(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Ok, on the real computer....here's a sneaky-peek at my Santee's goodies which should be leaving tomorrow- even If it ends up being in 2 boxes =p
P.S.- Santee....Seriously, can we just agree that you'll believe that my 2 yr old did most of the wrapping?....well, at least you'll have something to rip apart....regardless of it's lack of beauty. =p

  Could these be coming to you?! COULD THEY?!?! P.S.- missing 3 items...I forgot one till just now and the other 2 I can't show because it would be too big a tip ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

i love Japanese candy and marble soda :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />   Pick me pick me  :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />   j/k i hope you SS loves everything and your wrapping skills are awesome!

Quote: Originally Posted by nikkimouse /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  i love Japanese candy and marble soda :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />   Pick me pick me  :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />   j/k i hope you SS loves everything and your wrapping skills are awesome!
I assure you, the picture is making my wrapping look a BAZILLION times better! lol. (Plus I tried to hide the...rough parts.)

There's some things (one item in particular) that NEEDS to have it's hollow-y protective casing thingy....so I had to wrap over it, and it was, ....well, a disaster lol. I'm sure my girl won't mind, hell, she'll probably laugh at how awful it is!

Now, you give me a nice, square solid box- I can wrap that to the heavens! lol.

Also- I'm out of tape now. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I'm loving the pictures of the wrapped gifts because I keep thinking ohhh is that one mine ohh maybe that one is for me   it is getting me more excited every day!!!!

Quote: Originally Posted by meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif

My turn to whine!  Ugh, I woke up this morning, got ready for work, requested that the eighteen-pound cat get off my back, and lost my voice.  All day, I thought it was allergies -- and then I got on the bus at the end of the day to come home and got *slammed* with congestion and sneezing.  Strangely, pretty much the moment I walked in the door of my apartment, my voice returned.  I really hope that the copious amounts of apple juice and tea I will be drinking tonight flush the cooties out.  We have our annual departmental holiday luncheon at Morton's tomorrow!  Free expensive food and booze!  I do *not* want to miss that!  (On the up side, if I call in sick, there's no way I will be doubted:  I've *maxed out* my sick time accumulation because I practically never get sick.  I took *one* day more than a year ago.  It's gone past an office joke that I don't get sick to just a fact of life.) This is the sort of **** I deal with when it comes to MC Large Barge, aka Oscar, aka the aforementioned eighteen-pound cat:

Hope you feel better soon!  Love the pic.

Dun dun dunnnnn! Here is my Santees gift!!! I somehow managed to cram everything into the box I had. I hope everything makes it alright! I'm so excited for her to get it. This whole experience was just so much fun. I very much look forward to her reaction when she opens it. Hopefully she will wait until Christmas ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> but I won't be upset if she tears away at everything hehe
I'm loving the pictures of the wrapped gifts because I keep thinking ohhh is that one mine ohh maybe that one is for me   it is getting me more excited every day!!!!
Me too! Then when I see someone else receive the gifts I've seen before they were sent I'm like aww it's not mine... But that means mine is still somewhere and someone out there is thinking about me! That's really such a nice feeling
I'm 500% hooked on the face masks.  And now I love this deoderant.  And snowcake smells like heaven.  I did hear that they're discontinuing some beloved items- Creme Anglaise, and one of the soaps.. I can't remember which one though D:
So, whenever I bring myself to go up to Salt Lake City again- I'm for suresies getting a mask I love masks. (I think I have the cupcake one on my list? Lol. ) And- here's a confession- I have a weird relationship with my deodorant. Like- I don't even stink/sweat bad or anything...but I MUST have it on at all times. The second I wake up, immediately after showers, sometimes the middle of the day- and before bed. It's like, a security blanket lol. When the husband noticed how weird I was about it, he made it a point to convert me to natural stuff- which I wasn't opposed to. So there's a lush deodorant? Going on my real life list immediately! Lol. P.s. if you're addicted to deodorant- please confess so I feel like less of a freak lol.
Quote: Originally Posted by Tiffany27la /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Guyyyyys...I'm dying a slow and miserable death over here

Today I woke up with a *slight* pain in one of my front teeth (bicuspid), which, at first I thought was really no big deal, because I've had a root canal AND crown done on that exact tooth five years ago...fast forward to 11PM tonight and I am literally crying (which is very unusual for me- I can take LOTS of pain), but this is monumental...

The worst part is my dentist (and my dental *insurance* are all overseas...(I've lived part time in the US part time in Beirut for the past five years) so...first thing in the morning, I'm throwing myself into the first endodontist office I can find

Has anyone else had problems like this with a tooth that's already had a root canal and been crowned?? I seriously can't even touch it....owwwwcchh

Tooth pain is the absolute worse, hope you are able to get some relief.

