(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Quote: Originally Posted by lovepink /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I think we should have a designated elf team -much like that list we had but ensure that people know who is an elf. Maybe I am just taking my elfly duties too seriously but i CRINGED when someone would post "I need an elf!" And someone replied "me me!" Because... Well, if you were trying to uncover the Santa mystery you could just go backwards and maybe figure it out - who needed an elf? Who replied? Who PMd you?
I think that is a good idea!  It would be neat if there could be some sort of designation in our profile thingie (whatever is to the left of what we post or the signature line).  Only downside to that is that when postin in other threads people might wonder why it says "Elf Extraordinare" or something like that

That would be so cool!

Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Ok, on the real computer....here's a sneaky-peek at my Santee's goodies which should be leaving tomorrow- even If it ends up being in 2 boxes =p
P.S.- Santee....Seriously, can we just agree that you'll believe that my 2 yr old did most of the wrapping?....well, at least you'll have something to rip apart....regardless of it's lack of beauty. =p

  Could these be coming to you?! COULD THEY?!?! P.S.- missing 3 items...I forgot one till just now and the other 2 I can't show because it would be too big a tip ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Looks great and the candy looks delicious!

Quote: Originally Posted by DorotaD /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Dun dun dunnnnn! Here is my Santees gift!!! I somehow managed to cram everything into the box I had. I hope everything makes it alright! I'm so excited for her to get it. This whole experience was just so much fun. I very much look forward to her reaction when she opens it. Hopefully she will wait until Christmas
but I won't be upset if she tears away at everything hehe
Looks great!

When I Needed an elf, I sent a PM to an active member of this thread. I figured if you are active on here, you are likely to find being an elf fun! I then got to be an elf for one of my elves! Too much fun!

 I love being an elf!
I think we should have a designated elf team -much like that list we had but ensure that people know who is an elf. Maybe I am just taking my elfly duties too seriously but i CRINGED when someone would post "I need an elf!" And someone replied "me me!" Because... Well, if you were trying to uncover the Santa mystery you could just go backwards and maybe figure it out - who needed an elf? Who replied? Who PMd you?
The number of people who have quoted this passage, which essentially tells people to do just this and calls everyone's attention to it, is a bit more attention getting than one person posting a one-line message several pages back. IMO. Let's focus on the fun.
I just want to point out that not everyone on this thread wants to be an elf. I am big on surprises and being an elf ruins some of it for me. My request is for people to please, please use the elf list. Just because you don't mind, doesn't mean someone else won't :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif

My turn to whine!  Ugh, I woke up this morning, got ready for work, requested that the eighteen-pound cat get off my back, and lost my voice.  All day, I thought it was allergies -- and then I got on the bus at the end of the day to come home and got *slammed* with congestion and sneezing.  Strangely, pretty much the moment I walked in the door of my apartment, my voice returned.  I really hope that the copious amounts of apple juice and tea I will be drinking tonight flush the cooties out.  We have our annual departmental holiday luncheon at Morton's tomorrow!  Free expensive food and booze!  I do *not* want to miss that!  (On the up side, if I call in sick, there's no way I will be doubted:  I've *maxed out* my sick time accumulation because I practically never get sick.  I took *one* day more than a year ago.  It's gone past an office joke that I don't get sick to just a fact of life.) This is the sort of **** I deal with when it comes to MC Large Barge, aka Oscar, aka the aforementioned eighteen-pound cat:

He's sooooo cute! I wish my guy was more of a lap kitty, but he only wants to stand on me when he's in the process of dropping his soggy toy in my face. 

OMG!  I'm so excited.  I'm try to be a good little girl and hold out until Christmas to open my goodies but look at this wonderful, lovely secret pile of beauty!! :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />:D:D!

!  Thank you Santee!!  I think I will still wait :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  (though opening the box certainly makes it harder)

OMG!  I'm so excited.  I'm try to be a good little girl and hold out until Christmas to open my goodies but look at this wonderful, lovely secret pile of beauty!! :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />:D:D! !  Thank you Santee!!  I think I will still wait :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  (though opening the box certainly makes it harder)
Yay!!! So glad you like it! The sachet might not keep as well bc it had fresh pine in it so that one might be an early treat to open :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> you are so good and patient to wait for the rest!
Quote: Originally Posted by nicepenguins /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Yay!!! So glad you like it! The sachet might not keep as well bc it had fresh pine in it so that one might be an early treat to open
you are so good and patient to wait for the rest!
Aw. thank you.  You are so lovely. I will check that one out.   :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

Quote: Originally Posted by Tiffany27la /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I know, right?! My packages are delivered to work and I'm off today!


We are supposed to have a "massive" storm today and I am hoping my mailman makes it before then. I don't even know if my girl sent it that way or not lol. And I am definitely NOT holding my breath for this "storm" and "inches of snow" because meteorologists are the most highly paid, subjective probability using dillweeds!

So, I am kinda worried that my box was too stuffed and that things might get damaged in transit. I really hope that they don't, even though I would send replacements, I would still feel terrible.

My one last thing I was waiting for is now complete and I can wrap and ship today.  Yaaay! Although with snow it may be Monday.  I'll make sure to use an elf so my SS doesn't expire from anticipation:)

Quote: Originally Posted by Dayo Steph /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  My one last thing I was waiting for is now complete and I can wrap and ship today.  Yaaay! Although with snow it may be Monday.  I'll make sure to use an elf so my SS doesn't expire from anticipation:)

I really didn't expect it to snow this much!  Of course, everyone who has spent more than a few years here is like "THIS IS NOTHING" and I'm like "oh lordy.. please make it stop..."  part of me really wants to go to CVS to see if there's JUST ONE MORE THING that I need.. or if I should just.. stay home forever.

I really didn't expect it to snow this much!  Of course, everyone who has spent more than a few years here is like "THIS IS NOTHING" and I'm like "oh lordy.. please make it stop..."  part of me really wants to go to CVS to see if there's JUST ONE MORE THING that I need.. or if I should just.. stay home forever.
In my world, retail therapy cures all. Even snow. And if you get stuck in the snow, you'll have pretty things to look at/play with from the shopping =p
In my world, retail therapy cures all. Even snow. And if you get stuck in the snow, you'll have pretty things to look at/play with from the shopping =p
Y'know what pisses me off? If I'm feeling crappy (for whatever reason. Overstressed at work, hit with the death plague, filled with rage because some as***** did something that really hurt me) and do online retail therapy, when I get those things, I flash back to how horrible I felt when I ordered it. I'm okay if I order something that *arrives* during a hell time, though, so if I order something on, say, a Wednesday when I feel fine that arrives on a particularly nasty Tuesday, it's all good.
Quote: Originally Posted by magicalmom /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by Jazbot /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Here are my gifts for my Santee!! I hope I did a great job shopping for her!!

I keep trying to reach through my screen and grab the pretty packages, but my computer won't let me.  I think it's broken.  

You have a very lucky Santee!

Indeed she does and hey I should know, cuz I am her Santee!!!!! Thank you Jazbot, I wanna squeeze you long time!

I will soon post pics and all the fun stuff. Not sure if I am allowed to open them all, but I'm going to anyway. ROFLMAO. See ya on the reveal thread

Quote: Originally Posted by DeSha /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Indeed she does and hey I should now, cuz I am her Santee!!!!! Thank you Jazbot, I wanna squeeze you long time!

I will soon post pics and all the fun stuff. Not sure if I am allowed to open them all, but I'm going to anyway. ROFLMAO. See ya on the reveal thread

YAY! Ohhhhhhhh I want to be next, I am trying so hard to be patient! It IS NOT IN MY GENETIC MAKEUP!
