(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Quote: Originally Posted by tnorth1852 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Okay, so who told birchbox about secret Santa?
Love it!

Quote: Originally Posted by Last Contrast /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Hokay. Just know that we are around even if we aren't posting as much! Umm... on the foodstuffs question I would love local candy, gum etc but anything that is homemade is not likely to make it to me alas. Australia has crazy strict rules about anything 'biological' entering the country.

And let's see, I kept my list vague as I'm pretty happy with many things! One of my favourite things when I'm in a new country is to trawl their drugstore makeup. And my ss has some specific items that I won't be able to get given how expensive they are locally so her gift was likely to be that single lipstick/blush/etc and not much else!!! so she is getting some drugstore dupes and some local cult products.
I think your SS will love her gift.

Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Yes, this is SO the case for me...I would have loved an international SS, but was worried about all the technicalities since I have never shipped things like that internationally (customs, fees, limitations...etc). But I would be over the moon to receive international products like that :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Same! "local" products in an international swap sounds *soooo* exciting!!!

Whenever anyone posts that their SSantee isn't a frequent poster I'm all like 
 " Well, they don't have me!"

Same here!

Hahaha I forsee my SS giving me something Harry potter or twilight or something just because I'm "anti-fandom"! I'm so glad y'all still love me, and my weirdness. I can't lie. The emojis make your comment like 100xs more awesome!
I think they do a good job of showing the actual emotion--in this case, light hearted ribbing--which can be difficult to express online. :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
I tried to coordinate one in September, but we just couldn't get everyone together. I'd love to try again though. The original plan was to meet at Sephora (if they offer a Sunday or Saturday class at Water tower) or at Grand Lux, grab food, hang out, then do some serious makeup browsing/shopping at the inglot store (Macy's) Sephora, Kryolan, Mac Pro, etc:)
I work weekends, so that is why I ca never attend. Boo!
Sooo I was going to wait until Black Friday to order the 'big' part of my gift, but I just looked at the shipping info on the site and it's 1-3 days processing + 3-10 days shipping. I don't think I want to cut it that close to the mailing deadline. 

Just going to order it today and stop at Ulta for a few little things. Then I just have to sit back, relax, and wait for the packages to roll in!

AHH. I was in Target picking up materials for Friendsgiving tomorrow. I walked in front of the Lays Choco Potato Chips. Looked at them, snapped a picture for my instagram, and walked away. It was such a fail for my sweet tooth and extreme desire for bad things, such a victory for sticking to my goals. Right now, at 1 AM, not buying those chips is probably the biggest regret of the week.
Same thing happened to me a few days ago lol.
Sooo I was going to wait until Black Friday to order the 'big' part of my gift, but I just looked at the shipping info on the site and it's 1-3 days processing + 3-10 days shipping. I don't think I want to cut it that close to the mailing deadline.  Just going to order it today and stop at Ulta for a few little things. Then I just have to sit back, relax, and wait for the packages to roll in!
Right?! Even though I knew the sales would be crazy good on BF, I figured the shipping would take forever, and I didn't want to chance it, either! The last two of my SS's packages are due for delivery today...Now I just have to find a place in town that sells a couple more of the local specialties I want to include, then it's time to start wrapping!!! :yesss:
Dear SS,

Are you stressing over what to get me? Really, no need to do that! I will help you purchase a gift in 2 seconds flat!!

Step 1. Drive to Target

                       wait, say whaaat? You don't have a Target near you, honey you need to move ASAP!!! If this is the case, there is no hope for you or my gift-lol!!

Step 2. Walk in the doors and hang a left. Do not be lured into the $1 aisles!!

Step 3. Look left until you come to the beauty section.Grab something from the various make-up/haircare/nailcare section. Chances are I have none of it. Taking small children to Target, like I     do, really puts a damper on looking at anything in the beauty section.

Step 4. Put items in the cart/basket/stroller and head back to the checkout and pay.

Hooray! Now go straight to the post office, throw it in a box and mail it to me! Voila!!

Hope this helps!!

Love love!!


Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I always get confused between all the malls/pocket of shops on Michigan Ave. There's the giant one (water tower?) that has the macy's and mac on the ground/street level..and that also has the American Girl store (maybe I made that up?) and then there's the other giant one with the giant Nordies and the Kiehls. Eh? Anyway, if my class schedule permits, I'd totally try my best to go to a MUT Chicago Meet Up!

