Bringing you peace one war at a time
Be careful though not everything is cheaper. So I always google something if I like it.
I know! Crazy good timing! What an awesome surprise to get on my birthday!!!What awesome timing!!! Â Way to go, Elizabeth!
I do love it!! Thank you so much! Seriously it made my day to get my secret Santa gift today! That's funny though I totally thought someone had me that I had never talked to before and we HAVE interacted before so you got me there!! Lol. Yay! December birthdays! When is yours?Hi, I'm the one who "isn't on MUT much!"The fact of the matter is I've been crawling all over the site and this particular thread, gleaning ideas (or at least I was until an emergency hit my husband's family, then he was hogging the iPad for a while.) @missemiee  I really hope you like your bonbons, and doubly so because of your birthday! (Fellow Sagittarius waving--I'm a December baby too!)