Co Washing and Conditioning with Oils forums

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Minor update – I tried your suggestions Firefox – and my hair looks fabulous!                                                                                                             Very soft, manageable and my scalp isn’t oily at all.                                                                                                                                                I plan on following this routine every other day from now on.

Diva – you owe Firefox an apology!

You and I both know that the only reason you were combative with her is that she responded with information that I was seeking – and that I thanked her.

It is glaringly apparent that anytime I start a thread, you do your best to hijack it.

Twice I tried to turn this thread back to co washing with coconut/olive oil and you become increasingly agitated. And of course you would turn the thread back to your opinions that I clearly wasn’t interested in.

Last time I checked I have the right not to take someone’s advice/suggestions.

By the way, who are you to tell me what to spend my money on?

Quite interesting that you told Firefox: “You become upset when no one caves to your ideas, and you have the adacity to accuse other You seem to want to voice your own opinion and not be able to tolerate someone elses when it is different from your own.  Forums are discussions and not testimonials to 1 opinion.â€

Diva - you are the master of hijacking threads and dominating them with your opinion(s). Were you looking in a mirror when you chose these words?!

By the way, Firefox gives great advice on hair. I was hoping she would post her opinions as her advice was exactly what I needed to hear.

Perhaps in the future you will ignore people’s comments if they don’t resonate with you – just as I have done with yours.

And I hope that you reflect back on this thread and recognize your obnoxious behaviour.

In the future, kindly refrain from posting on a thread I start. Or learn to behave better.

By the way, just because you are a mod does not give you the right to abuse that privilege.

I wonder what Tony would say after he sees that you have offended two people on one thread.

I wonder what potential advertisers would think when they recognize a mod that enjoys a double standard – “do as I say, not as I do.â€

Interesting to know if advertisers read through the threads. Would they want to invest advertisement money once they clearly see a mod offending members and driving them away from Mut – leads to products/services not being purchased.

Noone is TELLING you what to do Carolyn.  You only wanted to hear what you wanted to hear.  You might as well have asked who agreed with you rather than differing opinions. 

Originally Posted by Dragonfly /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Minor update – I tried your suggestions Firefox – and my hair looks fabulous!                                                                                                             Very soft, manageable and my scalp isn’t oily at all.                                                                                                                                                I plan on following this routine every other day from now on.

Diva – you owe Firefox an apology!

You and I both know that the only reason you were combative with her is that she responded with information that I was seeking – and that I thanked her.

It is glaringly apparent that anytime I start a thread, you do your best to hijack it.

Twice I tried to turn this thread back to co washing with coconut/olive oil and you become increasingly agitated. And of course you would turn the thread back to your opinions that I clearly wasn’t interested in.

Last time I checked I have the right not to take someone’s advice/suggestions.

By the way, who are you to tell me what to spend my money on?

Quite interesting that you told Firefox: “You become upset when no one caves to your ideas, and you have the adacity to accuse other You seem to want to voice your own opinion and not be able to tolerate someone elses when it is different from your own.  Forums are discussions and not testimonials to 1 opinion.â€

Diva - you are the master of hijacking threads and dominating them with your opinion(s). Were you looking in a mirror when you chose these words?!

By the way, Firefox gives great advice on hair. I was hoping she would post her opinions as her advice was exactly what I needed to hear.

Perhaps in the future you will ignore people’s comments if they don’t resonate with you – just as I have done with yours.

And I hope that you reflect back on this thread and recognize your obnoxious behaviour.

In the future, kindly refrain from posting on a thread I start. Or learn to behave better.

By the way, just because you are a mod does not give you the right to abuse that privilege.

I wonder what Tony would say after he sees that you have offended two people on one thread.

I wonder what potential advertisers would think when they recognize a mod that enjoys a double standard – “do as I say, not as I do.â€

Interesting to know if advertisers read through the threads. Would they want to invest advertisement money once they clearly see a mod offending members and driving them away from Mut – leads to products/services not being purchased.

