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Apr 6, 2005
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If it took 2 different colors of the color pulse mousse and mixed them together, do you think I would come up with this color. I would mix light brown and the reddish one, I can't remember the name. I need it to be a light reddish brown. Hope this make sense.I think I will buy some and try a test strand. I bought the iced coffee, but on my strawberyy red hair, it still is too red. I want it more of a light, reddish auburn.

I don't recommend mixing colors like that on colors bought from the DS. I'd rather go to a salon with it, or ask a professional about what products would be safest to do that with and purchase them from a beauty supply store.

I agree with Aquilah --- they are temporary mousses, so it can give unpredictable results. I would do the strand test first, or see a colorist --- red is a hard color to work with. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

well ... onli cuz u're the haircare guru .. I agree w/u

i have tried the iced coffee and i loved it, i have dirty blonde hair and it look really natural and a light reddish brownish!

Red really is a pain to work with! It's such a gorgeous color, I just wish it lasted longer and wasn't such a hard color to keep! :scared:


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