Castor oil on hair forums

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Apr 6, 2005
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Is castor oil supposed to make your hair grow??? Ever since I have been using it on my face, my eyebrows(that i thinned out too much in spots)miracuously grew back in like two weeks. I have been waiting months for them suckers to grow. So would it work miracles on my hair as well. Actually it is a mixture of 50 percent olive oil, 25 castor oil, 25 avocoda oil, a recipe I got her on MUT. Just a thought

I have heard various things about Castor oil. Janelle thanks for that article-I love hairboutique(may come in handy for myself or my daughter)

do not....i not put castor oil in your hair!! trust me, i just did this about 3 weeks ago, and the result was not pretty.

first of all, it is unbelievably hard to wash out. it took about 3 washings to get it all out...and made my hair into a mess!!

and after all of that headache, i saw no result in texture or anything.

i realize that you are looking to use it for hair growth, but i would imagine you would have to put it on your scalp everyday and that might turn into weeks worth of greasy-nest hair!!

i don't know if using the mix you are speaking of might be better, but i just thought i would give you a warning on the castor oil!!

I haven't heard anything about caster oil in hair, but thanks for the tip on the eyebrowns. I have over plucked in one tiny area on my brows and they have never grown back! thanks, i'll give it a try...where do you buy caster oil abd avocado oil

some of my friends tried it too and had amazing results after a month. im gonna try it out too and see if it really works for me :)

i heard that britney spears uses it on her split. whether its

true or not, i don't know. i do know that castor oil is good

for dry skin. i'm not sure if the same applies for hair.

however, theres a book that i read called "passport to beauty"

written by a woman named shalini vadhera, a celebrity ma.

in it she says that it a popular item that the british use on

there hands to relieve dryness. the book came out like 3 weeks

ago and it has beauty recipes from all over the globe.

Castor oil can be found at your local grocers. The avocoda oil you will probably have to get at a health food store,but you could try walmart, they may have it, mine didn't but you never know.


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