Originally Posted by Lisa N /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I don't know about some of this. I doubt the Joliebox had much to do with it, they bought the company but I'm sure it's probably being run by the same people and isn't being operated by BB NY. And you have to think, BB has people who's specific job it is to get samples from companies, some who do events like Sample Stop, and the other events like they did over the summer. It's not like everyone at BB focuses on each thing going on, or that Katia is stuffing boxes. As far as not seeing Essie yet, that wave probably just shipped later. I'm getting Essie, got the email weds, still no update. I deal with shipping at work. Once it's on a truck, they consider it shipped, but UPSMI may not unload the truck for days. It's free shipping, I'll get it when I get it. I don't really understand why people are mad this month.
ermm... I am positive that when a company buys another company, there are a lot of changes that get made. I basically live in the start up world of Silicon Valley / SF, and nobody buys a company and just lets it function autonomously. Birchbox is still a start-up, and at start-ups everybody is thinking of more than one thing at a time. And I am well aware that Birchbox does not pack their boxes themselves, they contract with a third party company to put the boxes together, so no actualy Birchbox employee ever touches the boxes.
I am speaking more on the company level, there is no press about wether the executive team at jolie box wanted to sell it to take their money and leave, or if there was a clause in the acquisition to keep their vesting on for additional years to entice them to keep on working. It really could have gone either way, companies don't get bought my other start-ups unless they are sure they themselves can't make the company huge.
Maybe a lot of birchbox thought and energy was spent in other places this month. It won't ever be confirmed if something went wrong so we can never know one way or the other.
Personally the people who get angry at this stuff are so amusing. I have SO many other things to think about and focus my time and energy on, that if something ships late, I hardly even notice. I keep a little calendar on my wall that reminds me when the boxes charge my card and when they claim to ship. ALSO my boxes all get shipped to my boyfriends apartment because their package handling procedure are a lot more secure than mine, so I don't get to get them until the weekend regardless of when they actually get there, so wether it comes monday or thursday night, no difference to me.
Originally Posted by gemstone /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Birchbox has also grown a TON in the past few months + is a bigger company than ipsy. I was just putting this out there as a possibility, but you can continue to fret about it and be rude to someone has an explanation you don't WANT to believe. Personally, I would rather think that there is a good reason than immediately assume the worst (hello all of the people that were convinced box 1 was going to have 2 items?)
Birchbox has like 100 times the subscribers of Myglam. and people are so quick to forget all the crap that myglam pulled. Freeman mask, Mall Kiosk skin samples... Fake WEN, 10 cent cheap ass china brushes, the nasty nail decals. There are bumps along the way! sheesh.
I still can't believe there was anybody who legitimately believed that because there were only two items listed that that was all they were getting. harhahahha
Originally Posted by dd62 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
There is a picture of box 1 on instgram. I cant wait to get mine!
YES! Big sample of the body wash
[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I thought I wanted a big lipgloss, but I counted how many lipglosses I have... i am embarassed... I have much less body wash. (Also Leesha/XSparkage did a whole series on these kheils products, so I have wanted to try them) I want more pictures to show up so I can see what colors of nail polish are going out and wether they are tied to a box or not.