(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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Quote:Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif

If your SS wants blush, this is a great deal!!!http://www.sephora.com/cream-blush-P54600?skuId=1236744

Thanks for this @KellyKaye -- I started a second job to have some extra "weddings are expensive" money... and the other night the girl who was training me got to talking about makeup! She LOVES makeup, but told me she doesn't have the money to buy any. (And then proceeded to tell me how the shoes she was wearing were her husbands because they didn't have the money to go get her some). I'm making her a little "basket" for christmas and this will be perfect to toss in!! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Spread the makeup love!
Reading this made me smile! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I do the same thing and love doing it. I have more than I need and every month my subscription boxes come in and once in a while I will trade if there was something I really wanted and didn't get but most of the time I put all my extras into a little stash and give stuff away to people who need it. I'm in recovery and have been clean and sober for almost four years so I work with other women in my free time and show them that there is another way to live. When I got clean and sober I was broken spiritually, emtionally, and physically and remember how the littlest things made my day so giving these women little things like makeup to make them feel better about themselves is pretty cool :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Quote: Originally Posted by trekkersangel /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I cry a lot too. I come from a family where Christmas involves a bunch of random gift cards. One Christmas my brother just handed me $20 on Christmas morning. Luckily my hubby is a sweetheart & puts a lot of thought into my Christmas gift every year. I meticulously shop, plan, wrap, etc for the gifts I buy. It makes it all so special for me. Last Christmas my 8 year old daughter saved up all her money & bought me a Mickey Mouse steering wheel cover for Christmas. It took me by surprise & I was sobbing most of the day because of it. I'm such a baby like that. I'm crying just thinking about getting my gift from my secret Santa. I've never gotten beauty products for Christmas before. It's going to be magical for me.
That's so sweet of your daughter!  I am super emotional too and I have a feeling I will be very emotional when I get my gift.

Dear Secret Santa,

Here are my answers to the recent surveys...hope it gives you some further guidance!

What are your favorite colors (both generally and for makeup products)?

Makeup - neutrals (but honestly, I'm stocked up on makeup...so I'm probably the only person signed up for MUT Secret Santa that doesn't want makeup...LOL)
General - I wear black mostly (living in NYC...so cliche)! I like jewel-tones (ex. purple, green, blue), mint green, cerulean blue and white/cream. I tend to stick with solid colors or basic patterns (ex. stripes, chevron)   What colors do you use most in your apartment decoration?

Neutrals (beige, dark brown, black)

Do you own a lot of items from any particular brand?

Jurlique skincare, Tarte makeup (blushes and lippies). I'm trying to use more 'green' and 'natural' products.

If I am your secret santa and send you an over the top, fab gift would you:
a)prefer everything wrapped individually
B) have a huge smorgasboard to look at

Either is good with me - honestly, as long as it looks like you put some thought into it, I'll be happy

AND would you prefer to:

a) open each gift slowly and methodically
B) tear everything open like a mad woman

B - I've never liked surprises and I've found that since I moved to NYC a few years ago, I have become less patient

What scents do you like:

Sweet, fruity, some light florals. Some examples of fragrances that I like Viktor & Rolf flowerbomb, Atelier cologne vanille insensee, Pink Sugar. Although, I can't wear fragrances to work, so I generally prefer unscented products.

What scents do you not like:

Lavender, banana, patchouli, musk, tobacco

What makeup item can you not use at all:

Eyeshadows (I've got hooded eyes and it just looks strange)

What makeup item do you use everyday:

I don't usually wear a full face of makeup. Instead, I have a multi-step skincare routine (cleanser, toner, serum, eye cream, moisturizer, sunscreen) and always use lip balms and hand creams.

  What colors do you avoid:

Very bright colors, warm colors (ex. oranges, browns), animal prints

How would you describe your style of makeup? 

Minimalist and natural

What are your feelings on prepared/unsealed samples? 

I would prefer foil packets over unsealed samples. I am cautious about sanitation because I work in healthcare.


What kind of extras would make your day? 

 Tea, gummy bears and chocolate. I love chai tea (BTW Tazo has the best chai tea...Mighty Leaf and Numi just don't cut it for me). I've bought 5-lb bags of Haribo gummy bears at a time. I have access to lots of delicious goodies in NYC, so I'd love to try something that is local to you. 

What ONE PRODUCT (not brand or color in particular, just product) do you use more than any other? (What runs out the quickest in your make-up drawer?)

I use BB cream most frequently. However, I run out of mascara the quickest (always throw out after 3 months).

You just won a $50 giftcard to Birchbox/Target/or insert your favorite beauty store here....What's the first thing you want to buy?

I'd run to the skincare section and grab the SK-II clear treatment lotion.


What's in your purse right now?

Lip balm, hand cream, hand sanitizer

Is there any beauty product that you are dying to try?

Konjac sponge 

How old are you (approximately) if you are comfortable sharing?

Turned 30 last month!

Do you like coffee or tea?


What candies and baked goods do you dislike?