If anyone wants to meet in Milwaukee, we can play at Sephora and go on a bunch of brewery tours 
. Mostly brewery tours.
Yep! and not only Macy's and Mac, but Lush and Inglot. It's like makeup mecca:)  I like that Sephora over the one with Nordies, because they carry Illamasqua - some of the Sephora's don't have it in store:)

Quote: Originally Posted by Jamie P /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I work weekends, so that is why I ca never attend. Boo!
Maybe we could do a meetup on a weeknight after work? Suggest a day? :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by gemstone /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I have been on the lakefront brewery tour and I don't know how you do anything after that one! (Although when I did it, there was a Tornado, so they kept glasses extra full to keep spirits high)
I love Great Lakes Distillery! I'd go up just to have some schnazzy cocktails and nibbles:)  We stayed at the Iron Horse last time, right across the street - so dangerous!

Quote: Originally Posted by MissRoe /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Step 1. Drive to Target

                       wait, say whaaat? You don't have a Target near you, honey you need to move ASAP!!! If this is the case, there is no hope for you or my gift-lol!!
People don't have a close by target? I feel for anyone in this position. Target is my crack. :)

Quote: Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  And if my SS is reading this and was thinking of sending me a food treat...at this particular moment, I think I would eat a man for some chocolate covered potato chips...about to resort to whipping out the double boiler and making some at 2 a.m....

OMG I am sooo jonsing to try those chips too.  I got to go to the Sweets and Candy Expo in Chicago (work related) and troll all the exhibitor booths for samples, and stumbled across a chip and chocolate bar which was HEAVEN.  My mouth is watering just thinking about the dipped chips:)

Since I'm catching up and posty mcpostalot at the moment, I just had to share the random silly thing I found my cat doing this morning.  He managed to knock my boots over, pull one open, and position himself squarely in the middle.  I just accept him the way he is.. LOL, he loves my heels too.

Hmm…  I might have to try to stop by Trader Joe's and pick up some chocolate-covered potato chips on my way to the local beer theatre showing _The Day of the Doctor_ this morning (yay for living in Nerdtown, USA!  We have a lot of beer theaters, but only one is showing the BBC's screening of it as it airs!  I just hope I can get in.  These sorts of screenings tend to be *packed* with lines so long you have to get there at least an hour before the show starts.  OTOH, it *is* Saturday morning, not Friday night, and it's close to freezing, so the line might not be too bad for someone like me who once stood outside for opening night at Sundance for something like five hours).  Those would be great snacking!  But it depends on how things shake out time-wise.  

And then (ob*SeSa!  Does anyone else recognize the ob* thing, or was that just my university's bbs?) as long as I'm in that neighborhood, depending on the time and the parking situation, I might be able to head over to the shopping area over there to hit my favorite independent makeup boutique to see what they have for my Santees.  And then to Fred Meyer for other things for them.  And then probably _Catching Fire_ because I think that would put me in a particular neighborhood right around the time of the afternoon screening at my favorite SE PDX haunted movie theatre (we have so many haunted places in this town that I have to separate them into quadrants!) that was recently renovated by the guy who runs my favorite movie theatre, period (I think their screening times won't work for me today).  

Quote: Originally Posted by klg534 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  People don't have a close by target? I feel for anyone in this position. Target is my crack. :)
When I first moved to Ft. Drum NY I cried driving onto base because I didn't see a Target or Walmart anywhere. I knew that I was in hell.

I did find a walmart but it was so so terrible.

I love Great Lakes Distillery! I'd go up just to have some schnazzy cocktails and nibbles:)  We stayed at the Iron Horse last time, right across the street - so dangerous!
Great Lakes is FANTASTIC! In the summer the have pretty good groupon deals so you can get your fancy cocktails for a really good price (not that they aren't at good prices to begin with! Perks of drinking in a distillery!) I wish I had a reason to stay at the Iron Horse. It's so pretty! And hip!
Would it be bad to add a couple more things to my wishlist at this point? I just saw something amazing. I also in no way expect my SS to buy them because adding something now is kind of late in the game.

Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Great Lakes is FANTASTIC! In the summer the have pretty good groupon deals so you can get your fancy cocktails for a really good price (not that they aren't at good prices to begin with! Perks of drinking in a distillery!) I wish I had a reason to stay at the Iron Horse. It's so pretty! And hip!
We drove up for a concert, my favorite obscure band (Mesh, from Bristol, UK) was playing Milwaukee and Chicago, and like a little groupie I had to see them in both places.  I love that hotel soo much.  My boyfriend has determined that if and when we can buy a place it will be decorated the same way:)  Good to know about the Groupons, too!
