Did any one try shopping on amazon for cosmetics

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Report the seller to WEN. Chaz goes after people who sell counterfeit products. Take LOTS of pictures of the bottle and product to send to Chaz. Do NOT throw it away as the WEN company may ask you for it.

Report the seller to WEN. Chaz goes after people who sell counterfeit products. Take LOTS of pictures of the bottle and product to send to Chaz. Do NOT throw it away as the WEN company may ask you for it.
Ok I will do that. Amazon has asked me to send the product back but I haven't returned it yet.
Ok I will do that. Amazon has asked me to send the product back but I haven't returned it yet.[/quote. I'm a confirmed Amazombie, I shop there A LOT tho not for cosmetics. Anyway, DO NOT keep the product if Amazon has issued you a refund! Once they send the shipping label they expect the product back. If you don't sent it back in a reasonable time frame they WILL re-charge you. I agree with reporting all the info you have to Wen but don't keep it in case Wen wants it. If they want to see something from the seller I'm sure the company has the funds to buy some. It wouldn't be fair for you to pay for their investigation & I'm pretty sure Wen would agree. Anyway, I just wanted you to know so you don't end up paying twice for the fake!!!
Whoopsie!! I'm new here and just totally failed with the quote button lol sorry bout that!! Do I need to fix it or is my separate answer understandable? Sorry again ( I had a stroke a couple years ago. I'm WAY better but do have a lot of *facepalm* moments) if I caused any confusion!! If I need to fix the post I'll figure out how just let me know. Thanks & again sorry! Was trying to be helpful but sure miffed that up :icon_redf

Not to worry BBB, it happens to all of us from time-to-time... If you scroll to the very bottom of the forum, there is a sub forum that lets you test and practice your posting.

Wow!!!! I was just telling my BFF's that they needed to join because "OMG you guys this site has everything"!! Thank you so much for the info Vogueboy!!! A place to practice....sooooo cool!! And yes.... I'm aware I'm VERY easy to please lol
