Best shampoo for volume? forums

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Sep 22, 2007
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I have thick hair so I get it thinned a lot. Well here lately I guess my hair is getting thinner or something. It always looks thin and flat so I'm wanting to get some Shampoo & Conditioner to give me some volume. Are there any that you all have tried that worked well? I searched post, but couldn't find anything. I was thinking about Matrix Amplify, but that's only because I don't know of anything else. If there is one you all have tried that is a HG or even just a Great one plese let me know. TIA!!

Well I think I found my HG volume shampoo and conditioner. I got Matrix amplify, I used it a long time ago and don't know why I quit. I have been straghtening my hair a lot lately and it seems like it's make it flat and frizzy. The matrix amplify brought out my natural wave so I don't have to straighten it. I'm so glad that I decided to try it again, and the smell is Great!!!

i *love* matrix amplify so if you can afford that, i would use it! i had to stop using it b/c it became a bit costly..i love the smell of it too.

herbal essences natural volume & dove weightless volume. these two worked very well for me!!

i've used lots & haven't been able to tell a difference, like these new lines- sunsilk & herbal essences body envy. they didn't do me much good. HTH

Well I got the liter bottle sets two for $30.00 so as long as I can get them for that I think I will keep buying them. When they run out of the sets i'll have to try something else. Are either one of those comparable to amplify? I may have to check those out for when I run out of the matrix.

wow that's a really good deal! wish i had prices like that here. i think the herbal essences natural volume worked the best. it's something about the ingredients in the shampoo that make it different than the others..that's what made me decide to try it. i can't recall where i read the article, but i'll try to find it for ya..


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