(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I was trying to be nice because people like it, like my husband.
So do I. The chocolate...or hot chocolate...or coffee sets that are sold cheap at the holidays get me every time. <3 them. 

Quote: Originally Posted by paralegalatl /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I had two bad experiences this year with international shipping, so I new I wasn't even going to risk it. One was flower seeds (legal to send here) from Canada, and the I got a big green sticker labeled "Homeland Security" on my package...without any seeds. But they did include her "Thanks for ordering!" note. How kind. The second was last week concerning granny squares coming from the UK...I got a "We Care" plastic baggie wrapped around my package, where a machine had torn into it and my granny squares were gone. 

Yeah...international mail hates me. 
NO! NO shipping horror stories *sticks fingers in her ears* LALALALALALA  ICAN'T HEAR YOU

Quote: Originally Posted by AmandaWarwick /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I'm in Chicago too! We should have a MUT meet up.

I have lots of friends cause I've lived here my whole entire life, but I always could use more!!! 

I tried to coordinate one in September, but we just couldn't get everyone together. I'd love to try again though. The original plan was to meet at Sephora (if they offer a Sunday or Saturday class at Water tower) or at Grand Lux, grab food, hang out, then do some serious makeup browsing/shopping at the inglot store (Macy's) Sephora, Kryolan, Mac Pro, etc:)

NO! NO shipping horror stories *sticks fingers in her ears* LALALALALALA  ICAN'T HEAR YOU
In my mind, I totally read that by increasing the audible an octave before each preceding word.. You know.. To get the full cinematic effect :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Oh Chicago is so beautiful. I've only been once but it was lovely (late April). If any of you MUT ladies are ever in the South, holler at me ya hear? That's your daily dose of redneck for the day. Carry on.

Quote: Originally Posted by Dayo Steph /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I tried to coordinate one in September, but we just couldn't get everyone together. I'd love to try again though. The original plan was to meet at Sephora (if they offer a Sunday or Saturday class at Water tower) or at Grand Lux, grab food, hang out, then do some serious makeup browsing/shopping at the inglot store (Macy's) Sephora, Kryolan, Mac Pro, etc:)
I always get confused between all the malls/pocket of shops on Michigan Ave. There's the giant one (water tower?) that has the macy's and mac on the ground/street level..and that also has the American Girl store (maybe I made that up?) and then there's the other giant one with the giant Nordies and the Kiehls. Eh? Anyway, if my class schedule permits, I'd totally try my best to go to a MUT Chicago Meet Up!

If anyone wants to meet in Milwaukee, we can play at Sephora and go on a bunch of brewery tours 
. Mostly brewery tours.

I've edited my wishlist, SS! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I could not believe this thread has more than 3K posts in just a couple of months. LOL

I just came home from a 12 hour work day no actually 13 since I had to work an hour later. I should be sleeping but I just had to check out this thread. Yea got the priorities straight. So many funny stories. You ladies rock!

Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I always get confused between all the malls/pocket of shops on Michigan Ave. There's the giant one (water tower?) that has the macy's and mac on the ground/street level..and that also has the American Girl store (maybe I made that up?) and then there's the other giant one with the giant Nordies and the Kiehls. Eh? Anyway, if my class schedule permits, I'd totally try my best to go to a MUT Chicago Meet Up!

If anyone wants to meet in Milwaukee, we can play at Sephora and go on a bunch of brewery tours 
. Mostly brewery tours.

Def. didn't make that up.  All those things are true!  Same goes for Chicago- I'd love to meet up somewhere here, I'm almost always available- and I do know where to get some awesome beer in the city.. yay beer!

Quote: Originally Posted by DeSha /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I am hoping the gifts I give won't be duplicates as my giftee is participating in two SS groups here on MUT. And since she is pretty much into one or two aspects of beauty it its conceivable that I could get her something someone else might give her.

All I can do is hope and pray that 1) she likes the gifts and 2) the gifts are not duplicates.

