Quote: Originally Posted by KeepOnSingin /img/forum/go_quote.gif
My job is cheap too...like super cheap. In January they said they weren't going to be buying anything other than essential supplies for the classrooms (I work at a daycare), and they said it would only be for January and maybe February. Well, it's almost April and we still can't get anything other than things like Clorox wipes, glue, pens and other super basic things. But, we do always have coffee. At least 2 pots are made everyday, and often it's 3. And there's milk and sugar there too, so if that's how you take your coffee, that's free to you as well.
I'm extremely lucky with my job as well though because it keeps me eating healthy, and it has decreased my grocery bill by a lot! We have a cook who makes breakfast and lunch daily, and we as staff are encouraged to eat what is made with the kids, and most of the stuff is absolutely amazing! It's all vegetarian and has lots of different foods and combinations. The only things I don't eat are the things that contain gluten since I'm gluten intolerant, and the quinoa salad because I can't stand the texture of quinoa. Usually I can eat almost everything. I can't do pancakes or quesadillas or barley, but he makes soup to go with most bready things and I can always eat that!
That sounds like an amazing cafe for those kids! Get them eating right young! My job has cafe for employees, but the only thing they serve in there are the leftovers from banquets we host throughout the week which is irritating because those banquets paid for the food, and then they go and charge the employees to eat the leftovers. When they aren't serving week old food, they make hot dogs or chicken fingers. So after about a year of that nonsense, I just bring my own lunch. Those quinoa salads sound heavenly compared to our cafe, ha!