CHI hair straightener forums

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Dec 12, 2006
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I've tried so many different types of hair straighteners. Walmart ones to really expensive ones...The most expensive one I bought was called, CARIOLLIS or something like that. It worked great for the most part but it damaged my hair greatly and then started to heat up slowly over time. A friend of mine suggested the CHI straightener but I read up on some reviews and it looks like it has a lot of electrical problems and it's not durable. I just need another opinion if I should get it or not. Thanks for reading! :g:
Hi and welcome to mut!!! I believe this post should be in the hair forums. I have a high quality straightener, but It seems to be damaging my a bit. All I can suggest and use a heat protection spray/serum of some sort!

Geez...sorry. I'm new to this Forum stuff so give me a little break would ya? Thanks for the tip by the way.
I actually didn't take her the wrong way. I was joking but I guess it's hard to know who's joking without hearing the sarcasm. Anyway, thanks for welcoming me!
the salon i go to uses chi and i love the way it straightens my hair. my old rusk straightener sucked. so i got the chi and love it!

Welcome to MUT! I think CHI is a matter of preference... A lot of girls like it and love it, and some think Sedu or Maxiglide is better. Definitely, no matter which brand you use, use a heat protectant!

Ive used XTC and Chi, and I prefer my Chi! I have had it for just over a year and haven't had any problems so far!

I tried the CHI but the one that you could not change the temperature on. It was a little much for my hair. I have a Sedu on my Christmas List as my cousin has one and LOVE IT!!!

Hope Santa brings me one!!


I have the Ultra CHI... and have been using it since the summer without any problems. I don't use it daily, but it seems pretty durable. I've tried the Maxiglide, but on my hair, the CHI was much better. Welcome to MuT by the way! I"m Janelle from NY.... nice to meet you! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


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