Why cant I have a few?

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Originally Posted by Saje /img/forum/go_quote.gif Alcoholism is many things - and one of the main factors that determine what alcoholism is would be the actions that one does that either hurt them or others, whether it be physically, mentally, or emotionally.
If all it takes is one drink for someone to do that - then they are an alcoholic. If it takes one drink for someone to lose the capacity to control themselves - that is what an alcoholic is.

Alcoholism isnt determined by the amount of alcohol you intake (as I know people who can down alcohol like it is water - but still function as compared to some friends of mine who can take just two shots and suddenly become a different person).

That's definitely different and wouldn't thought about it in that way.
Originally Posted by Saje /img/forum/go_quote.gif When I attended an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, one lady got up and said this:
(to paraphrase) You can take one drink a year - but if that one drink makes you do actions that you do cannot control or regret after - then you are an alcoholic.

I suggest going to an AA meeting or something.

Yes I agree. Alcoholism is not just drinking a lot or frequently, it's also not being able to stop when you do and not being able to control yourself when you do. Even if that is once a year.
well it usualy takes more then one drink maybe like in beers like 3 before i start acting a fool.. and if you piss me off and im drinking.. its like WWW 3.. its bad.. i think i feel so good and then for like ever its terrible... i asked my mom for adivce and your friend is an alcoholic she said that sounds like it be on terms of that but it may not.. tat it wouldn't hurt to attend an AA meeting.. she also said i might be allergic to the alcohol? is that possible lol she said seeing how im always getting so sick and lazy.. its true after i drink for like two weeks i feel like some one hit me with a truck and i want to puke .. i get hot flashes and stuff. ti thought i was a hang over she said no a hang over is like for a day.. and you have to drink alot to do that.. only hangovers i get are extrema ones.. sigh.. thought i would share that info with ya and see what you thought.

Yeah I have a cousin who is alergic and when he drinks he just gets really really red and stuff. It shouldnt affect your personality or your hangovers.

yeah i didnt think so.. i kinda figured i would like break out in hives or something

Well, a small percentage of the population has low levels of alcoholdegydrogenase, the enzyme that breaks down the alcohol in your body. As far as I know this is quite common in people with Asian heritage. These people can´t handle a lot of alcohol and get very bad hangovers if they do drink. But that is a genetic variation, so you´re born that way and it didn´t develop sometime in your life.

I don´t know what meds you take for bipolar disorder, but I´m fairly certain you´re advised to stay away from alcohol if you take those meds. So that could be a reason.

I think I'd swear off alcohol all together.. Sounds like your system is so comprimised that the slightest bit of alcohol allows other virus's and bacteria to easily over power your imune system.. You can't keep beating yourself up before you do permenant damage... AA is probably agreat place to start along with a visit to your family MD.. Good luck..

well i have sworn off drinking unless its like with my mom at a bbq and she makes bloody marys or something.. i just dont ever want to drink again.. makes me feel sick for weeks and im always waking up regretting what i did the night before.

I don't really know about the health problems you are experiencing. I get bad hangovers when I drink too much, so I make sure to limit myself to say 3 mixed drinks or 4 beers, my body just cannot handle so much.

I have a friend (well actually a few) who are like you when they drink (well minus the clothes coming off, hehe). You just have to get control of yourself and if that means less drinks, then that is what you have to do. Even if you don't think your an alcoholic, you should check out AA and get some more info, it could help you. I knwo you just got married a couple months ago and you mentioned that it has created a problem in your marriage, so you really need to think about what you're doing and the proactive steps you can take. Do you really want alcohol and partying to come between you and your husband??

Good luck girly, if you are going to swear off alcohol, I know it can be tough. In fact one of the friends I was talking about just recently swore off alcohol, actually I think that's why she took a couple of trips, just to get away from it, especially after she blacked out after mixing drinks with her medication (I think she is bi-polar is well). Heres the AA site, they might have some good resources and can help you with some questions: Alcoholics Anonymous

I took a mandatory health class back in highschool and it varied from all different topics, the one I vividly remember is the effects of alchohol on the body, I remember reading in my textbook that alcohol weakens the immune system I looked it up and I found a lot of info:

Alcohol and the immune system | Alcohol Health & Research World | Find Articles at BNET.com

scroll down a few questions for this one:

Newstart Healt Care : The Immune System

What Causes A Weak Immune System?

