Birth Control pills for Kids? forums

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i think parental consent should be considered incidental at best. idon't think they should give them to eleven year olds. i think it;'s brilliant and they should be free or low cost to high school students. I don't give a damn what parents think or what religion they are, sticking ones head in the sand is stupid and denial. i thought masturbation should be discussed in schools perhaps and was pissed when a high government official was fired over it, they are like that in other countries and their countries aren't falling apart at the seams. geez louise.

Originally Posted by Nox /img/forum/go_quote.gif Ugh! I am actually disgusted. Disgusted that a measure like that had to be taken in the first place. Carolyn, you raised an interesting point. Why the heck is it, that they go and target the girls (babies is what they are!) to put "control" on themselves, when really, the boys might need to be addressed even more in this picture. I have a feeling the boys impregnating these baby girls are a bit older... maybe even in high school. Boys 11 years of age are not quite equipped for that sort of handiwork. I feel it is the beginnings of predatory behavior, and it needs to be nipped in the bud. that's brilliant and explains why i thought birth control for the young was practical yet gave me the heebie jeebies. oh and i knew a girl who lost her virginity to her boyfriend at eleven, and her boyfriend was sixteen, she said it was "no big deal" and i gave her big eyes and she said "i looked like this (she gestures over her body) "by the time I was eleven. he didn't know any different and i lied about my age at first to be with him anyhow."
she was five foot five and a c cup. go figure! had her menarche at nine. but the VAST majority of the age stated are no where near as developed as she was, and children need to let their minds catch up to their bodies if they develop quickly. i have heard of boys getting girls pregnant as young as twelve or thirteen. the boy was a 12 or 13 year old father, I mean.

This is a prime example of parents being lazy. Instead of making a child pop a birth control pill, how about teaching them abstinence? And in addition, this is what happens when people allow the government to raise and rear their children when in fact they (the parents) should be doing it.

Wow, another hot thread! Children at a young age should be told about sex and how to protect themselves. Many parents think that this encourages early sexual activity but I don't agree. Abstinence is great in theory but not in reality.

Originally Posted by Aprill849 /img/forum/go_quote.gif How is abstinence not great in reality? I know this question was for Angela, but here is my point of view.In a country (US) were Sex Ed teaches teenagers that abstinence is the best way of birth control (if not the only respectable option!) come there are so many teen pregnancies in the US? (compared to most European countries). I don´t know how true that is for every single state, but I think we all know how the bible belt handles topics like this. (ok I´m keeping my mouth shut now lol)

Abstinence is not a realistic option, not just in the US, but pretty much everywhere. Human beings have completely natural urges, so it´s abstinence is really not realistic for everyone. Especially not teenagers who start to experiment with the other sex. Tell them they can´t do something and they´ll want to do it even more

The problem is only teaching abstinence - and not teaching about the contraceptions methods. See, i'm a girl who didn't have ANY boyfriend (or kissing or whatever) until 19 years old - but then , there's a lot of girls that with 19 are already with 2, 3 kids.

DAMN i see it EVERY time i go to one of the wards at the hospital i have Pediatrics class. ALMOST EVERYONE THERE , who just had a baby, i mean NINETY percent of the girls are younger than me.

Parents should have taught them to control themselves? Yes, but also the boys as well. What is with that society that calls the man who dates and gets a girl pregnant a stud and the woman who gets preggers is the one who didn't control herself?

We need to teach everything - prevention and prophylaxis. If the girl keeps the abstinence , it's absolutely great, but we shouldn't make her feel like the biggest sinner on Earth if she does have sex - but then, she gotta understand what she's dealing with and with the contraception methods.

In the end, it's all about education. If we educate our kids, they'll have their first sexual relationship older (when they really feel ready), with protection;

Originally Posted by lia_matos /img/forum/go_quote.gif The problem is only teaching abstinence - and not teaching about the contraceptions methods. See, i'm a girl who didn't have ANY boyfriend (or kissing or whatever) until 19 years old - but then , there's a lot of girls that with 19 are already with 2, 3 kids.
DAMN i see it EVERY time i go to one of the wards at the hospital i have Pediatrics class. ALMOST EVERYONE THERE , who just had a baby, i mean NINETY percent of the girls are younger than me.

Parents should have taught them to control themselves? Yes, but also the boys as well. What is with that society that calls the man who dates and gets a girl pregnant a stud and the woman who gets preggers is the one who didn't control herself?

We need to teach everything - prevention and prophylaxis. If the girl keeps the abstinence , it's absolutely great, but we shouldn't make her feel like the biggest sinner on Earth if she does have sex - but then, she gotta understand what she's dealing with and with the contraception methods.

In the end, it's all about education. If we educate our kids, they'll have their first sexual relationship older (when they really feel ready), with protection;

Very well said! You are completely right when it comes to the educational aspect of it! It makes so much of a difference when parents sit down and talk with their children.
I also agree with how the "double standard" is unfair. It takes two people to bring a child into this world--the girl can't do it all by herself!!!

Boys may not be the ones to get pregnant, but they will have to deal with the results for the rest of their lives.

Originally Posted by Andi /img/forum/go_quote.gif I know this question was for Angela, but here is my point of view.In a country (US) were Sex Ed teaches teenagers that abstinence is the best way of birth control (if not the only respectable option!) come there are so many teen pregnancies in the US? (compared to most European countries). I don´t know how true that is for every single state, but I think we all know how the bible belt handles topics like this. (ok I´m keeping my mouth shut now lol)

Abstinence is not a realistic option, not just in the US, but pretty much everywhere. Human beings have completely natural urges, so it´s abstinence is really not realistic for everyone. Especially not teenagers who start to experiment with the other sex. Tell them they can´t do something and they´ll want to do it even more

I think this is a generalization for sure. I was tought more than abstinence and I think the majority of places teach that way too in the states.
And im from Portland, Maine. The exact place where this is happening, and a lot of my friends went to that middle school in the article way back when. Im sure we had the same sexual education. We were definately taught all the ropes of sex and that it's okay to have sex when you're ready. Kids are gonna do what they want.

