(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Getting so antsy to mail- but I can't as I'm still waiting on goodies.

And can I just vent a little? I was born and raised in tx and literally never dealt with snow- not real snow (one time it sorta...powdered and stuck for like, ten minutes!). I'm in Utah now- and there is easily a foot of snow that happened in like, 4 hours. My minivan of doom can't get up my driveway! I'm pretty sure I can't get my daughter from her bus stop (beginning of our "community"- so a little bit of a drive from the house) so I'm hoping my husband can drive all the way up here in the 4-wheel-drive and get her ...and then go back to work. Lame.
Also- and I get it and don't blame them at all- but FedEx and ups can't come up here because of the stupid snow so they are leaving my stuff (and my santees stuff!) somewhere down the mountain. I certainly hope I find it/it's ok/I can dig my van out of the snow to actually go get it soon. Ugh.
In summary, kcuf snow!
Sorry to hear that, I am from NYC so I know how it is to deal with tons of snow.  I also lived in TX for a little bit so I get where you are coming from. I hope you were able to pickup your daughter safely.

Quote: Originally Posted by Tiffany27la /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Haha, you and me both sister. I got her so much...I don't even wanna know how much it's gonna cost to ship! Oh well.
Oh- and since there really wasn't anything "local" besides the Book of Mormon (isn't this state the beehive state or something? Idk) and I'm not really a native/local or anything here- I just got her some of the goodies that occur in my weirdo life lol. She might not like them- but I think she'll appreciate it and it definitely looks like things I'd send lol.

In other news, we need to be friendsies so you can make me Louisiana food
I shall send you kittens, love, rainbows and only the finest of wines. (Which you have to go to a liquor/specialty store to buy here- wtf Utah?!)
This would ruin. my. life. straight up.

aaand I would LOVE to share my Cajun cooking skillz with you! I can whip uo some Southern delights. fo real.

like the pot of gumbo that's currently simmering on my stove

eta: on the the subject of voodoo dolls, I tend to stay away lol,

Black Magic is NO joke, and I have personally witnessed some seriously crazy hsit.

Watch the Skeleton Key with Kate Hudson..it was filmed in Louisiana.  for a reason.

Gumbo sounds so yummy, please feed me lol.

I watched that  movie and I was scared for days. I am also the biggest scary cat in the world.

OMG I am so behind. My box is still sitting on my table waiting to be shipped out. It's going to have to wait until Monday. My work schedule sucks lately! Having so much fun watching these go out and come in though. Love it!!

Quote: Originally Posted by utgal2004 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  So my car dealership just told me that the flat tire I had over thanksgiving weekend doesn't just require a new tire.  I also bent the wheel so badly I need a new one of those too.  With labor, the estimate was $887.  
 Guy told me to go to a discount place and just buy 4 new wheels that aren't from the manufacturer to save money.  My first instinct was to cry.  Then I was cursing the streets of Houston for so many potholes, one of which I hit.  But then, I decided to go to Walgreens where I knew they were having beauty clearance and instead bought my Santees more presents.  Somehow that made it feel a little better...
So sorry to hear that and so close to the holidays. Hope you are able to find a cheaper alternative.

Quote: Originally Posted by meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif

After Santa season is over, can we have an Endless Summer Camp thread? This one is going to max out one of these days (I think the maximum post count is 5000, and we're past 4500 in here already!), and we clearly need a thread like this!
 this is my favorite thread.

Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif

After Santa season is over, can we have an Endless Summer Camp thread? This one is going to max out one of these days (I think the maximum post count is 5000, and we're past 4500 in here already!), and we clearly need a thread like this!
There's a max? Only ask since The sephora thread is gonna be at 7000 sooner than later =p I have so much to catch up on that thread!  Why do I have to do things that take me away from MUT?  I just want to catch up on all the threads im behind on.

Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by lioness90 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I guess my giftee will get her gift tomorrow, since the USPS tracking hasn't updated.

Mine got delivered today according to tracking, YAY.

Tracking just updated! Her gift was delivered today!!!!

Quote: Originally Posted by ttanner2005 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Your package is ready to go out tomorrow. If I can finish the letter to you.
Wow nice!