Products with raisins (especially when they fool me into thinking that they are chocolate chips), fudge, white chocolate, marzipan. 

[SIZE=1em]D[/SIZE]o you have any pets?

A shih tzu mix that we rescued about 2 years ago  (my Avatar pic)

What subs do you get?

Love with Food

GoodeBox (every other month)

Popsugar (just started a 3-month sub)

Birchbox (on and off relationship. I've had 17 months of Birchboxes)

BarkBox (on and off relationship for our dog. We've had about 12 boxes and all the treats are piling up)

I'd like to try Green Grab Bag (I like that you can pick your own products) and Yuzen because both of these usually contain 'green' and 'natural' products. However, I feel a bit overloaded with my current stock, so I'm holding off on this.

Never subbed to Ipsy because the contents are generally not a good match for me.
Quote: Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I sometimes cry at movies, tv shows...but primarily, I cry when I'm mad. IT IS INFURIATING. Then I get more mad that I'm crying, and then I cry more...it's terrible...
This reminds me of the first time  I watched The Notebook. The hubby came home from work to find me bawling, I couldn't stop crying  and I couldn't even speak to tell him what was wrong he looked seriously worried.  I felt so bad for him and after I was able to explain we had a good laugh about how emotional I get.

Quote: Originally Posted by JC327 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  This reminds me of the first time  I watched The Notebook. The hubby came home from work to find me bawling, I couldn't stop crying  and I couldn't even speak to tell him what was wrong he looked seriously worried.  I felt so bad for him and after I was able to explain we had a good laugh about how emotional I get.
speaking of "The Notebook", I saw that movie for the first time on our long plane ride home from our honeymoon in Hawaii. Obviously my husband was reading his book while I was balling. All I could say through my tears were "you're going to die and leave me"...he was like "okay, why are you being a weirdo?"....I laugh about it now, but I still cry at the notebook..

Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  My dear Secret Santee:

My boyfriend saw the piles of samples and other applicable goodies that I have set aside in our apartment for you. He has since decided that you will also need coffee and other treats from Starbucks. I really hope you have a nice mail carrier because this box is gonna be bulky!

-Jessica :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

PS. If anyone needs an elf on the shelf , just hit me up. Everyone knows that MUT is 100x more fun than writing a paper.
Your boyfriend is awesome! I am trying to convince my siblings to go work at Starbucks so that they can supply me with psl. I had not had one since I moved to Germany over 8 years ago until they finally brought it to Germany this fall.

Quote: Originally Posted by JC327 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Your boyfriend is awesome! I am trying to convince my siblings to go work at Starbucks so that they can supply me with psl. I had not had one since I moved to Germany over 8 years ago until they finally brought it to Germany this fall.
Have you seen this? I dont know if they'll deliver to you but it could be worth checking out! http://www.starbucksstore.com/fontana-pumpkin-sauce/011008514,default,pd.html?&srule=Featured&start=0&sz=16&cgid=syrups-and-sauces

I'm not a fan of PSL. I think it tastes like candles. In my many moons behind the counter, I never understood the craze! But, it makes people happy I guess.

Quote: Originally Posted by luckyme502 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I always feel sorry for people who can't or won't eat cheese. I love cheese so much. I think my life would be sadder without cheese!
I was dairy free before I came to WI and now...omg  I can't quit the dairy. I've tried. Its just *so* hard.

Quote: Originally Posted by luckyme502 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I didn't know where else to post this, so I thought I'd share it here.  I subscribe to Ipsy, Birchbox, Glossybox and Julep, I also order things on-line from Amazon and Ulta, among other stores.  My friend works in the office next to mine and last week she made a comment about all the orders I receive at work, I didn't think anything of it and let it go.  Then today her son was at the office and she says to him, "This is Jessica, you know the one with the shopping problem."  I didn't say anything, but I was like WTF?  Do I make comments about her choices, um, no.  It just irritated the crap out of me!
Wow that was very rude of her, its none of her business what you do with your money.

Quote: Originally Posted by heath67013 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I need quit my job so I can keep up with the threads better. (Love the threads, hate the job!!) I'm also getting over the worse case of bronchitis ever, so it's been hard to keep up with anything!
LOL, I need a skill that can get me a job at MUT. 

Ooh, be my SS and send me cheese and sausage, please! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> :)


Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Ahh. I know! Me too! By the time I get a couple extras and buy little boxes to wrap up and pay for shipping ...whoooweee my girl is gonna be SPOILED! I hope she likes cheese or would like other Wisconsiny goodies (sausage?) because I can't send beer. Quote: Originally Posted by angienharry /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I did some awesome shopping for my santee. I fell into the, what budget??, category. Oops!
Can't wait to receive everything and wrap it and send it out. Can we send our gifts before Dec 1st????
Quote: Originally Posted by MissRoe /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  speaking of "The Notebook", I saw that movie for the first time on our long plane ride home from our honeymoon in Hawaii. Obviously my husband was reading his book while I was balling. All I could say through my tears were "you're going to die and leave me"...he was like "okay, why are you being a weirdo?"....I laugh about it now, but I still cry at the notebook..
Awwwww.  I can't imagine seeing that movie on the way home from a honeymoon.  I'd be balling too.  I've only watched the notebook once... and cried so much that I told myself I'd never watch it again.