I think its horrible how kids this young are developing and having sex so fast. I did it really young too, but then I went to my mom and told her, and she took me to get BC from the doctor. I know I was just gonna do what I wanted too, and so are these kids, I just think its kind of disgusting how KIDS that arent even teenagers yet put themselves out there, and obviously their minds arent caught up with their bodies as someone mentioned. So even if they are being given this BC are they aware its not 100% effective, and that you have to take it at the same time everyday? Do they know if you dont it doesnt work as well, do they know if you take antibiotics it isnt as effective? Im pretty sure they dont, and some parents need to educate their kids and teach them some self respect. Whatever happened to maturity and commitment. If your gonna have sex just for the heck of it, if you want to have one night stands, cant you wait until your a teenager AT LEAST? I dont understand it lol sorry to rant. I think its terrible how girls that young think they have to have sex appeal, and boys that young just want to do it because 'its cool'. Ugh!!!
I think little girls are crazy these days, today actually, I went to Planned Parenthood to get on BC (even tho I'm not having sex til my love comes home). And these 2 little 12 year olds came in for condoms, then left giggling like crazy. WTF?? If you're that immature, you shouldn't have a bf, let alone sex!!

IDK, it scares me to have kids cause I know kids are gonna do what they want. Not all of them of course, but even though my friend was told so much about sex, then she went on BC @ age 13 and lost it that year too.

And I don't really blame the 11 year old boys cause I was a middle school student too and although I didn't have sex til 16 and was in love, I knew a LOT of 12/13 year old girls all had bf's in the HS, not one of them was having sex with a boy her age.

Actually I was with some while they messed around these HS boys and one tried to hold my hand and I was like "Don't touch me.".

They don't even know what they're doing! They just know sex is "fun" and wanna grow up way too fast. It hurts my heart lol.

Originally Posted by Tony(admin) /img/forum/go_quote.gif By the way, this is pretty much a political movement by the crazy far-left winged secular progressives that think this is OK. Thank you Tony!

Having sex at 11 is totally unacceptable behavior. I may be able to accept my daughter having sex at sixteen, although I doubt it. They need to be taught there are consequences for the actions we take.

Besides!!! Where the he11 are these kids having sex at!!!!!!!!! When I was 11 actually until I was 16 there was NO way I would be allowed anywhere without adult supervision.

Originally Posted by Bee Luscious /img/forum/go_quote.gif Thank you Tony!

Having sex at 11 is totally unacceptable behavior. I may be able to accept my daughter having sex at sixteen, although I doubt it. They need to be taught there are consequences for the actions we take.

Besides!!! Where the he11 are these kids having sex at!!!!!!!!! When I was 11 actually until I was 16 there was NO way I would be allowed anywhere without adult supervision.

If you have people in their twenties and up who have sex and aren't careful, you know for a fact that eleven year olds are going to be LESS reliable, and therefore have more of a risk of pregnancy and other unwanted things that can go along with sex.

These kids are so ridiculous. I knew about sex when I was that young, but never ever thought about having sex. In my mind, it was something meant for adults, not a kid. I don't think people should make sex seem forbidden to kids -- that makes them tempted even more. Just explain that sex is for adults to have babies or something, and maybe that will deter them? Who the hell knows. Maybe throw in their, hey, your parents had sex in order to have YOU...may make 'em throw up a little in their mouth ;]

Seriously, though. This is really disturbing. I hope to hell when I have kids, they don't even dare say "I'm having sex" at ELEVEN. He or she will have another thing coming, that's for sure.

With regard to when kids are having sex:

There are huge numbers of kids unsupervised between the time they get out of school and the time their mom or dad gets home for work.

With regard to where kids are having sex:

Could be their own bedroom or their partners bedroom. Any place where adults aren't.

Personally, I'm on the fence with this one. I started my cycle at 11 y.o., and experienced horrible periods until I finally got put on BC at 15. If I'd been put on it sooner, then I wouldn't have had to experience cramps beyond belief or irregular periods.

On the same token, I've always been told girls can't go on BC unless they've had a vaginal exam. Alas, I'm sure things might've changed. Unfortunately, there are children having sex at that age, and it is sickening. I want to say at least they're being protected to an extent, but they're not truly being protected from STDs (makes it even worse!).

Originally Posted by Scarlette /img/forum/go_quote.gif Thinking back to when I was in Jr. High (in the early 90's) there was only one girl that we all knew of that was pregnant at the age of 12 in school. She was laughed at on a daily basis, yet she acted "proud" to be pregnant. My mother started her period at the age of 8, so you can imagine the horror her parents went through, plus my aunt had a baby when she was 15. Personally, I had sex at a very young age, I won't even tell you how young.. and it probably would have been a good idea to get some sort of protection, but I was too scared to tell my mother anything. My mother probably would have killed me if I told her I even kissed a guy! I think a lot of girls out there are sexually experimenting and since their parents probably don't educate them on the subject, they are clueless! If their parents do mention sex, it possiby goes something like, " I will kill you if you ... " I think being open and honest with your child & educating them about what is going on in their bodies is the best thing to do. It's exactly for reasons like this that birth control pills shouldbe available anonymously. Good post.
As disturbing as it is, i think its a good thing for these girls to get on birth controll. I don't think an 11 yo needs to be even kissing a boy, but I really really don't think and 11 yo needs to be a mom.


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