I just saw this video on youtube about using coconut oil in your hair and she loves it.  I immediately thought of you and this thread and wanted to share it with you,

Thanks for sharing Jeannie. I've been mixing 1/4 cup Suave conditioner with a tsp of coconut oil, as my rince out conditioner.

Then, just before I style my hair, I apply a tsp of the mixture back into my hair as a leave in.

I have to tell you that my hair is fabulous! Much healthier looking and finally soft to touch.

I may have to give that a try.  My hair is really dry from all the processing.  I've been using a Brazilian Keratin Oil daily that has helped and a conditioning mask with Olive oil in it once a week.  My hair is better, but still not as soft as I'd like it.

this is so great! i've tried jojoba, shea butter, and other natural remedies but all seem to weigh down my hair and have this strange residue left over.

I'm going to try the sweet almond oil though... how long do you leave it in? Do you recommend putting it from root to tip?

Almond oil is very light.  I usually just add it to my conditioner, I usually wet my hair, apply the conditioner, deal with the rest of my shower then I wash rinse out my hair.  I suppose that's about 10-15min.  If you are thinking of using the almond oil as an oil mask, you can leave it on for how ever long you want before shampooing it out...maybe even overnight.

Hi!  I used to use coconut oil a lot in my hair (still use it for my body- love it) and would be very oily and weighed down by it.  What I found now works for me is a regimen of Euro Organic Oil (left on for an hour or so while I do chores around the house) do one dry wash and then one wet wash with ACV shampoo and then a light conditioning with Pearl Essence Creme Rinse.  I guess if you get super oily you could skip the creme rinse.  These are all Morrocco Method products.  The Euro Organic Oil is such an amazing oil!  It doesn't overstimulate the sebaceous glands yet it still promotes healthy hair growth and it protects and nourishes hair big time!  I haven't found any other product to work so well and be so natural and pure with their ingredients!  I'm sure you'll love them if you try them! 

so whats in it?

Originally Posted by pemaom /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Hi!  I used to use coconut oil a lot in my hair (still use it for my body- love it) and would be very oily and weighed down by it.  What I found now works for me is a regimen of Euro Organic Oil (left on for an hour or so while I do chores around the house) do one dry wash and then one wet wash with ACV shampoo and then a light conditioning with Pearl Essence Creme Rinse.  I guess if you get super oily you could skip the creme rinse.  These are all Morrocco Method products.  The Euro Organic Oil is such an amazing oil!  It doesn't overstimulate the sebaceous glands yet it still promotes healthy hair growth and it protects and nourishes hair big time!  I haven't found any other product to work so well and be so natural and pure with their ingredients!  I'm sure you'll love them if you try them! 

The Euro Organic Oil is has a blend of wild-crafted organic oils that boast restoring the natural pH balance of the scalp and promote healthy hair growth.  These include: Sunflower, Almond, Apricot, Avocado and Jojoba Oils.  It also contains extracts of Bhringaraj, Brahmi, Neem, Amla, Sage, Lavender, White Rose, Frankincense and Myrrh.  Hand-picked St. Johns Wort flowers are infused in cold pressed olive oil as well.  These ingredients are all organic.


 I stumbled on this page while looking for some info on co washing for a dry scalp I have super straight hair, not terribly fine but it seems to be getting thinner as I'm aging! My scalp is really dry in the winter and I find that all the washing with shampoos is adding to the problem. I thought I would try co washing to see if it might help, but wasn't sure where to start.

Thanks for the info on the MM Euro organic oil! I love that the oils are organic and wild crafted, I like keeping things as natural as possible! The fact that it's nourishing & promotes hair growth sounds like this may be just what I'm looking for! That followed up with the Pearl Essence as a co wash sounds like a plan...

Thanks for the info!!

I just started co-washing. Its been about 6 days. I started with the sample of Wen that came in MyGlam bag. Then I was reading different blogs for the best conditioners and one of them said Dove so I've been using that.

