(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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That's awesome!!! I have a ton of samples I was saving for myself but after some stalking I realized they're perfect extra goodies for my person!

I think my SS will love (or at least like) my gift. As I stalked her read about her I felt like we had very similar tastes/likes/dislikes. I had some extras that I was saving for myself but decided to give them to her because I don't really need them. Yesterday as I was re-reading her wishlist, I saw she had some of the items listed that I'm giving as extras! I'm not sure if I missed it the first time or what, but I feel more confident in the gifts I got her!
Is it weird that I'm getting super excited for the reveals? I can't wait to see everyone's presents! My hubby thinks its weird that I get so excited about what other people get (watching my kids open Christmas presents has me on the edge of my seat with excitement). When the reveals start popping up I'm going to grab a bag of popcorn, some hot chocolate, & enjoy! It's going to be so fun to see what everyone gets!!!

Quote: Originally Posted by trekkersangel /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Is it weird that I'm getting super excited for the reveals? I can't wait to see everyone's presents! My hubby thinks its weird that I get so excited about what other people get (watching my kids open Christmas presents has me on the edge of my seat with excitement). When the reveals start popping up I'm going to grab a bag of popcorn, some hot chocolate, & enjoy! It's going to be so fun to see what everyone gets!!!
I'm the same way, I tend to be the last person opening gifts because I enjoy watching everyone else open theirs. 

Just returned from shopping! Looks like I may end up needing flat rate boxes to ship! Wow! Hopefully I have read my SS for both threads well--their tastes are different than mine, but that makes the shopping more fun!

Ahh. I know! Me too! By the time I get a couple extras and buy little boxes to wrap up and pay for shipping ...whoooweee my girl is gonna be SPOILED! I hope she likes cheese or would like other Wisconsiny goodies (sausage?) because I can't send beer.
I always feel sorry for people who can't or won't eat cheese. I love cheese so much. I think my life would be sadder without cheese!
Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I know it's only been a day...but I'm dying over here. I wanna know who has me!!!!
Me too!

I am going to a local craft fair this weekend to pick up gifts as extras! so excited!

I have to say I really love this forum too. I have the kind of job (professor) where people can judge being into makeup and beauty as "shallow" and might think I'm dumb for caring about these things but I don't see it that way. It is fun and it makes me happy...I don't think that something that gives you joy should be dismissed as shallow. So thank you all for being lovely and intelligent people who find pleasure in colors, scents, and other beautiful things. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by nicepenguins /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I am going to a local craft fair this weekend to pick up gifts as extras! so excited!

I have to say I really love this forum too. I have the kind of job (professor) where people can judge being into makeup and beauty as "shallow" and might think I'm dumb for caring about these things but I don't see it that way. It is fun and it makes me happy...I don't think that something that gives you joy should be dismissed as shallow. So thank you all for being lovely and intelligent people who find pleasure in colors, scents, and other beautiful things. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
YES to this!  I have to worry a little at work/school that I won't be taken seriously because I am into makeup.  It is so nice to find people from all different careers and backgrounds that are into the same thing.  I have found the most accepting and uplifting community on here.  I think I felt worse about my looks before I found people on here who struggle with the same issues and yet make the best of them.  MUT is a huge self esteem booster for me.  

Quote: Originally Posted by nicepenguins /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I am going to a local craft fair this weekend to pick up gifts as extras! so excited!

I have to say I really love this forum too. I have the kind of job (professor) where people can judge being into makeup and beauty as "shallow" and might think I'm dumb for caring about these things but I don't see it that way. It is fun and it makes me happy...I don't think that something that gives you joy should be dismissed as shallow. So thank you all for being lovely and intelligent people who find pleasure in colors, scents, and other beautiful things. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Oh that sounds so much fun, I love craft shows! I wish they had those kinds of things around where I live but it is mostly just military girls selling Mary Kay, military related jewelry or like Pure Romance lol. Don't let the other people get you down, just because you are into make up they shouldn't categorize you into being shallow or dumb, you are awesome no matter what =]

Quote: Originally Posted by trekkersangel /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Is it weird that I'm getting super excited for the reveals? I can't wait to see everyone's presents! My hubby thinks its weird that I get so excited about what other people get (watching my kids open Christmas presents has me on the edge of my seat with excitement). When the reveals start popping up I'm going to grab a bag of popcorn, some hot chocolate, & enjoy! It's going to be so fun to see what everyone gets!!!
I love the reveals!! I even went and looked at reveals from SS on MUT from the last couple of years LOL I just think it is so fun! I cannot wait to see what everyone gets!

