(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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I have the most posts! Why don't you people tell me to STFU?? I am both proud and embarrassed about my lack of life....

Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I have the most posts! Why don't you people tell me to STFU?? I am both proud and embarrassed about my lack of life....

Woo hoo!  No one tells you not to post because you post funny, informative and positive things!  

Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I haven't either.

Quote: Originally Posted by Tiffany27la /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I've never tried them, but I want to sooo bad!!
They are good! But just a warning, something I found out when I was a teen; no matter how many you drink eat, they will not get you buzzed LOL

Quote: Originally Posted by morre22 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
They are good! But just a warning, something I found out when I was a teen; no matter how many you drink eat, they will not get you buzzed LOL
Truth lol.

It won't quote you properly but TY @lovepink you made my night (and made me blush but that's not hard).

Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  It won't quote you properly but TY @lovepink you made my night (and made me blush but that's not hard).
Aww, I am glad!  I was going to say it is because we speak your language (meaning we understand you) but couldn't fully articulate that!  But we get you, and love you and appreciate all the information you share and commentary!  So keep up the good work!

Quote: Originally Posted by elizabethrose /img/forum/go_quote.gif
True!  I just had someone come and look at my apartment (to be my third roommate) and found out that he has a housetrained husky mix!  Maybe I'll be getting a puppy to play with and live with but not actually own soon!  How great would that be!

I guess I'm going to get my stuff together though and go play at CVS- it's super gross outside!  But I need toilet paper and contact solution, and I could use a browse in the makeup section! 

That's the absolute best way to have a puppy:) I want one desperately but we can't have one in our apartment right now, but puppies you can play with and give back are awesome:)

Congrats everyone who's finishing up school and KellyKaye for the dean's list! That's awesome and well deserved I'm sure.  

I've been a slacker tonight, I was supposed to go to a white elephant party but ended up canceling and soaking in the tub instead with my new peppermint bath goodies from my Santa. 

I went out in the snow to do some pottery earlier, Chicago got something like 4 inches, which isn't that much but it's just so sloppy and gross. Eww! @Elizabethrose I'm with you - Staying home is really the better option:)

Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I haven't either.

Quote: Originally Posted by Tiffany27la /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Oooh..do I spy with my whittle eye some chocolate liquors?? Mmmmmmmmmmmmm

They are declicious and make the best tree ornaments! I got these at Costco in a box of 8 flavors. I've been popping a few into everyone's gifts.  

I bite the top off and slowly sip out the content, hmmm... and I don't know if it's genetics but munching on 5 of these gives me a teeny buzz me.  But so does 2 sips of wine or 1/4 of a beer, really!  Getting drunk on these is definetly a chllenge, but if you've got a mellow buzz going, these maintain the mellow nicely.  

@twakable, since one can't get drunk with these, do you think I could sneak a handful to AFG in care package?  I so want to but it's alchohol...  BTW, thanks for tip, I went to Kroean grocery store and picked-up a box of the Shin noodles in bowls and some miso-paste mackerl to go with it.    

I'm sure they'd love it if you tried lol. They always request alcohol lol. Because of the low content I'm sure it would be fine. You're not supposed to send pork but I just sent bacon, so I'm not exactly a stickler for the rules. I'm probably not the person to ask. If I can get away with it they deserve what I can send lmao.

Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I'm sure they'd love it if you tried lol. They always request alcohol lol. Because of the low content I'm sure it would be fine. You're not supposed to send pork but I just sent bacon, so I'm not exactly a stickler for the rules. I'm probably not the person to ask. If I can get away with it they deserve what I can send lmao.

Hey, think I shopped around and got the right answer!  In they go!  Am sooooo excited now.  Will go get MORE!  How do you send bacon?  

The Oscar Meyer pre-cooked bacon is shelf stable until the inner pack is opened then it needs to be refrigerated. So it needs to be eaten in one sitting but in a group of guys that's not hard
Walgreens also sells bacon jerky.

Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  The Oscar Meyer pre-cooked bacon is shelf stable until the inner pack is opened then it needs to be refrigerated. So it needs to be eaten in one sitting but in a group of guys that's not hard
Walgreens also sells bacon jerky.
Lardy, the Walgreen stuff got great reveiws!  What do you think of popcorn?

I would make sure that your people have access to a microwave Hubby says that someone in the Hangar bought the one they have. He says that he thinks every Hangar has one and that they share when someone asks to use it but I'm not sure how much access anyone has to what. If microwave is confirmed, popcorn sounds awesome also thin enough to get a lot on a box.Good idea I'll ask hubby if he wants some in the next box.

On a related note due to company switches he might be coming home in Jan for a lil while before starting training at a new company. Less pay but he'll be home more and he'll be training on UAV's so he's excited about that

Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I would make sure that your people have access to a microwave Hubby says that someone in the Hangar bought the one they have. He says that he thinks every Hangar has one and that they share when someone asks to use it but I'm not sure how much access anyone has to what. If microwave is confirmed, popcorn sounds awesome also thin enough to get a lot on a box.Good idea I'll ask hubby if he wants some in the next box.

On a related note due to company switches he might be coming home in Jan for a lil while before starting training at a new company. Less pay but he'll be home more and he'll be training on UAV's so he's excited about that

Congrats on having your hubby home more, and congrats on the new company and position - new beginnings are always exciting and full of possibilities! 

As for the microwave popcorn - I got a pack of the bacon ones from a (now defunct) Goodies Box earlier this year - it stunk up the entire floor of my office building with the intense smell of liquid smoke and baco-bits. Beware! 

Quote: Originally Posted by tgooberbutt /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Congrats on having your hubby home more, and congrats on the new company and position - new beginnings are always exciting and full of possibilities! 

As for the microwave popcorn - I got a pack of the bacon ones from a (now defunct) Goodies Box earlier this year - it stunk up the entire floor of my office building with the intense smell of liquid smoke and baco-bits. Beware! 
OMGoodness, that made me cringe and LOL. I can't imagine!

Lol. I bought my husband bacon flavored microwave popcorn a couple years ago from Urban Outfitters. I didn't try it but he didn't like it and he LOVES bacon! He said it was really salty and not in a good salty popcorn way. I bought a box of three, he ate the one bag and I'm pretty sure we still have the two other bags shoved in the back of the pantry somewhere. Ewww.

Quote: Originally Posted by missemiee /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Lol. I bought my husband bacon flavored microwave popcorn a couple years ago from Urban Outfitters. I didn't try it but he didn't like it and he LOVES bacon! He said it was really salty and not in a good salty popcorn way.

I bought a box of three, he ate the one bag and I'm pretty sure we still have the two other bags shoved in the back of the pantry somewhere. Ewww.
I worry for companies if hubby won't finish something off, I'm like "If he won't eat it, who does?!?!".
