(Discussion) Secret Santa 2013 is coming soon!

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So this just happened...
These are the things I was talking about, they're delicious. Thank goodness I started Insanity today 😒

Quote: Originally Posted by yousoldtheworld /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Mmhmm...I moved here nearly 4 years ago. All of my friends are at least an hour and a half away, and people here are just...well...a bit different than I"m used to, and I don't have much of anything in common with most of them. So this is totally my social life, these days!! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
I know how you feel! I moved to Atlanta from Michigan three years ago for school, all my family is still up north :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />. Everyone down here thinks I sound like I'm from Canada and I'm a super witch because I'm just northern and don't say "bless your heart" and "y'all". :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> So I just hang out with my dog and my bf...granted I like my dog more than I like most people 

Quote: Originally Posted by amdoerr /img/forum/go_quote.gif

So this just happened...

These are the things I was talking about, they're delicious. Thank goodness I started Insanity today 😒
Oooooh.  I WANT.

Quote: Originally Posted by Jamie P /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I know what you guys mean. I've lived in Chicago for almost 5 years now, but I still have no friends. Having a 2 year old doesn't exactly help my social life. I just feel at home here. I love all of you! <3
Yeah, I am from Chicago, but have been in DC going on 5 years  myself.  I made some friends when I first moved here but all of them have moved away (I was here for school) and I'm terribly lonely.  I work crazy hours (always 10+ hrs a day though I try hard to avoid work on weekends) and my bf lives all the way across the country.  It is pretty sad some days.  This is part of why I'm glad to have found the forum.

Quote: Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I've never had a macaron but I've always wanted to try on. I beg my secret Santa, please make my macaron dreams come true.

Quote: Originally Posted by morre22 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I have never had a macaroon before lol!!
You ladies must have macarons!!! they are seriously amazing.


Originally Posted by jpark107 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

If you're my SS you should just send me $25 in NYC food stuffs and pictures of fun NYC things. I'm being dead serious. I was in NYC for a hot minute when I was in NJ on business this summer but I didn't get to do anything fun. If I could be anyone Id be Nicolette Mason because she's fabulous, lives in NY, and eats macarons.

I'm never going to be successful in my ~life style change~ at this rate. Worth it. NYC food. Macarons. Oh Lordy. Quote: Originally Posted by jpark107 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Ha - when I was typing up the original list of potential NYC goodies, I actually included Laduree macaroons. However, I decided to delete it from the list because honestly, I'm afraid that those wouldn't ship well.

Absolutely - I would love frolicking around the city while gathering yummy foodstuff and documenting it all in pictures!

Oh my goodness, you would love Macaron Day in NYC (it originated in Paris, but a NYC baker decided to bring the tradition to NYC a few years ago) - it's FREE macarons at over a dozen NYC bakeries. 

When is this? must plan my next trip back home around this date!  I usually make a trip to Financier and buy macarons whenever  I go home. They sell really good ones here in Germany too. I am just a fiend for sweets.

Ha! Insanity!! I got the 20 minute insanity workout. I was in pain, I was tasting blood, and I was so desperate for water that I was drinking straight from the kitchen faucet!! Good times!

Ha! Insanity!! I got the 20 minute insanity workout. I was in pain, I was tasting blood, and I was so desperate for water that I was drinking straight from the kitchen faucet!! Good times!
I did one month of Insanity. I couldn't complete month 2 because my back and hip were acting up and it's really terrible if you have any hip problems. Sooo basically half the time I was having to modify everything. It sucked. Now I do suspension training which is so fun!
Quote: Originally Posted by MissRoe /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Ha! Insanity!! I got the 20 minute insanity workout. I was in pain, I was tasting blood, and I was so desperate for water that I was drinking straight from the kitchen faucet!! Good times!
I just did the first fit test today... I had such a rough week last week and was just so physically/mentally/emotionally drained that I started to cry mid workout. Then I just laughed, then cried more. Then went to Target and got a ton of fatty food. It's definitely going to work for me... not lol

So this just happened...
These are the things I was talking about, they're delicious. Thank goodness I started Insanity today 😒
Funny, I just put those in my target cart and then after wandering around put them back. I'm trying hard to lose weight I gained from stress at work and its really no fun.
Those white chocolate ones look good!! Good thing I did back to back spin classes...too tired to go to target to stuff my face!