I think those that want to find out their ss should be able to play yes/no. Maybe November 28th/29th we can start asking questions to other members such as:

Does your ss giftee live in NJ?

Does your ss giftee love lush products?

Does your ss giftee love Urban Decay?

Ask specific questions to your profile.

This way, we can narrow it down. I think it would be fun and would help pass the time while we wait for the BIG reveals!!

If curiosity doesn't kill you or your cat, then you don't have to play along.

Any thoughts/ideas on this??

Quote: Originally Posted by MissRoe /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I think those that want to find out their ss should be able to play yes/no. Maybe November 28th/29th we can start asking questions to other members such as:

Does your ss giftee live in NJ?

Does your ss giftee love lush products?

Does your ss giftee love Urban Decay?

Ask specific questions to your profile.

This way, we can narrow it down. I think it would be fun and would help pass the time while we wait for the BIG reveals!!

If curiosity doesn't kill you or your cat, then you don't have to play along.

Any thoughts/ideas on this??

Does your giftees username start with a m and end with a 2? That isn't a dead giveaway right? hahaha 

I do want to know who my SS is but I think I want to wait to find out who it is until I get the gift in the mail =]

Quote: Originally Posted by tweakabell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by Charity1217 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

The employees at Uptown MAC are horrible! I have never been treated so badly before. I wish I knew there were fellow Abq'ers on here. We just moved to the 4 corners but I would have loved to have met up with you!
ABQ might have been better with friends but I truly just hated the place. I was born there but my mom moved to Sac when I was 2 months old so I've always been a Cali girl and moving to ABQ made me miserable. I missed trees and grass, I'm glad to be back home although hubby is trying to find an overseas job where we can join him. That's a little terrifying and exciting at the same time. I've never been out of the U.S.

I am from NYC but currently live in Germany. I was really nervous when I first moved here because  I didn't have friends or family but now I love it. Its great to experience different cultures and travel.

Just got back from an awesome parent conference, so I have to brag on my little one for a sec, feel free to skip. She is reading at double the standards for words per minute. The standards are 31 and she's at 65. I basically just sat for a half hour listening to the teacher gush about how smart Z is so I'm in a happy mood. 

About the makeup thing, people think I'm not intelligent because I like cartoons, makeup, and I jump up and down when I get excited. I spent almost my entire teen years being miserable and I've found for me I have to make a conscious effort to stay happy it doesn't just come to me. So I might be a little childish and excitable but it's better than being depressed and miserable.

Quote: Originally Posted by DoubleShot /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Talk about guilt trip. I stop petting Henry and this is the look I get:
What a cutie!

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by klg534 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Now that I have my SS I feel like the BIGGEST creeper, going through all her past posts, looking for ideas, and just learning/creeping. Like oh look at what she posted years ago (exagerationI think haha) I think the worst part is how much I am enjoying this whole creeping process...... 

I enjoy being awkward around people and creeping in the first place. It's just really fun, so I totally understand where you are coming from...

A couple of weeks ago I was at Busch Gardens and we were watching one of their stage shows. Well the building was empty but this guy and his best friend decided to sit RIGHT NEXT TO ME! We weren't even in good seat because we had a 3 year old with us so we were near the exit in case we needed to leave quickly. Then, to make things worse, he put his arm on my hand rest.... soooo I did the natural, albeit totally awkward thing and reached over and held his hand! HAHAHAHAHAHA You should have seen his face!!!! My husband, sister-in-law and her husband were watching and they couldn't stop laughing. Needless to say, he got up and left. I didn't think he would leave, but apparently I creeped him out enough.


I need quit my job so I can keep up with the threads better. (Love the threads, hate the job!!) I'm also getting over the worse case of bronchitis ever, so it's been hard to keep up with anything!

I am from NYC but currently live in Germany. I was really nervous when I first moved here because  I didn't have friends or family but now I love it. Its great to experience different cultures and travel.
I lived in Germany for 8 years and loved every second of it! I'm hoping to go back for a visit in the next year or two
I am going to a local craft fair this weekend to pick up gifts as extras! so excited! I have to say I really love this forum too. I have the kind of job (professor) where people can judge being into makeup and beauty as "shallow" and might think I'm dumb for caring about these things but I don't see it that way. It is fun and it makes me happy...I don't think that something that gives you joy should be dismissed as shallow. So thank you all for being lovely and intelligent people who find pleasure in colors, scents, and other beautiful things. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
The men in my department have given up on understanding me--and they have no idea I do this. :rolleyes: