-I get so many compliments on my eyes, they are green and the range from forest green to light green with a bit of blue on the edges time to time, also they are pretty big, with long lashes!
-my thin nose
-my hair, its versatile its naturally curly which I don't wear often but I don't have to use a curling iron when I want to, but they aren't crazy curls that are inpossible to straighten. Also, my hairstylist said it was very healthy, to start out with.
-How my chest and booty are proportioned
-I got straight teeth, and my dentist commented on how white they are:icon_chee
-Flat abs
-Long legs!!
- I am very thin
- My nails! i can grow them out to be very long, I don't need acrylics!
-My height
-Ever since I've finished accutane I've gotten lots of compliments on my skin, I used to hate it and tried to do everything I can to help it, so now I am crazy obsessed with my skin care routine!