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Dec 20, 2005
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I get fairly oily roots and really dry ends. I just washed my hair using Aloe vera gel instead of shampoo, my roots are shiney and clean but don't feel stripped like they do with shampoo and my ends aren't dry like they get when I even only use shampoo on my scalp.

I've only tried it once, but this might just be the holy grail for people with combination hair :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Hmm interesting, I like the plant Aloë in general... and to use it in hair sounds logical too... as it seems like a little miracle thingie for many cures. What kind of gel do you use?

I use stuff mad by a brand called fruit of the earth, it seems to have a lot les stuff added to it than others.

I've been googling a bit, apparently it helps with hair loss. Maybe it will make my hair thicker? :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Ohhh sounds good, I will look around for it. Thank you..

Well for what I know Aloe can have a really healing effect, so it pretty much can only do good for your hair.

Getting all the right vitamins is very important to maintain your healthy state of hair, nails and skin in general.

Getting an additional supplement can help too.

Hmm... I have that same Fruit of the Earth aloe gel. How exactly did you use it to wash your hair? Just wet the hair, take a blob of the gel and just work it through like shampoo and rinse?

Did you use conditioner after? Sounds interesting.

I wet my hair in the shower then applied a generous amount to just my root and left on for a minute or 2, then rinsed and then applied to conditioner to the my length and not my roots

It doesn't remove olive oils or any other oils you might add to your hair, as I just found out :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> *greasy head*

It's more of a gentle every day wash, not so good when you need some heavy duty cleansing.

I have the same problem, excep that i dye my hair. Do you think this will be safe even with hair color????

about using hair gel with aloe -

i actually have a bottle of aloe gel (regular 4 burns and stuff) that says u can use it plain as hair gel. never tryed it though- doesnt seem like it could do the job, but let me know if u try it

i've used it as a gel. it isn't a really strong hold or anything, but it does work pretty good on my curly hair.

Right on!!!! I love hearing about new things to try. I am going to Walgreens later so I will add this to the list too. Let us know how it's been working for you!!!


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