I have curly hair and I also have dry scalp in the winter. The first few days I didn't really notice any sort of improvement and my scalp got worse. But I decided that I wanted to do it for at least a week before I made the decision to stop. Well, I'm glad I stuck with it. My scalp has gotten better and my hair is softer and curlier. I haven't used coconut oil or anything like that, just the Wen conditioner for 2 days then the Dove conditioner now for about 2 days, and I used another conditioner for one day. And I skipped washing all together for one day. Overall I'm pretty happy so far. It does take a lot of conditioner to really cleanse the scalp but I love the results so far. I think I'm going to stick with it. I did read that most  ppl who co-wash shampoo their hair approx. once a month so I'll prob do that. But I want to give it at least a month to really see what benefit it has for my hair.

You don't need any coconut oil.  The OP was just using regular silicone free conditioner, not a product labeled -cleansing conditioner.  I love wen but its soooo expensive.  I use wen about 1x a month and use my cheap silicone-free condition to wash my hair every day. 


Originally Posted by Hezzie /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I just started co-washing. Its been about 6 days. I started with the sample of Wen that came in MyGlam bag. Then I was reading different blogs for the best conditioners and one of them said Dove so I've been using that.

I have curly hair and I also have dry scalp in the winter. The first few days I didn't really notice any sort of improvement and my scalp got worse. But I decided that I wanted to do it for at least a week before I made the decision to stop. Well, I'm glad I stuck with it. My scalp has gotten better and my hair is softer and curlier. I haven't used coconut oil or anything like that, just the Wen conditioner for 2 days then the Dove conditioner now for about 2 days, and I used another conditioner for one day. And I skipped washing all together for one day. Overall I'm pretty happy so far. It does take a lot of conditioner to really cleanse the scalp but I love the results so far. I think I'm going to stick with it. I did read that most  ppl who co-wash shampoo their hair approx. once a month so I'll prob do that. But I want to give it at least a month to really see what benefit it has for my hair.

Oh I know. I was just simply commenting on my new routine.

Originally Posted by divadoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif

You don't need any coconut oil.  The OP was just using regular silicone free conditioner, not a product labeled -cleansing conditioner.  I love wen but its soooo expensive.  I use wen about 1x a month and use my cheap silicone-free condition to wash my hair every day. 


My scalp is dry most winters.  We heat with wood and the air gets really dry.  A friend recomended the same for me and it has made a big difference.  Not just with the dryness but no more flyaway hair! or hair so flat it had no life in it.  I hope you had a chance to try the Euro oil, CO washing, esp in winter has been great for my scalp and my hair!

I apologize beforehand about my lack of knowledge on the co-washing subject. That is due mainly to the fact that I don't really use conditioner all that much :). I do, however, have a wealth of information on conditioning with oils. I only use oils after I wash and condition (when I condition), but especially if I haven't conditioned. I agree with a couple of the previous posters, euro oil is amazing hair conditioner. It leaves the hair feeling soft. I also use a lot of lesser known brands by GNC and Henna Sooq. I would have to say, the best oils to condition the hair are virgin coconut oil (very light and not very greasy), extra virgin olive oil (great for deep conditioning), jojoba oil (just all around AWESOME!), and grape seed oil (another all around awesome oil). It's best to use oils on damp or wet hair and then braid it and/or put it in a bun, especially during deep conditioning sessions. Also, I put carrier oils (such as jojoba or grape seed), water, and a little bit of hair-friendly essential oil into a small spray bottle when I'm in a rush or to tame my crazy hair or to just dampen it without having to stick my whole head under the faucet. I don't use hair products with chemicals (no SLS or chemicals) so the final product may be very different when you use natural oils to condition. I'm sure you'll love them though if you get crazy serious :)

Please enlighten me on co-washing. My hair can use all the help it can get. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> my hair sucks!! but grateful to have hair lol

Co-washing saved my hair after I very nearly had to have it cut off before it all fell out, thanks to a single, devastating (in more ways than one), radioactive iodine treatment for an overactive thyroid.

