(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Be careful though not everything is cheaper. So I always google something if I like it.

What a great birthday! I got my Secret Santa gift today too!!!! Thank you [@]Bflopolska[/@] /Elizabeth!! I'm going over to the reveal threads to post my pictures of my gifts!

Quote: Originally Posted by missemiee /img/forum/go_quote.gif

What a great birthday! I got my Secret Santa gift today too!!!! Thank you @Bflopolska /Elizabeth!!

I'm going over to the reveal threads to post my pictures of my gifts!
What awesome timing!!!  Way to go, Elizabeth!

Quote: Originally Posted by missemiee /img/forum/go_quote.gif

What a great birthday! I got my Secret Santa gift today too!!!! Thank you @Bflopolska /Elizabeth!!

I'm going over to the reveal threads to post my pictures of my gifts!
Hi,  I'm the one who "isn't on MUT much!" :) The fact of the matter is I've been crawling all over the site and this particular thread, gleaning ideas (or at least I was until an emergency hit my husband's family, then he was hogging the iPad for a while.) @missemiee I really hope you like your bonbons, and doubly so because of your birthday! (Fellow Sagittarius waving--I'm a December baby too!)

Hi,  I'm the one who "isn't on MUT much!" :) The fact of the matter is I've been crawling all over the site and this particular thread, gleaning ideas (or at least I was until an emergency hit my husband's family, then he was hogging the iPad for a while.) @missemiee  I really hope you like your bonbons, and doubly so because of your birthday! (Fellow Sagittarius waving--I'm a December baby too!)
I do love it!! Thank you so much! Seriously it made my day to get my secret Santa gift today! That's funny though I totally thought someone had me that I had never talked to before and we HAVE interacted before so you got me there!! Lol. Yay! December birthdays! When is yours?
Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  This day is crap and it's not even 9. Can I go back to bed?
We all have those days, hope things are looking up for you since then.

Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by Sheeeeeelby /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I feel like I'm the only one who actually doesn't want to guess their SS . Which is amazing because I am always the one who look at spoilers & ask hints about Christmas presents LOL. I do wonder though when gals are posting, if they are my SS but I wouldn't want to really know until I have the box. I want to be surprised for once. I love surprises!

The same goes for my Secret Santee. I don't want her to find out! So I've been trying not to post even the slightest hints LOL.
whenever someone has an elf request for me i'm just like "shoot! that's not my person!" but i also don't want to know who my person is until i get it!

This^^^ exactly but I must say I  love being an elf  its so fun.

Quote: Originally Posted by ttanner2005 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I told you ladies earlier in the thread that I rear ended someone on the way to mail my SS package last year. Well, now I'm being sued.

Sorry to hear that, hope everything works out for the best!

Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Dear Secret Santee:

I was going to go home and grab the box and mail it out before class. My boyfriend just notified me that the old woman who lives a few doors down from us has passed away...a while ago based on "what he smelled when they opened her door". The fire department and cops are in my building. I am too scared to go home now. Sorry. And RIP apartment 21.

Xoxox Jess.
RIP apt21 I would be scared to go home too.

You guys!!!! I am about to go to Trader Joe's with my roommates, which I NEVER do as it is pretty far.  What do I need to make sure to pick up??  I am not a fan of the chocolate covered chips (too sweet) or cookie butter (I have like 1,000 kinds of nut butters already, and shouldn't keep that kind of thing in the house 

Quote: Originally Posted by FrostKitty /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm mailing everything out tomorrow - I would've mailed out my SSantee nail today but MrKitty HAD to see Frozen on Friday during a matinee filled with sniffling, coughing children including one particularly heinous and obviously virulent little beast who sat next to me camouflaged by a cloak of cuteness that was so adorable that I shared Kleenex and butterfingers with it. So I'm home wrapped in a cloak of bitterness sneezing and coughing and playing Call Of Duty.

I was debating opening up the boxes and adding to them but have decided that Sending a plague box probably wouldn't be appreciated by my SS's.
Hope you feel better soon!

Bahaha....not that cookie butter counts as a nut butter- a nut butter actually has *some* nutritional value, lol.
I don't keep it in the house either lol.

I've never been to a tarder joe's in all honesty- so I'd say just wander around and pick random things =p

Quote: Originally Posted by slinka /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Bahaha....not that cookie butter counts as a nut butter- a nut butter actually has *some* nutritional value, lol.
I don't keep it in the house either lol.

I've never been to a tarder joe's in all honesty- so I'd say just wander around and pick random things =p
LOL I know, but I just can't justify it when I have so many things I SHOULD be using instead 

Quote: Originally Posted by gemstone /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  You guys!!!! I am about to go to Trader Joe's with my roommates, which I NEVER do as it is pretty far.  What do I need to make sure to pick up??  I am not a fan of the chocolate covered chips (too sweet) or cookie butter (I have like 1,000 kinds of nut butters already, and shouldn't keep that kind of thing in the house 
I love the candy cane joe joes.  They are like oreos but with candy cane pieces in the filling.  I also love their honey goat cheese if you want something savory.  I usually want to buy everything so I'm not a good one to ask.  

Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Argh. So I ordered something for my SS without realizing it came from China. Knowing it usually takes like 4-6 weeks I ended getting her something else. Guess what just showed up in my mailbox today? Too bad I already shipped her box yesterday.
Aww that sucks!

And....now I want cookie butter, lmao.

My want of NOT gaining 15 pounds is stronger though, I think.

...Unless I *only* eat the cookie butter...calories are calories, right? RIGHT?!?!?

Quote: Originally Posted by FormosaHoney /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Hello Santee!  Got my flight of fancy popcorn from KuKuRuZa, first sampled through Love With Food (am not getting paid for this endorsement).  They are amazables!  (still not getting paid, damn, I wish their PR or marketing would get a word spider and send me 50 bags for mentioning their name...)  Just on suger high right now!! 

I know you are chocolate fiend like me so I ordered the S'mores for you, but they didn't put it in!!!  So I'm going to put it out there  for voting:

Fancy Nut Caramel

Maple Bacon


Coconut Macaroon

Eggnog Brandy

Ther's one more flavor - Pumpkin Spice Pecan, but that one is in my cheeks, I am popcorn chipmunk.  Your skin looks so dewy that I think you are 17, so the Eggnog Brandy might not be a good idea.... or am I rationalizing?

I've emailed them on missing bag.   I plan on sending your box out no later then a week from today.  I'm all over NYC for my work so want to see if I can pick something cool and New Yorky for you.  If I could send you a Katz pastrami sandwhich I would, ohhh my...
Coconut Macaroon and Eggnog Brandy sound really good.