Quote: Originally Posted by LadyK /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by nicepenguins /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I am going to a local craft fair this weekend to pick up gifts as extras! so excited!

I have to say I really love this forum too. I have the kind of job (professor) where people can judge being into makeup and beauty as "shallow" and might think I'm dumb for caring about these things but I don't see it that way. It is fun and it makes me happy...I don't think that something that gives you joy should be dismissed as shallow. So thank you all for being lovely and intelligent people who find pleasure in colors, scents, and other beautiful things. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
YES to this!  I have to worry a little at work/school that I won't be taken seriously because I am into makeup.  It is so nice to find people from all different careers and backgrounds that are into the same thing.  I have found the most accepting and uplifting community on here.  I think I felt worse about my looks before I found people on here who struggle with the same issues and yet make the best of them.  MUT is a huge self esteem booster for me.  

I feel the same way. No one in my department really wears makeup so I felt unprofessional and bad for wearing it until I discovered MUT.

Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Just got back from an awesome parent conference, so I have to brag on my little one for a sec, feel free to skip. She is reading at double the standards for words per minute. The standards are 31 and she's at 65. I basically just sat for a half hour listening to the teacher gush about how smart Z is so I'm in a happy mood. 

About the makeup thing, people think I'm not intelligent because I like cartoons, makeup, and I jump up and down when I get excited. I spent almost my entire teen years being miserable and I've found for me I have to make a conscious effort to stay happy it doesn't just come to me. So I might be a little childish and excitable but it's better than being depressed and miserable.
Congrats on the awesome parent conference!

Quote: Originally Posted by EmpressMelli /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I'm so excited to go shopping for my secret santa! I feel kind of creepy though since I've been stalking her posts and I wrote down all the information I have about her in a notebook. I've been taking notes on ideas and highlighting things and now it looks more like a plan of attack than a shopping list. Lol. I really hope there's some good black friday deals so that I can pick up tons of goodies for her. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
This is so cute! What a lucky girl :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Ahh. I know! Me too! By the time I get a couple extras and buy little boxes to wrap up and pay for shipping ...whoooweee my girl is gonna be SPOILED! I hope she likes cheese or would like other Wisconsiny goodies (sausage?) because I can't send beer.
Aw, awesome :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Your girl is also super lucky!

Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Agreed, I always like wild surprises. Looks all chic from outside than RAWR!

Edit: looking at this post, it's a little clearer why people don't like me, I'm weird. Oh well!


Quote: Originally Posted by Sakura83 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I'm sorta on the same boat, my one "big" item is worth $62 bucks in itself but I got a deal. I used my rewards from my credit card that I stacked up to purchase it. Include that to my Ebates cash back, it didn't really cost me much. 
 Love finding deals.

Wow, I am in total awe of a lot of the bargain hunters on here!

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  The only judgemental person in my house is my cat.... He just sits on his perch and eyeballs me, like I am the crazy one. Apparently cats don't think drinking from the toilet is crazy though.

WORD.  I swear my one cat is judgmental about drinking alcohol.  He always gives me the look of death when I am doing it.

Quote: Originally Posted by sparklegirl /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I think my SS will love (or at least like) my gift. As I stalked her read about her I felt like we had very similar tastes/likes/dislikes. I had some extras that I was saving for myself but decided to give them to her because I don't really need them. Yesterday as I was re-reading her wishlist, I saw she had some of the items listed that I'm giving as extras! I'm not sure if I missed it the first time or what, but I feel more confident in the gifts I got her!
Aw, so awesome! I know she will love it.

Quote: Originally Posted by puppymomofthree /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Just returned from shopping! Looks like I may end up needing flat rate boxes to ship! 

Oh,I definitely need flat rates :X

Quote: Originally Posted by nicepenguins /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I have to say I really love this forum too. I have the kind of job (professor) where people can judge being into makeup and beauty as "shallow" and might think I'm dumb for caring about these things but I don't see it that way. It is fun and it makes me happy...I don't think that something that gives you joy should be dismissed as shallow. So thank you all for being lovely and intelligent people who find pleasure in colors, scents, and other beautiful things. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Same job situation. I also am relieved to have found the forum!

Quote: Originally Posted by trekkersangel /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Is it weird that I'm getting super excited for the reveals? I can't wait to see everyone's presents! My hubby thinks its weird that I get so excited about what other people get (watching my kids open Christmas presents has me on the edge of my seat with excitement). When the reveals start popping up I'm going to grab a bag of popcorn, some hot chocolate, & enjoy! It's going to be so fun to see what everyone gets!!!
I am so excited to see everyone's reveal! I hope that everyone is able to post pictures because that way I can imagine rolling around in everyone's piles of pretties!
