A Night time hair regime?

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May 13, 2005
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i've never done too much to my hair at night, but my hair has been pretty dry by the end of the day lately. i guess it's the change in weather. i've been trying to figure out what to do because with it being cold who wants to wash their hair everyday? last night i tried a regime that i think will keep my hair moisturized and help me skip the complete rinse out everyday.

1. dampen my hands and finger comb my hair until it's pretty damp, but not dripping.

2. apply ouidad moisturizer paying special attention to the ends

3. follow with john frieda secret weapon

4. allow hair to partially air dry (maybe about 30-60 minutes)

6. pen up with duck bill clips and put on satin bonnet (i remove the clip before bed).

in the morning i just dampen my hair slightly (usually in the shower) and only used my dark and lovely moisturizer. my hair was soft and managable all day without drying out (at least so far).

are there others that have a night time regime for your hair? please post because although the above worked today, who knows about tomorrow! lol!

Around this time of year, I really go gung-ho on the "bunning" before bedtime and forgo the wrapping this winter. I won't have smooth hair, but at least it will be healthy and stay strong. I don't want to lose any of the gains I made earlier this year.

I gather my hair into a ponytail on the very top of my head. I hold in place with a big soft cloth scrunchy, not a thin hairband. I melt a spoon full of melted shea butter and apply it to my ponytail. Then I take my mister (homemade hair spritzer) and give it a very light spray. I twist the ponytail into a solid bun. *If hair was crunchy/dry during that day, saran wrap it or put a sock over it.* Wrap head with satin scarf. Voilà! (I suppose you could probably do this with any other hot natural oils).

I remember when I used to live in a place that was sub-zero during winter, I would get some breakage. It's a double-whammy because not only is it cold, but it's dry air zapping your hair of whatever defense it has left. The best way to combat this, I've found, is to reconstitute as much warm moisture as possible at night so the hair has more defense against the elements throughout the day.

I just tie my hair up on the top of my head.

you gals should try curl keeper from frizzoff.com ..........I get this stuff for Justine and she loves it!! there are lots of pics and tips on the website.

take a shower

either put a hair straightner gel in or curling lotion.

sleep on wet hair

wake up, straighten hair if i wanna straighten it, or if its curly put de-frizzer on it.


Apply leave-in (lotion or cream), seal with Vatika oil, one braid down the back of my head, wrap braid into a bun, tie on scarf. If I'm feeling fancy, I do 2 braids.

I usually take a shower at night because I have limited time before school in the morning. When I get out i towel dry it a little but not completely. Next, I take Suave aloe+waterlily conditioner and squeeze a tiny bit into my hand and slick all my hair back. I sleep with my hair wet and in the morning I just rinse the conditioner out in the sink, part it and blow dry. It makes my hair feel really clean and easy to style.

ooo nice idea. I stopped using conditioner cos I think it takes the volume out of my hair, but its been looking like a (voluminous) birds nest ever since. I think putting in a moisturiser before bed time is a great idea

I think I'm going to try just putting in some oil to begin with, and see how that goes, I don't really have any other hair moisturisers yet..

I have naturally straight hair and it's relatively thin so it doesn't have much volume unless i blow dry it with a round brush hah. What kind of oil do you think would work well for hair? And do you think it would leave your hair looking oily if you rinsed it or would it come out?

Originally Posted by Nox /img/forum/go_quote.gif Around this time of year, I really go gung-ho on the "bunning" before bedtime and forgo the wrapping this winter. I won't have smooth hair, but at least it will be healthy and stay strong. I don't want to lose any of the gains I made earlier this year.
I gather my hair into a ponytail on the very top of my head. I hold in place with a big soft cloth scrunchy, not a thin hairband. I melt a spoon full of melted shea butter and apply it to my ponytail. Then I take my mister (homemade hair spritzer) and give it a very light spray. I twist the ponytail into a solid bun. *If hair was crunchy/dry during that day, saran wrap it or put a sock over it.* Wrap head with satin scarf. Voilà! (I suppose you could probably do this with any other hot natural oils).

I remember when I used to live in a place that was sub-zero during winter, I would get some breakage. It's a double-whammy because not only is it cold, but it's dry air zapping your hair of whatever defense it has left. The best way to combat this, I've found, is to reconstitute as much warm moisture as possible at night so the hair has more defense against the elements throughout the day.

i think maybe i'm making my bun too low and that may be causing some friction. maybe piling it higher on my head would help.

Originally Posted by dentaldee /img/forum/go_quote.gif I just tie my hair up on the top of my head.you gals should try curl keeper from frizzoff.com ..........I get this stuff for Justine and she loves it!! there are lots of pics and tips on the website.

i'm going to check this out asap. thanks for the tip! the hair on the site looks so shiny. does it leave her hair feeling gummy or stiff? i may get one of those starter kits because the products seem to work on all types of hair.

oh, i need to think about that. in terms of regimen, mine is pretty simple, comb my hair before going to bed and apply some oil or shea butter on the lengths once a week.

Originally Posted by nikkurs /img/forum/go_quote.gif I have naturally straight hair and it's relatively thin so it doesn't have much volume unless i blow dry it with a round brush hah. What kind of oil do you think would work well for hair? And do you think it would leave your hair looking oily if you rinsed it or would it come out? it depends, usually i'd say any moisturizing oil, sunflower, olive, coconut, i even tried macadamia. you don't need much.you need to shampoo your hair in the morning, and it will go away. if you put too much, 2 shampoos might be necessary so your hair won't be weighted down by the remaining oil.

sometimes i will just take a few drops and spread them on the ends of my lengths. works good as a conditioner.

i apply olive oil to my hair at night. especially the ends and massage excess into scalp. then tie hair up in satin scarf.


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