Quote: Originally Posted by Animezing /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I think that everybody did a fantastic job as Santas & no one should feel lousy. Actually, my favorite gifts were not the ones with a high price tag, but the homemade ones. I'm not crafty
and seeing everybody's reveal has inspired me to get in touch with my creative side. Right now I'm trying to make my own Anime themed Z palette (wish me luck, I need it).
 would love to see the results!

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by Tiffany27la /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Sorry for being OT, Director! I was just hoping someone could contribute who's been through this before because I ALREADY had a root canal and a crown on this tooth..I am taking some pain meds to hold me over until Monday because I can't get seen util then

I really hope you feel better, Tiffany. I've been having some issues with my teeth as well. I went to the dentist twice this week, have to get my wisdom teeth removed in January and need fillings in February.

It's unfortunate that all of this is happening to you right before Christmas and I really hope your pain mess help. *hugs* Sorry to hear that had mine taken out yesterday. I hope I am ok to enjoy Christmas dinner or we hare having another Christmas in January.

Alright. I wrapped my SS Nails gift last night, and my SS Regular gift tonight. I decided that I hate wrapping unusually shaped nail polish bottles. Ugh. Haha. Too much wrapping. But, hopefully my SS's enjoy the effort, when they receive them. I am looking forward to mailing them tomorrow morning. Err, in a few hours. I can't believe how late it is right now. My SS gift arrived this morning. I promised myself I wouldn't open it, until after I got my SS gifts wrapped and done tonight. I haven't even cut open the box yet. Patience! At this point, I think it's going to have to wait until tomorrow. I am too tired and afraid all the paper rattling would wake up the pups and/or my boyfriend. My dogs seem to think every package is for them, since their monthly BarkBox sub and other treats come in the mail. I am not sure who my SS is yet, but thank you already! It's fun knowing it's waiting to be opened very soon... :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif

So, whenever I bring myself to go up to Salt Lake City again- I'm for suresies getting a mask I love masks. (I think I have the cupcake one on my list? Lol. )

And- here's a confession- I have a weird relationship with my deodorant. Like- I don't even stink/sweat bad or anything...but I MUST have it on at all times. The second I wake up, immediately after showers, sometimes the middle of the day- and before bed. It's like, a security blanket lol. When the husband noticed how weird I was about it, he made it a point to convert me to natural stuff- which I wasn't opposed to. So there's a lush deodorant? Going on my real life list immediately! Lol.

P.s. if you're addicted to deodorant- please confess so I feel like less of a freak lol.

Oooh girl.  Look at the Coconut one and um, the bar that's half white and half blue.  The bar that's all white smells like patchouli, which is fine, except for I don't really feel like smelling like patchouli.  The Coconut one is a powder, a white powder, and you just put a little into your hands and then rub it into your armpits.  It sounds weird, but it absolutely works.  I wore it with a shirt today that is notoriously sweaty (a running shirt- nylon) and it was fine.  It smells clean, and kind of coconutty but not overpoweringly.  The powder can be messy though, but it rubs out of anything almost instantly, unlike normal white stick deodorant.  And, best of all, it's natural, and aluminum free!

ETA: I haven't tried the cupcake one, but I have BB Seaweed and one of the rose tabs to drop in hot water to open your pores- I cut it into four pieces and it's SO NICE.  And then it works as toner afterwards!  <3 <3 <3

Oooh girl.  Look at the Coconut one and um, the bar that's half white and half blue.  The bar that's all white smells like patchouli, which is fine, except for I don't really feel like smelling like patchouli.  The Coconut one is a powder, a white powder, and you just put a little into your hands and then rub it into your armpits.  It sounds weird, but it absolutely works.  I wore it with a shirt today that is notoriously sweaty (a running shirt- nylon) and it was fine.  It smells clean, and kind of coconutty but not overpoweringly.  The powder can be messy though, but it rubs out of anything almost instantly, unlike normal white stick deodorant.  And, best of all, it's natural, and aluminum free! ETA: I haven't tried the cupcake one, but I have BB Seaweed and one of the rose tabs to drop in hot water to open your pores- I cut it into four pieces and it's SO NICE.  And then it works as toner afterwards!  <3 <3 <3
I need to make a friend who works there. Lol. I NEED IT ALL.
Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  can we all just celebrate how i finished my last final last night?! it took 3.5 hrs. Tuesday's took ~4. Not bad! 

now, time to be at my student-receptionist job for the next 9 hours!

I always wake up to the thought of my SS box waiting outside our door. Most of the time, I see it in my dreams. LOL. Too much thinking, ei?