I wouldn't mind getting duplicates. Eventually you run out and with dups you have more or one could be for the car or purse (I'm thinking dup lip gloss or perfume)

Quote: Originally Posted by Animezing /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by tulosai /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I am ok with my santee not posting in the reveal post, but I would be very hurt if she didn't even let me know that she got it.  I know not everyone has time or inclination to take a lot of pics etc but a PM saying 'hi, thank you!' should be necessary IMO.
Good point, a PM is a good idea for those that neither have the time or inclination. I'm fortunate that both my gals are frequents posters & most likely will let me know when they receive their packages, I just feel bad for those that are left wondering. However, I don't think that will be the case this year, seems to me like we have a lively bunch of sweet ladies here! I must admit though, I do love seeing all the goodies people receive, especially the handmade ones. 
 Makes me wish I was crafty. :/

Me too unfortunately I am not crafty at all.

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by LadyK /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Bahahahaha!  How cute!  My hubby pretends not to be interested but after I told him he could try out my suki scrub it disappeared pretty quickly.  

I bought a thing of Ocean Salt from Lush once and my husband stole it and used all of it! I was mad for a second but he really enjoyed using it and it cleared his skin up on his face. I was thinking of getting him a large pot for Christmas.

My hubby uses my Ocean salt even more than me! He has been getting in to shaving stuff a lot lately after some samples he got from Art of Shaving. He also loves Kiehl's products. I get him Glossybox man and he is even better than me at using up all the products.

LOL...that "I'm an idiot" moment when you've been trying to figure out if your Santee likes a particular type of product and can find no information after skimming through all of her posts, so you enlist help...and it is pointed out that she is a member of an entire group devoted to that product type. THAT was a total stalker fail moment, lmao :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

And if my SS is reading this and was thinking of sending me a food treat...at this particular moment, I think I would eat a man for some chocolate covered potato chips...about to resort to whipping out the double boiler and making some at 2 a.m....

Quote: Originally Posted by morre22 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by MissRoe /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Welp, you are not my ss since I'm only in one gift exchange. Only 101 more to go!!!
LOL I thought the EXACT same thing bahahaha *Great minds think alike*

Me too, my curiosity is killing me.

Quote: Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  And if my SS is reading this and was thinking of sending me a food treat...at this particular moment, I think I would eat a man for some chocolate covered potato chips...about to resort to whipping out the double boiler and making some at 2 a.m....
AHH. I was in Target picking up materials for Friendsgiving tomorrow. I walked in front of the Lays Choco Potato Chips. Looked at them, snapped a picture for my instagram, and walked away. It was such a fail for my sweet tooth and extreme desire for bad things, such a victory for sticking to my goals. Right now, at 1 AM, not buying those chips is probably the biggest regret of the week.

Quote: Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  chocolate covered potato chips...

That is the craziest treat I've ever heard of, and never seen. Talk about hitting all the cravings in one.

Quote: Originally Posted by wrkreads /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  chocolate covered potato chips...

That is the craziest treat I've ever heard of, and never seen. Talk about hitting all the cravings in one.

Ohh they are so good...it's lkilling me that Lays just put out a version and I can't get my hands on them (no Target here) :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by Last Contrast /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by StefanieH30 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  My SS doesn't seem to be on very often or post a lot.

Some of us are just big lurkers! I read up and plan to post something then the kids distract me with something (usually lego-connection-drama) and by the time I come back the conversation has moved on.

You can always jump in everyone is super nice here!

Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I can definitely see people being afraid to jump in or just getting so far behind that they feel what they have to say not being relevant anymore but I think JC237 (I think,off the top of my head) does it well. As long as you quote what part of the convo you're responding to. Also because it's the same group we might come off as clique-y but we're not really we wanna listen, I promise

Aww thanks! I feel like I am always behind due to the time difference but  I love to participate especially since everyone is so nice on here.