So this just happened...
These are the things I was talking about, they're delicious. Thank goodness I started Insanity today 😒
Quote: Originally Posted by amdoerr /img/forum/go_quote.gif

So this just happened...

These are the things I was talking about, they're delicious. Thank goodness I started Insanity today 😒
I just added "go to Target & get Pretzel Crisps" to my errand list for tomorrow.  I have to go to Ulta for a haircut & highlights anyway & Target is really close.  Thanks for showing these, they look great!

Oof, I had friends in town for a long weekend from out of state!  I had to skip like 800 posts that I missed since saturday !

Also- IDK if this has been addressed, but if you subscribe to a user (from the button on their profile) are they alerted or is it anonymous? 


Originally Posted by KellyKaye /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I did one month of Insanity. I couldn't complete month 2 because my back and hip were acting up and it's really terrible if you have any hip problems. Sooo basically half the time I was having to modify everything. It sucked. Now I do suspension training which is so fun!
One of my good friends works for TRX, and it seems so crazy!  She is always posting pictures of workouts they do in the middle of the work day on the roof of their building.

One of my good friends works for TRX, and it seems so crazy!  She is always posting pictures of workouts they do in the middle of the work day on the roof of their building.
It is so much fun! One day I hope to be able to do all of the workout without modifying.
Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Those white chocolate ones look good!!
Good thing I did back to back spin classes...too tired to go to target to stuff my face!
The white chocolate ones are my favorite 

One of my good friends works for TRX, and it seems so crazy!  She is always posting pictures of workouts they do in the middle of the work day on the roof of their building.
Not sure, but if you follow me I can tell ya!
That quoted only the last part. Odd. Anyways follow me and I will let you know if I am alerted.

Quote: Originally Posted by heartsandwhimsy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by luckyme502 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

My husband couldn't wrap his head around it either!  He was saying he has been on many forums and he has never seen one do a secret santa.  I pointed out that he had never been on a forum with many women.  

My husband always teases me about "tweaking out on makeuptalk" lol and last night when I was chatting to him about the secret santa thing he just shook his head. He doesn't get it at all lol I told a close male friend about MuT SS and he thought I was crazy. He was like "You gave a random stranger your address!?!" and "You spent how much?"

Quote: Originally Posted by Jamie P /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I know what you guys mean. I've lived in Chicago for almost 5 years now, but I still have no friends. Having a 2 year old doesn't exactly help my social life. I just feel at home here. I love all of you! <3
I'm originally from Chicago - born and raised. I'm currently in a neighboring state that begins with an I. I've always been a loner. I have no kids and still don't have a social life. I need a cat to talk to. I'm thinking of moving to Nashville or Denver in the next year.

Quote: Originally Posted by amdoerr /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by MissRoe /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Ha! Insanity!! I got the 20 minute insanity workout. I was in pain, I was tasting blood, and I was so desperate for water that I was drinking straight from the kitchen faucet!! Good times!
I just did the first fit test today... I had such a rough week last week and was just so physically/mentally/emotionally drained that I started to cry mid workout. Then I just laughed, then cried more. Then went to Target and got a ton of fatty food. It's definitely going to work for me... not lol

I almost died doing the fit test. It was my first time working out in like 2 months. I paused the video 10 minutes in and was laying on the floor out of breath and about to cry. I finished the workout eventually. I wanna try it again.

I know how you feel! I moved to Atlanta from Michigan three years ago for school, all my family is still up north :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />. Everyone down here thinks I sound like I'm from Canada and I'm a super witch because I'm just northern and don't say "bless your heart" and "y'all". :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> So I just hang out with my dog and my bf...granted I like my dog more than I like most people :icon_neut
I'm near Atlanta too! We should have an MUT meetup (I moved here from CA and it is really a culture shock).