My in-laws will be spending the week here next week and most likely me and hubby will be busy taking them anywhere before they fly to NorCal. Should my SS box arrive prior to that, I hope it's okay with my SS for me to open my presents after Christmas day. We will be traveling NorCal a few days before Christmas and be back home a couple of days after.

On the other hand, I am sooo anxious if my SS recipient already received hers yet. The tracking says delivered and I am worried if it did get into the right hands. The tracking was crazy being scanned as out for delivery then two hours after it was in another zip being processed. USPS' system is getting sooo wonky lately.

Quote: Originally Posted by nikkimouse /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  my package is ready to go out tomorrow  I'm super excited  I can't wait for my girl to get it i hope she loves it

Nice, love the paper!

Quote: Originally Posted by missemiee /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by missemiee /img/forum/go_quote.gif

She's not my secret santee but we had planned a swap awhile back and I thought I'd share her wrapped presents. She only knows one of the things she's getting; the item we are swapping, the rest is all a surprise!!!

Wrapped pretties for my NOT SO SECRET SANTA Swap with @yousoldtheworld

Ahhhh I've tried to upload this picture like 10 times!! Why!!!??Why won't you work?!

Ok. Let's try this again!!

So pretty! In love with the polka dot paper.

Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I need to make a friend who works there. Lol. I NEED IT ALL.

Right?  It's my new problem.. I absolutely cannot go in there anymore!  I will, however, be going the day after Christmas.  You can bet your $$ on that!

Quote: Originally Posted by meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Oh!  You guys!  I love Friday the 13th.  It turns out what I thought was an allergy incident was actually the beginnings of a cold.  I'm just congested/drippy/sneezy/floaty-feeling, so I didn't feel crappy enough to stay home from work (I *do* feel crappy enough to stay home sitting on my couch -- instead of grocery/present shopping or cleaning -- all weekend drinking tea, eating chips, and watching _Parks and Rec_ on Netflix.  For some reason, chips are pretty much the only thing I can bring myself to eat when I'm sick, and I only watch _Parks and Rec_ when I'm sick).  I have to feel *really* bad in order for me to be able to justify staying home from work, especially since it was the annual luncheon day (free food *and* the bigwig flies up from the Bay Area for this, so it would look bad if I stayed home, so I went to work.  The morning was just the typical morning (with extra Kleenex and restroom runs to blow my nose), then we went downstairs for lunch.  AND THEN!  I won a fourth quarter Award for Excellence!  And the bigwig was there to see it!  I had *no clue* this was coming.  I assumed that I specifically would *not* get it because I just never get things like that.  I can tell from the nomination text that it was my boss because it was precisely what she put in my annual review (and one of the reasons given was my perfect attendance record -- and I was in fact there on a day where I felt kind of crappy but not sick enough to stay home).  But the most awesome part and my main reason for posting:  There's a $100 Visa gift card involved!  I'm thinking about using it for a small Sephora order just to make sure it works and then tucking it away for Emerald City Comic-Con (Espionage Cosmetics should have their nail wraps there, and I want many of their designs).

And then I came home to a stack of boxes on my stairs:  PopSugar, Birchbox, and Scratch nail wraps!  And the nail wraps box bonus item:  a Hammond's Candy Cane Crunch bar:  dark chocolate with peppermint bits!  The only thing in my mailbox -- where the bills usually go -- was a brochure from the city about composting and holiday garbage pickup schedule changes!  I love mail days like this.

(My previous Friday the 13th highlight:  March 2009, when a local theatre showed the second-to-last episode of _Battlestar Galactica_, and there was someone there who happened to be in town for her mom's birthday, so she and her family came to the theatre after dinner and a whole lot of wine.  It was a packed house, and you had to be there hours in advance in order to be able to get in, but I got in, and I got a fantastic seat.  The someone is named Katee Sackhoff.  We sang "Happy Birthday" to Starbuck's mom!)

(And now, hot shower and tea time.  I'm not doing anything that is any more strenuous than making tea tonight.  When I feel kind of icky and just hole up for the weekend, I can usually kick this sort of crap in the teeth.  Sometimes it just takes one evening to do the trick.  Fingers crossed that it works this time!)
Congrats on the award and the awesome mail day. Hope you feel better soon.

Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I think we should have a designated elf team -much like that list we had but ensure that people know who is an elf. Maybe I am just taking my elfly duties too seriously but i CRINGED when someone would post "I need an elf!" And someone replied "me me!" Because... Well, if you were trying to uncover the Santa mystery you could just go backwards and maybe figure it out - who needed an elf? Who replied? Who PMd you?
 I love being an elf!