Quote: Originally Posted by Sakura83 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by JC327 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Luckily everyone has been understanding that I have told about SS, the hubby even came with me gift shopping. Now I am just nervous about my SS liking her gift, the 2 year old wrapping job I did  & I feel bad  I didn't make anything homemade.
I've been pretty lucky, my husband understands because quite honestly I do this all the time - buying presents for total strangers. Some days when we are out shopping I would mention to my hubby that oh this person would like this and tell him it was a "regular" that I started to know so well and he would say go for it. In fact he does it too! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

That's great! I love random acts of kindness.

Quote: Originally Posted by Jac13 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

@JC327 don't feel bad; I have nothing that is homemade. I am not that crafty to give as a gift. I wish I had time to bake some homemade goodies but my schedule is kind of crazy and when I get home I am too tired. Things will go back to normal in a couple of weeks. I am sure your santee will love their gift.
Thank you! I just always get anxious when giving gifts that the other person will like them. I hope she does I put a lot of time into getting something I thought she would like & even had he hubby come shopping with me. I didn't stick to the budget at all since I practically bought everything in euros.

Quote: Originally Posted by angienharry /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by Jac13 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

@JC327 don't feel bad; I have nothing that is homemade. I am not that crafty to give as a gift. I wish I had time to bake some homemade goodies but my schedule is kind of crazy and when I get home I am too tired. Things will go back to normal in a couple of weeks. I am sure your santee will love their gift.
I am in the same boat. Nothing homemade but my santee loved her gifts. I'm sure yours will too!! Thanks!

Quote: Originally Posted by missemiee /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by JC327 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Luckily everyone has been understanding that I have told about SS, the hubby even came with me gift shopping. Now I am just nervous about my SS liking her gift, the 2 year old wrapping job I did  & I feel bad  I didn't make anything homemade.
I'm not making anything homemade. It's just not my forte, I'm not crafty at all. And I have zero time for that with working like a mad women lately. I didn't even do crafty stuff for my wedding last year, it's not my thing.

So in advance, I'm sorry Secret Santee but your not getting any homemade items from this girl. But I think you'll appreciate that because my attempt would be awful. Lol I am not crafty at all which is sad because my mom and my aunts are super crafty one of my aunts is even an interior decorator. I am however talented at shopping lol.

Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Afghanyland boxes. Not pictured is a leatherman multitool and mini ratcheting socket set. Most of it is just tools and stuff they asked for. I tried to throw in a few fun surprises for them. I'd really like to send them more but while hubby makes good money I really can't afford to send more than 5 boxes.
Those are awesome packages! That is a great Christmas treat for those away form home.

Quote: Originally Posted by FrostKitty /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by JC327 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Luckily everyone has been understanding that I have told about SS, the hubby even came with me gift shopping. Now I am just nervous about my SS liking her gift, the 2 year old wrapping job I did  & I feel bad  I didn't make anything homemade.

I decided to learn how to knit and use a knitting loom 2 weeks ago. I have now had 2 knitting lessons, and I think the lovely woman teaching me has Stockholm Syndrome. The only people getting handcrafted by me things are people who HAVE NO CHOICE but to wear what I knit for them.
 I want to learn how to knit but I am afraid it will turn out like the French toast incident that my cousins still will not let me forget even thought  I was 15/16 at the time.

Gahhh I have a note to pick up a parcel at the post office but I can't get it until monday. IT COULD BE MY SS GIFT. Why isn't the post office open 24/7. 

Quote: Originally Posted by allistra44 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Now that I'm all done shopping, I'm stalking my gift recipient less. I've moved on to stalking the rest of you to try to figure out who has me 

I know it's supposed to be a 'secret' santa, but I'm too impatient and curious to not try to figure it out!
 I want to be surprised but at the same time the suspense is killing me.

Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Haha, girl I've been reverse stalking since we got assigned! I'm sort of convinced that my ss is either a)being active as a "ghost" as I like to think of it ...or... B) I don't have a ss :,(
I can not, for the life of me, figure out who has me, and IT KILLS ME ON THE INSIDE. lol
Me too!

Quote: Originally Posted by JC327 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
 I want to be surprised but at the same time the suspense is killing me.
I am one more day of being trapped in the house from creating a database of the people who post, the people who have already received their gifts and the people who have posted that they've shipped because I really doubt I will remain sane if I have to watch another season of Ancient Aliens.  

Quote: Originally Posted by FrostKitty /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I am one more day of being trapped in the house from creating a database of the people who post, the people who have already received their gifts and the people who have posted that they've shipped because I really doubt I will remain sane if I have to watch another season of Ancient Aliens.
I think I have seen every episode.  It tends to be on in the background as I clean the house on the weekends.  
