(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Dear SS,

I haven't bought anything from my list.  It's been hard. REALLY, REALLY HARD.  But I threw myself into shopping for my SS and Nail SS.  I want to make them as happy as you're going to make me!  (No pressure!  I could open a box with wadded-up newspaper and Silly String and I'd be all like "YAY I GOT A BOX!!!")

I. am. so. EXCITED.  Cannot wait for reveals to start coming in!

Quote: Originally Posted by magicalmom /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Dear SS,

I haven't bought anything from my list.  It's been hard. REALLY, REALLY HARD.  But I threw myself into shopping for my SS and Nail SS.  I want to make them as happy as you're going to make me!  (No pressure!  I could open a box with wadded-up newspaper and Silly String and I'd be all like "YAY I GOT A BOX!!!")

I. am. so. EXCITED.  Cannot wait for reveals to start coming in!
^^^How I feel when I get anything that isn't a bill in the mail. =D

Seriously...I order free samples of stuff just so I can get a package to rip open lol. (Well, and the free trial-sized things and k-cups are a plus!)

....One time, when I was like, 15 or 16, Ensure was having a free sample thing, and it was supposed to be one per household....but I figured out a flaw in their system- if you changed the name on the form...or even the capitalization in the address, it didn't realize that it was the same household. Part of me thought I'd just get one, if any- I was only doing it cause I was like, "Wouldn't it be crazy if I actually got like, a hundred free samples? lolz" - Well, the mailman ended up leaving a literal garbage bag-type bag full of ensure at my door. Each sample was a whole bottle...every "anita Bonghit" and "Slinka thunderfuck" and every other crazy name had worked...and I lived off of ensure for quite a while. </end storytime>

Soooo excited. I have good news for my santee..... Ur package will be delivered by Friday!!! I can't wait!!
Priority mail and regular was the same price. So why not do priority!! And it comes with $50 insurance so please let me know if anything comes damaged!! Let's see if I remember how to do a spoiler from my phone...,

spoiler this is my kitty protecting ur box.

And the ready to ship package.
I am thrilled I got it all to fit in one of those super cute holiday birchboxes. Merry Christmas everyone!!

NM it was supposed to be delivered today and now it's going to be delivered by PO. NEVER AGAIN ULTA! I guess I'm spoiled by Sephora?

Quote: Originally Posted by angienharry /img/forum/go_quote.gif

So.... Guess I forgot how to do the spoiler from my iphone...oops!

I gotcha!  You're all spoilered up now! 

NM it was supposed to be delivered today and now it's going to be delivered by PO. NEVER AGAIN ULTA! I guess I'm spoiled by Sephora?
Usually my Ulta orders are pretty fast. This last one took longer, but that was because they took four days to process my order. I was annoyed and emailed them and got a canned response. Once they shipped it, I received mine petty fast for shipment containing polish.
Tomorrow will be a week and a half since ordering a little over a week since shipping. It's really not that bad but I am impatient and comparing it to Sephora or Amazon Prime just makes me antsy lol. I just want to finish packing my Santee's box!

I'm a little concerned about the weather here- I live up on a mountain and UPS and fedex won't come up here when the weather is poop, which is often currently. The way things seem to work over here is that everyone just *knows* where packages go and where to get them....and no one tells us. I think there is some old school or something I've heard ups leaves things at...I don't know. Hopefully it'll say on the tracking, or my stuff will just be sent via the PO- cause then at least I know where to find it!

Either way- my girl WILL get ALL of the goodies. I swears it. Come hell or high water, ...or...layers of mud under layers of snow on a mountain battling my minivan of doom.

I was wondering about trying to get a tracking number to my SS.  If I get one do you think I could use an elf to send it to her?  That way she can watch her box get closer and closer.  

Quote: Originally Posted by LadyK /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I was wondering about trying to get a tracking number to my SS.  If I get one do you think I could use an elf to send it to her?  That way she can watch her box get closer and closer.  

I think that is a great idea.  Up the anticipation, just knowing it's on it's way.  I would be excited.

I volunteer to be a tracking number or anything elf.

I'll volunteer as well, but I won't be able to forward the info until after about 5pm Pacific time weekdays (6pm Mondays and Tuesdays)!

The only thing I've bought myself lately makeup-wise was the Glinda palette from UD which is not something that anything I've written would have indicated that I would have wanted.  I just couldn't help it, and it's quite lovely especially for the price.  Iridescent eyeshadows are lovely and there are some nice colors in there.

So I snagged some wrapping things today.  My Santee hasn't indicated any particular thing that would push me towards a theme so I'm thinking ocean themed.  Hopefully she will appreciate my wrapping whimsy,  : D

Quote: Originally Posted by Tiffany27la /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I haven't purchased anything from my wishlist, either..even though I REALLY want to..I'm refraining. Stay strong ladies!

Me too and its so hard not to.

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif

One thing that's helping me not buy my wishlist items is the fact that I'm on a no buy. I get one day for the next month and a half to buy anything and that is Black Friday.

I'm really looking forward to receiving my preset from my SS because this is the only present I'll be getting for Christmas. We had a few unexpected expenses come up and so my present is postponed indefinitely. I am so excited and grateful that this Secret Sant exchange as been setup.
Sorry to hear that hope you get an amazing gift from your SS.

Quote: Originally Posted by angienharry /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Soooo excited. I have good news for my santee..... Ur package will be delivered by Friday!!! I can't wait!!
Priority mail and regular was the same price. So why not do priority!! And it comes with $50 insurance so please let me know if anything comes damaged!! Let's see if I remember how to do a spoiler from my phone...,

spoiler this is my kitty protecting ur box.

And the ready to ship package.
I am thrilled I got it all to fit in one of those super cute holiday birchboxes. Merry Christmas everyone!!

That's so cute guard kitty!

Quote: Originally Posted by JC327 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Sorry to hear that hope you get an amazing gift from your SS.
Thanks dear. I swear, I AM murphy's law. Whatever could go wrong in my life, could go wrong. This always happens during the holiday's. Oh well, I should set up an emergency fund specifically for the holiday's because something unexpected is bound to happen.

Dear Sweet SS,

Let me first start by saying that I love you and thank you! I know I haven't received my package yet but I just want you to know that I appreciate all of your hard work and for thinking about me at all. I also realize that we have never met and that might make this difficult but I feel as if this will create an amazing bond between us. That might sound completely cheesy but whatever, I am being honest. Also, I hope that you enjoyed shopping for me, that it wasn't too hard to read for my biography wishlist and profile, and just know that whatever you get me, I am going to be forever thankful for.

-Ace OUT!
