before T-Day at Costco and I was like, why eat anyother chocoalte when these are around!  Vodka IS one of the flavors and as JC said, you can stick them in the freezer... runs to stick handful in said freezer...

Ex-beau (this one from San Francisco) came to visit and I handed him a boxful he was like "Awe I LOVE you!  We used to hang these on the Christmsa trees!"  Then we booked tickets to the Book of Mormons (which currently, is very very much out of my budget) for the evening and I pretty much had a 5-star experience of NY for the week... where I lived.   No hanky panky though, whats so ever, just 2 friends, it was ver generous and sweet of him, you know just because of the liquors, okay not really but they are almost THAT good!

Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I would make sure that your people have access to a microwave Hubby says that someone in the Hangar bought the one they have. He says that he thinks every Hangar has one and that they share when someone asks to use it but I'm not sure how much access anyone has to what. If microwave is confirmed, popcorn sounds awesome also thin enough to get a lot on a box.Good idea I'll ask hubby if he wants some in the next box.

On a related note due to company switches he might be coming home in Jan for a lil while before starting training at a new company. Less pay but he'll be home more and he'll be training on UAV's so he's excited about that

Congrats on having the hubby come home and the new job!

I just finished wrapping all of the items for my Secret Santa and I've got to admit that I'm feeling a bit sad that this is coming to an end. Perhaps we can re-visit the idea of a February (or even a quarterly) gift exchange?  

Quote: Originally Posted by JC327 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Congrats on having the hubby come home and the new job!

Quote: Originally Posted by FormosaHoney /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Both our hubbies should be on the testing/tasting panel for new products!  "HE didn't like it, NO GO, next...."

edit, I mean your hubbies, I don't have one yet 

Thanks, I think they do.  Am glad you might get to spend more time with him.  

Quote: Originally Posted by tgooberbutt /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Congrats on having your hubby home more, and congrats on the new company and position - new beginnings are always exciting and full of possibilities! 

As for the microwave popcorn - I got a pack of the bacon ones from a (now defunct) Goodies Box earlier this year - it stunk up the entire floor of my office building with the intense smell of liquid smoke and baco-bits. Beware! 

Thanks guys. I'm definitely excited for more time home but also equally annoyed that the company that is taking over the current contract determined that in 6 weeks hubby will not be qualified for the same job he is doing now (better than his colleagues I might add). It would have been nice for the company to buy his contract because they pay well but I can't make them take him. The new company is approx 5 months gone/ 2 months home and the paid training is pretty awesome. It seems to be an opportunity that won't be available in a few years (the people with the experience the company wants are all still enlisted personnel, so they have to train people now but in a few years training will probably no longer be provided because qualified applicants will be available) so I'm hoping a gamble of more training and more time home for less pay turns out ok in the long run.
Quote: Originally Posted by jpark107 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I just finished wrapping all of the items for my Secret Santa and I've got to admit that I'm feeling a bit sad that this is coming to an end. Perhaps we can re-visit the idea of a February (or even a quarterly) gift exchange?  
I agree!  Maybe we can do a mini exchange in march, june, and september and then keep the big one in December.  The first three can be seasonal, spring summer and fall, and can have a lower price limit ($15?) so we aren't going too crazy all year.

Clearly, I have thought a lot about this.

I love this idea!

I agree!  Maybe we can do a mini exchange in march, june, and september and then keep the big one in December.  The first three can be seasonal, spring summer and fall, and can have a lower price limit ($15?) so we aren't going too crazy all year. Clearly, I have thought a lot about this.
I agree!  Maybe we can do a mini exchange in march, june, and september and then keep the big one in December.  The first three can be seasonal, spring summer and fall, and can have a lower price limit ($15?) so we aren't going too crazy all year. Clearly, I have thought a lot about this.
This is such a great idea! Count me in!
@Dayo Steph IT'S BEEN SO COLD in Chi this the past two days.  I quit?  Also, I'm super excited about puppy.  But I dunno how to puppy proof my apartment?  Any tips?  Things I wouldn't normally think of?

