(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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I was away for the weekend with limited internet access and I came home to over 1000 posts behind.  I'm about half way caught up. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Dear SS,

I don't know who you are but I already love you just for thinking about me!!! I like drug store stuff and crazy stupid little silly extras too.  and food!!!! Local food, food you made for me, your favorite food what ever!!!!  please don't stress and I'm sorry if I'm posting sporadically November has been one heck of a month!  if you need any help feel free to use a little elf.

Love nikki

Dear SStee,

I'm trying to do right by you :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />BB messed up my order so your gift won't been sent out for a couple of weeks don't give up hope.  I am loving stalking you and most of the stuff is not from your list but I have my fingers crossed that you will love it.

Love nikki

on another note last week I put together 3 medium flat rate boxes one for my ss one for my nail ss and one for my bestie that I met on mut and sorted my trade list box and unused sample hoards into the 3 boxes based on what they might like so. I'm hoping you love random samples as much as I do :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  so now i'm just waiting for some orders and black Friday and we should be all set :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by Sunflowercake /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by JC327 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I have Anarchy and 69 from Ipsy, Catfight from the Sephora perk and I bought Venom, Naked, obsessed  and lovelight. I also want this set  I may have a lipstick hoarding problem.
Naaah hoarding lipsticks is a great thing!! On another note, we had a chance to run to some stores today and I got all excited picking out some German brands for my Santee, didn't even pick anything for me yet. We got to the register and I told the hubby how excited I was to find all this for the Santee and his reply was "I thought I got married so I do not have to spend money on another women!" Hahaha Too funny! Now you have to go and get some goodies for yourself.

Quote: Originally Posted by paralegalatl /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Does anyone know what time the Sephora Black Friday sale online starts? I'm sure it's posted somewhere...I'm in the midst of a Boardwalk Empire hangover and I can't find it 

I love that show!

Quote: Originally Posted by FrostKitty /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by JC327 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I have Anarchy and 69 from Ipsy, Catfight from the Sephora perk and I bought Venom, Naked, obsessed  and lovelight. I also want this set  I may have a lipstick hoarding problem.

I'm in the middle of creating a make up database and I've decided to call my unfortunate tendency to obsess on a shade to the point that I have at least 15 indistinguishable versions of it a passion.   Hoarding brings to mind scary visions of being found at the foot of the stairs partially consumed by my cats

The UD Revolution formula is to die for - it was easy to self regulate because with Urban Decay some of their shades make me look like the Undead.   Venom, Bang and Streak were particularly heinous on me.   F-Bomb is my favorite I carry one in my purse and keep another with my makeup.

Every time I look at all my lipsticks i think to myself ok time to stop but its so hard to resist the temptation of a pretty lippie.  I agree I love  the formula, I am dying to try f-bomb and jilted so hopefully I will be able to buy the set.

I finished my SS shopping!  Yaaaaaaaaay

Now I have plenty of time to wrap it up so I can ship on the 1st!

I just finished compiling a list of stuff to buy for my SS but I'm worried she might have some of the things I'm getting her. Hmmm...

I've noticed on some people had items on their wish list but later on other post mention they brought the item. So I don't know anymore.

Dear SS: I haven't bought anything off of my own list. I swear. ...not yet at least. Umm. I'm probably getting a FAB set with my BeautySage gift card. I am also gonna try to get the UD lipstick set. If you are very concerned, you can use an elf! But I really haven't bought anything recently -- oh except for whatever random stuff was sitting in my cart during the BB 50shoppingspree which, to be honest was all really boring stuff. Anyway SS I hope you're having fun shopping for me! Xoxox usofjessamerica Dear Santee: While I'm stuck in my office the day before thanksgiving when campus is all cleared out and no one will need my help, I plan on finishing an essay and I also plan on finishing the last touches on your gift. Is the suspense killing you??! I just want everyone to be happy! I'm also resisting the urge to take pictures of everything I'm doing for your gift. Anywho. Have a great day! Xoxox usofjessamerica

Ya'll are giving me anxiety as I'm still planning out what to get my Santee! I've seen a few great Black Friday deals that I want to jump on for her, so I probably won't be shipping out until the second week of December (still well before the deadline).  I'm hoping the excitement in the reveal thread will still be going by then! 

Ya'll are giving me anxiety as I'm still planning out what to get my Santee! I've seen a few great Black Friday deals that I want to jump on for her, so I probably won't be shipping out until the second week of December (still well before the deadline).  I'm hoping the excitement in the reveal thread will still be going by then! 
I'll have you know that my excitement will last through the new year! I love seeing everyone open their present!
I am waiting on some items for my SS; hopefully they will be here soon.  With the snowstorm that is predicted tomorrow, and the holiday, I am having a little bit of package anxiety.  NEED PACKAGES NOW! 
Before I spend more money!  :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  Just spent some on Kohl's webiste--I love that they opened up their black friday online specials today--with Ebates, free shipping, and $15 in Kohl's cash for every $50, I did quite well! 

I won't be able to ship until next week because my last order won't be here until then! Last year, things were still trickling in until after Christmas. I received my package on New Year's Eve, and I don't think I was the last one.

I think I have everything for my ss.  I just need to put it all together and decide how I want to wrap it all, which probably won't happen until Sunday. With Thanksgiving and a fence being put up in my backyard on Friday and Saturday, I just know I will not have time until then.  But hopefully, if i get everything done Sunday, I can mail it out on Monday.

I'm done shopping for my girl!!! I was looking thru last years reveals and it didn't seem like many people posted their gifts. I hope because we have so many people participating this year that lots of us will post our gifts. I want to see all the goodies everyone gets! I am notorious for never wrapping gifts unless its for my children.. but I'm going to try and wrap my girls stuff up nicely. I'm just terrible at wrapping lol. I will probably wait to send out my gift for another week or so just in case I come across anything else that I think she will love.

To my Santa: you don't have to worry about me buying anything for myself from my list or make-up & nail polish period! I'm on a strict no-buy until after the holidays because I don't want to spoil anyone's shopping fun. It's better for my pocketbook too. I'm getting excited for the reveals & am happy that everyone is sending their gifts at different times. It makes the fun last all of December!

I'm waiting until the middle of next week to ship stuff just in case I find anything for my SS on sale for Black Friday. MUST.BUY.ALL.THE..THINGS

Also, I'm going to CVS today to pick up some Prilosec before I am down for the count from my IBS. So I may find something fun there to throw in as well.

Quote: Originally Posted by trekkersangel /img/forum/go_quote.gif

To my Santa: you don't have to worry about me buying anything for myself from my list or make-up & nail polish period! I'm on a strict no-buy until after the holidays because I don't want to spoil anyone's shopping fun. It's better for my pocketbook too.

I'm getting excited for the reveals & am happy that everyone is sending their gifts at different times. It makes the fun last all of December!
I'm on a strict no-buy for myself until after the holidays too so don't worry secret santas!  It's definitely exciting that the packages will be arriving at different times so we can have weeks of fun with the reveals.  I'm going to be sort of bummed when this is all over lol.

I purposefully haven't been buying the things off of my list!  It's taking every bone in my body to not buy this whole UD lip set though.  Maybe I'll talk to my stepmother and see what she says.  I think I need it.
