Survey time!!!
What are your favorite colors (both generally and for makeup products)? -In general, I like olive green, burgundy, plum, burnt orange and hot pink. In terms of makeup, I like bright and neutral shadows, bright and matte black liners, and red and pink lippies.
What colors do you use most in your apartment decoration? -It's a hodge-podge. I guess those colors listed above, plus a lot of black.
Do you own a lot of items from any particular brand? -I own a ton of Benefit, Julep, and Urban Decay. But they're my favorites, so I don't mind!
If I am your secret santa and send you an over the top, fab gift would you:a)prefer everything wrapped individually
AND would you prefer to:a) open each gift slowly and methodically
What scents do you like: -In terms of perfumes, I like fruity scents (guava, pineapple, mango) and baked-good scents (marshmallow is my #1 favorite!) I guess I just like smelling like food! In terms of candles, I like coffee, chai, pumpkin... cozy fall/winter scents!
What scents do you not like: -Anything over-the-top floral or musky. Yuck!
What makeup item can you not use at all: -I have no need for bronzer or tanning products (I'm pasty white and enjoy it!) I also hate liquid eyeliner and am fed up with lip gloss (I have a million and NARS 'Turkish Delight' is the only one that doesn't make my long, mermaid hair stick to it constantly!)
What makeup item do you use every day: -Black eyeliner, mascara, lip balm, BB cream, eye primer, eye shadow & lipstick.
What colors do you avoid: -Neutral and nude lippies; any bronzer.
How would you describe your style of makeup? -I don't pay attention to style or rules. I wear a lot of cat eyes with bright lips and love experimenting with eyeshadow. I do things I'm not "supposed to" (blue shadow on blue eyes, for example) all the time. I like having fun with my makeup! I love matte lipsticks, OCC lip tars, and other fun lippies.
What are your feelings on prepared/unsealed samples? -I'm kind of a germophobe (no offense!) so I'd love my items to be unused (although sealed is unnecessary!) I do love samples, though, even foils and fragrance spritzers!
What kind of extras would make your day? -Anything, really! I love candles, fun socks, dog-paraphenelia, BBW Antibacs are great, too!
What ONE PRODUCT (not brand or color in particular, just product) do you use more than any other? (What runs out the quickest in your make-up drawer?) -Urban Decay eyeliner pencil in Perversion; it's my new holy grail and after just two weeks I've already had to sharpen it three times!
You just won a $50 giftcard to Birchbox/Target/or insert your favorite beauty store here....What's the first thing you want to buy??? -Algenist (non-retinol) products, maybe NARS blush (I already have Exhibit-A & Orgasm), Aquabrow (in 30)... I always keep a cart full on Sephora, just in case

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What's in your purse right now? -More makeup than I know what to do with (Ursula bag with two mini Ipsy bags inside; 1 full of lippies, 1 full of other staples), my wallet, keys, phone, & the Mindy Kaling book!
What is your favorite holiday?
-I'm nontheist, so even I mostly like the heathen holidays like Halloween & NYE (lol)! But I'm also a shopaholic, so I love any excuse to buy gifts (like X-mas).
What candies and baked goods do you especially like? -I'm kind of a health nut so aside from Haribo (my #1 favorite!) I try to avoid sweets! But as stated above, I love things that smell like sweet treats!
What candies and baked goods do you dislike? -See above. I really, really don't care for white chocolate, caramel, or fruit + chocolate (together) though.
Is there any beauty product that you are dying to try? -Illamasqua lipstick (In Apcololips or Pristine - I'm OBSESSED with getting these!) or Aquabrow in 30.
What are a few of your hobbies? -MAKEUP (of course!), reading (memoirs & science stuff), TV marathons (sci-fi and comedies mostly), being a dogmom, drinking copious amounts of coffee, being active...
How old are you (approximately) if you are comfortable sharing? -I'll be 29 just ten days before X-mas!
Do you like coffee or tea? -YES! I love both! I drink roughly a pot of coffee a day (black mostly!) but also enjoy an occasional chai latte or (unsweetened) ice tea.
Do you have any pets? -Yes, I have a perfect 4-year-old GSD/pittie mix named Stella & she's my world!
You're in the Sephora version of Supermarket Sweep and you have 30 seconds. What's the first thing you bolt for? -Probably one of those ridiculous Urban Decay sets that cost hundreds of dollars!
Is there a particular color that has a majority in your closet? -All I wear is skinny jeans, crazy skirts, and I own a cardigan in every color.
What subs do you get? -Ipsy, Birchbox, Glossybox & sometimes Julep, Beauty Army & Pop Sugar.
Is there an item (makeup, tool, skincare) you feel is missing from your routine, if so what?
-Face brushes! Mine are... pretty dang old! I also am not missing hand cream but can ALWAYS use more (my hands are like a dragon's skin currently -- blegh!)
Thanks, Santa!