It became frizzy, brittle, even 'crunchy' to the touch, you could say, particularly in the mornings.  Everywhere I looked, more and more of my hair seemed to litter the floors.  I stubbornly refused to cut it - it's below waist length.  Immediately prior to the medical treatment, it had always been impossibly thick and strong, and, despite my ill health, it never once affected my hair. I guess the fact that it had been 'impossibly thick' might have been a saving grace, in a way, or I could have been bald by then.

In any event, one day I stopped crying and determined to see if I could search the net for a remedy.  There are plenty of 'remedies' out there - and I tried practically all of them, to no avail.

The day I stumbled upon "CO" on a blog site, was the day things changed dramatically. Not knowing what 'CO' meant, while reading all the rave reviews about it, I had to google, ":what does co hair method mean?" and found a site that discussed co-washing in detail - and in English - rather than slang and 'jargon-ese'.

It seemed like the most logical thing in the world to me, so I raced into the shower and promptly washed my hair with lashings of conditioner - twice. 

Then, while it was still dripping wet, I rubbed the tiniest amount of raw, unrefined shea butter (had a bucket of the stuff on hand to help relieve maddeningly itchy skin) into the tips of my fingers and rubbed it through the very ends of my hair first, then half way up the shaft...and then combed it with a wide tooth comb (it seemed to glide effortlessly through my tangled hair) and let it dry naturally.

(Sometimes, the night before I co-wash, I'll smear my scalp and hair liberally with shea butter, then throw on a shower cap and sleep with it washes out cleanly and beautifully with truly does!)

I cried again when it was dry. From sheer joy.  Because it not only felt healthy again, it felt better than before I ever got sick....just like it did when I was a kid - silky soft and clean and fresh and bouncy!  Over the months, the thickness of my hair has begun to return, making me doubly joyously happy.  I'm prone to bursting into song at the drop of a hat now, any place, any time lol

That was several months ago and I've never looked back and never touched shampoo again.  Just conditioner and shea butter and that's it.  I don't even need to use a hot iron or silicons to flatten and 'tame' it anymore, because it's perfectly, naturally relaxed and frizz-free.

So if anyone's having any doubts about co-washing and not using shampoo again, I can assure you that it's the gentlest, most effective and healthiest thing you can do for your hair.

And let's not forget that conditioners do contain cleansing agents anyway, albeit a small amount.

I also just use cheap, 'frequent use' or 'everyday use' conditioners because you have to use a lot more of it than shampoo, but it's worth it.  I usually buy them in bulk-size pump bottles for around $3.00 a bottle.

For those who want to try using the shea butter like I do, raw, unrefined shea butter can be obtained from soap making suppliers online as well as health food stores (although it will usually be more expensive from health food stores).  Some feel that unrefined shea butter 'stinks', but to me, it just smells like licorice or aniseed.  The smell doesn't transfer to your hair, so even if you don't like it, you don't have to worry about it.

Hope this info helps those who might be feeling a little timid about trying co-washing for the first time.

Wow... Sounds like you had a great experience with co-washing. By chance, do you remember the site you came across? I really want to learn more. My hair is thick, but very frizzy, dry and brittle. 

Originally Posted by StormCrow /img/forum/go_quote.gif

The day I stumbled upon "CO" on a blog site, was the day things changed dramatically. Not knowing what 'CO' meant, while reading all the rave reviews about it, I had to google, ":what does co hair method mean?" and found a site that discussed co-washing in detail - and in English - rather than slang and 'jargon-ese'.
If you applied too much, yes a gentle shampoo will be needed, if not then i suppose it wouldn't be. It's up to you and your hair's status. I prefer shampoos because i know i can really focus on my roots which don't need the extra oil, while i will lightly wash the excess of my lengths which are dry. It saves me from conditioning, what i spend in shampoo i don't spend in conditioners.


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