Would You Live Together Before Married?

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I definitely recommend living together before getting married, like some of the others here said, its the best way to get to know everything there is about your partner.

I guess i would after being with the guy for some time.(Gotta judge the character first)

Staying together for longer time makes a huge differences to me. I can know how tolerance & compromising of each other habits can we be..Everything from bed-room-toilet-kitchen-dining-parents-hall-door! It minimize after married living-together conflicts & gives each other more time to adapt to it too.

My bf and I are moving in together somewhat soon. I'm pretty excited for it.

I believe in no sex until marriage, so there will of course be temptation, but nothing that I can't overcome and he supports me all the way.

Hello Miranhat, and I agree with Tony that it is nice to see everybody's experience/opinions, etc.

I personally think it's very difficult to have any hard and fast rules for this one. For example, I did not live with my first husband before we got married, and we are no longer together. My cousin, however, lived with a woman without marriage for over 20 years, and just got married last year because their grandkids (no kidding) kept bugging them to do it.

I think what is really important though, is that you and your Bf/mate/ whatever share the same values regarding this and other important life decisions. In other words, if you felt that you did not really want to live with a man before marriage, but he had no problem with it, and in fact thought it would be a good idea and a good way of getting to know each other before marriage...

or vice-versa, if you were cool with and in fact wanted to see if you were compatible before making a lifetime commitment, but he was rigid and pushing for marriage......

I think sharing these and other values are what is important, and I know for a fact in my case, the lack thereof is what ended my marriage.

Thanks again for the good thread and know you have support her at MUT whatever you decide!

Ken and I lived together for almost 5 years before we were married.

Personally, I would never marry someone without living with them first. Marriage is a huge change in your life and so is living together. I think it helps a marriage to live together first because that's one less stress that you have and it also make you become very close as a couple. You get to learn EVERYTHING about a person when you are living together.

But as always, to each their own.

My husband and I lived together for exactly 23 days before we were married, so I guess yea, I would live together before marriage

Originally Posted by Kee My husband and I lived together for exactly 23 days before we were married, so I guess yea, I would live together before marriage
lol Exactly 23 huh?

We spent out very first day in our apartment on the 26th of February, 2004 and we were married on March 20th, 2004 [the first day of spring

For my husband and I, we did live together before we got married. It worked for us. We KNEW what we were getting into and KNEW each other to the finest point. No surprises. It just seemed right for us and I couldn't imagine jumping into a marriage and not have ever lived together before that moment. That's just my opinion though.

Hmmm, the only boyfriend I ever lived with didn't become my husband. I never lived with Dave before I married him. We didn't even live together until we'd been married for 13 months.

If you are ready to get married and he is the right guy, it doesn't matter if you live together first.

People say that they need to live with the person first to know what they're like but they end up divorced anyways. More and more people live together first and more and more people get divorced.

I'm not against co-habitation or pre-marital sex, but I think neither are exclusive to marriage.



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