I fell over while walking through snow TWICE today. TWICE! What am I, a kindergartener?!? I was gonna have an impromptu Chicago day yesterday, looked at the metro schedule, looked at the weather, and decided staying home and shopping here was better lol

@Dayo Steph  IT'S BEEN SO COLD in Chi this the past two days.  I quit?  Also, I'm super excited about puppy.  But I dunno how to puppy proof my apartment?  Any tips?  Things I wouldn't normally think of?
Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I fell over while walking through snow TWICE today. TWICE! What am I, a kindergartener?!? I was gonna have an impromptu Chicago day yesterday, looked at the metro schedule, looked at the weather, and decided staying home and shopping here was better lol

Bahahaha yeah yesterday would have been a terrible Chicago day.  I stayed at home until I went to a Christmas party and then on my way home I was like "Dear L, take me home" and then I was like "F this S.  It's cold.  WHERE ARE THE CABS"

There was a discussion of having a Secret Admirer exchange for V-Day!

Today, I did a whole lot of nothing.  I made some Crispix mix and a lot of beverages (tea, decaf tea, herbal tea, decaf green tea, and Propel).  I'm trying to flood the cooties out of my system.  I also watched a good chunk of the first season of _The X-Files_.  I had completely forgotten the styles -- clothing, hair, and makeup -- of the time.  Yikes.  They had *all* of the shoulder pads.  

Quote: Originally Posted by meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  There was a discussion of having a Secret Admirer exchange for V-Day!

Today, I did a whole lot of nothing.  I made some Crispix mix and a lot of beverages (tea, decaf tea, herbal tea, decaf green tea, and Propel).  I'm trying to flood the cooties out of my system.  I also watched a good chunk of the first season of _The X-Files_.  I had completely forgotten the styles -- clothing, hair, and makeup -- of the time.  Yikes.  They had *all* of the shoulder pads.  
Hahaha, shoulder pads. ECK! And I love the ideo of a Secret Admirer exchange!

Quote: Originally Posted by meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  There was a discussion of having a Secret Admirer exchange for V-Day!

Today, I did a whole lot of nothing.  I made some Crispix mix and a lot of beverages (tea, decaf tea, herbal tea, decaf green tea, and Propel).  I'm trying to flood the cooties out of my system.  I also watched a good chunk of the first season of _The X-Files_.  I had completely forgotten the styles -- clothing, hair, and makeup -- of the time.  Yikes.  They had *all* of the shoulder pads.  
This is one of my favorite parts about the early seasons of Buffy.

Quote: Originally Posted by elizabethrose /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  @Dayo Steph IT'S BEEN SO COLD in Chi this the past two days.  I quit?  Also, I'm super excited about puppy.  But I dunno how to puppy proof my apartment?  Any tips?  Things I wouldn't normally think of?
I know!!!! We went shopping today, and froze our toes. But we warmed up out at Movieco - first time i've been there, what a gorgeous theater. Nice to sit in seats that aren't totally cramped.  

Puppy proofing 101 - make sure all cords, cables, etc, are wrapped together and out of nose reach.  If there are inquisitive noses that get into cupboards, get kid proof locks.  A lot of it depends on whether or not you have a chewer.  Anything that looks like a toy - stuffed animals etc, keep out of reach until you know he won't go for them.

For safety's sake I'd keep all shoes out of reach until you know, and definitely make sure that anything edible is above nose height on hind legs.  I made the mistake once of having an emergency box of canned goods in my front room. My parents Bischon came to visit, and discovered the jar of unsweetened cocoa powder. It was in a cardboard box, in a tin, unopened. 

One trip to the vet for a stomach pump and charcoal purge later, he's fortunately fine, but it was traumatic for all involved.  We had a lab that ate the stuffing out of my childhood stuffed tiger, and another lab that liked to eat the middles out of aluminum pop cans. We found the top and bottom...but no idea how he processed the center.  

Also - if he's tall enough, make sure breakables aren't at tail swipe height:)  Honestly treat young dogs like you would a 2 year old:)  But sooo cute!
