17 and never had a boyfriend

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that was similar to me. My first kiss a week shy of my 17th birthday. we pashed, he tried to put his hands down my pants so i pushed him off me. he then went to kiss my friend, and it was also her first kiss...

Haha, don't worry. I'm 18, almost 19, and never ever been kissed. Ah, and i'm already on 3rd year of med school, so it's life. My sis had her 1st boyfriend when she was only 17.

I didn't have my 1st serious boyfriend until I was 18. Even then I dont think I was completely ready for a serious relationship. When you least expect it is when you will find a guy and when you aren't looking for it. I never believed that until it actually happened to me. When I completely just let go of it and learned to be okay with myself thats when guys started coming around more.

I was 18 before I had a bf, and it wasnt an intimate one. 19 was problably my first one. I probably wouldnt have been ready for one before then. I was in college when I started dating.

Honestly, you should think any less of yourself just because you're single! If anything you should be proud of your independence :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I used to worry about not having a boyfriend, because all my other friends were dating and I felt like a big loser, LOL.

When I was 15 I naively got together with the first guy that actually paid attention to me, which I now realize was a mistake. We only lasted maybe 3 months, and it was a lot of unessesary hearbreak and drama. After I broke up with him I pretty much resigned myself to the belief that I'd never have another boyfriend, and be lonely for the rest of my life. I had no interest in guys and just gave up looking or caring.

But not too long after, right when I thought I'd never be with anyone again, I started getting to know this guy... and within a few months, he asked me to be his girlfriend. And we've been together ever since! [over 2.5 years, now :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />]. When you finally give up, stop looking and let things take their natural course, what you want will come to you [in its own time]. You just have to let go! 17 is still so young... don't trouble yourself worrying about relationships and guys. You've got the rest of your life to do that! LOL.

The girls here are giving great advice. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I didn't date at all until I was 23, so I've definitely felt some of what you're feeling.

I would say definitely do not settle and try to focus on growing into the person that you desire to be during this time of singleness. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Hey I didnt marry till I was 43, so there is hope for us all. Enjoy your life, your friends, your family. You are only young once, so enjoy it and dont sweat the small stuff. Have confidence in yourself and the rest will come. Besides all the boyfriends I had when I was your age I WOULDNT BE CAUGHT DEAD WITH TODAY CAN WE SAY LOSERS lol.

Take care sweetie~~

me too (im 16 actually)! I feel so stupid sometimes, spec because i have been asked out buy a few great guys but i couldn't see past the picture. Just remember, you aren't getting married anytime soon, finding the perfect guy takes a while but there isn't a hurry! And it will just feel worse if you randomly hookup; you'll gain a bad reputation and it has no emotional benefit, just negatives.

Just for kicks: the parents say i can't date till i'm married. Such a good idea, no?

awww hon, don't worry!

I didn't start dating until I was 17.5 yrs old, my 1st and only boyfriend ended up marrying me after dating for 5 years, lol!

I am 18 and a freshman in college. I never had a boyfriend and I never even kissed a guy.

I'm 20 and I've never been on a date, but I like it that way. My first kiss was at age 18, which I try not to think about. I wish I had waited until I was in a loving, committed relationship. Everything will come in its own time, just don't sacrifice your standards or your morals for the sake of expediency. The right guy will come along!

count your blessings.. guys are doGGs.. nah not all of them, dont worry, you will in due time, i think the others gave you good advice..

dont worry- i know that is easier said then done but good things take time and usually happen when you least expect it:)

Wow, great advice ladies! But I never suspected that many girls had their first boyfriends or kiss at that age. My first passionate kiss was at 13 and real boyfriend at 14 (he was a senior) so I guess it was pretty young lol. Im 16 and Im kind of at that point and I feel like Ill never find somebody (Silly I know) So I think me being in love with my best friend is an act of desperation. Now come to think of it Im kind of doubting myself whether to tell him or not now. Maybe what I feel isnt real. Thanks you guys!!! You kind of saved me a bit from making an ass of myself :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I should wait longer too.

Harlot, definitely be careful before making those kinds of declarations! You can't go back once you've done that with a friend and feelings can change so much when you're 16.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who kissed before having a boyfriend and had a boyfriend young. I mean, I know around here it wasn't weird but all you ladies are saying you didn't date until much later than I started. My first kiss was when I was 13 and it was actually a good experience (he knew what he was doing, I think). My first boyfriend was when we were both 14...we didn't go to the same school so we never saw each other, but we talked on the phone every other day. It wasn't much of a relationship, really.

I say don't worry about how old you are when you start dating or find a boyfriend. My best friend dated a good amount (once she was in college) but only after she'd been out of college for a couple years did she date a man willing to call her his girlfriend (she must've been 22 or 23 when they met). Now she's with only her second boyfriend and they're talking about marriage (they're both 26, as am I); they'll have been together 2 years on New Years Eve. So it happens, and really I think in the end everything works out the way it's supposed to. Sometimes we just have to trust that we can't know everything, we just know that things will work out.


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