As far as behavior goes, I personally believe that alcohol affects everyone differently, I have friends who can't drink wine because they get really violent, but are really good when it comes to drinking beer. I have friends who can't drink hard alcohol because of emotional issues, I have friends who don't drink beer because it makes them grumpy, honestly it all depends on how you can handle and what you can handle.

And for me, I have had a history of becoming really violent and dangerous when I drink, my advice to you is just to slow down, maybe just have one even if it doesn't do anything, honestly if you are getting sick and you can't control your behavior then its probably a good thing that you stop all together...I know it sucks but its just one of those things you shouldn't mess with...I hope I helped somewhat.

Girl, I don't think you have an addiction to alcohol because you clearly realize what alcohol is doing to you. You don't need to have fun to drink. What's fun in waking up and not remembering what you did or feeling embarrassed that you acted like a fool? Staying sober at parties/clubs whatever else opens you up to so many opportunities and you wake up with a clear mind the next day. Keep that in mind, I'm not judging you, I'm just very happy that you're relizing what alcohol is doing to you. Take a break from it and allow yourself again once you're ready and make sure to drink it responsabily this time.

maybe you're allergic to alcohol? my aunt is and she cant drink spirits or she gets COMPLETELY trashed even if its only one or two glasses, she's totally out of control and out of character and she's hungover for days.

I am allergic to alcohol too

Originally Posted by puncturedskirt /img/forum/go_quote.gif I can't see that being an allergic reaction. But it does Originally Posted by Saje /img/forum/go_quote.gif It shouldnt affect your personality or your hangovers.
Originally Posted by _withoutYou /img/forum/go_quote.gif Girl, I don't think you have an addiction to alcohol because you clearly realize what alcohol is doing to you. You don't need to have fun to drink. What's fun in waking up and not remembering what you did or feeling embarrassed that you acted like a fool? Staying sober at parties/clubs whatever else opens you up to so many opportunities and you wake up with a clear mind the next day. Keep that in mind, I'm not judging you, I'm just very happy that you're relizing what alcohol is doing to you. Take a break from it and allow yourself again once you're ready and make sure to drink it responsabily this time.
I just want to say, just because you're aware of it doesn't mean it's not an addiction. Some people naturally have an addictive personality, and take all things in excess without meaning to. Maybe you're drinking more than you realize and that's why you can't just "have a few". You might want to step back and see if it's just alcohol, or other things too that you tend to overindulge in and take it from there...
I agree that you can be an alcholic even if you do not drink often. I feel I have some knowledge on this because MOST of my family are alcholics. I have grown up around this issue my whole life. When I drank I was the same way- could not stop once I started. This I believe was the beginning of alcoholism. So I quit drinking. I did not wish to play with fire...

Originally Posted by Ricci /img/forum/go_quote.gif I am allergic to alcohol too
But it does

I just spoke with my mother (medical background/pharmacist) and she said that it would not be the allergy to cause the personality changes (since allergies are a physical reaction to allergens - not mental/psychological) but either the alcohol in itself or possible a possible chemical imbalance (such as being bi-polar) made worse with the mixture of alcohol.
Originally Posted by puncturedskirt /img/forum/go_quote.gif I don't see how that would make you an alcoholic.... Alcoholic to me is more along the lines of drinking excessively.

Wrong. An alcoholic's drink of choice is, simply, "MORE". When you can't drink just one (all of the time), when you're personal relationships are suffering, when you've put your marriage in jeopardy, your children in jeopardy (if applicable), others at risk for YOUR behavior and you do things you always regret later, you're an alcoholic.
But *no one* can tell you this and make you believe it. Every individual person must reach his/her rock bottom before he/she realizes that they have a problem and that is just the first step. Acting on conquering that problem is the *only* thing that will remedy it.

Once one admits they are an alcoholic, one must be careful to make sure he/she doesn't substitute the alcohol for another drug of choice (DOC) such as food, sex, pills, pot, etc.

Again, no one can convince you that you have a problem. Everyone's rock bottom is different and until one hits it, one will forever live in denial.

You are in my thoughts and prayers.



Originally Posted by MissMissy /img/forum/go_quote.gif hmm.. my mom said it might be cause im bipolar.. but i dont get it...
and celly cell sorry i came off as a *****.. its just i have to many people say some mean things in my threads.. so ijust kinda took it offensive.. my bad

Interesting. A classic symptom of bipolar is medicating oneself with alcohol.
How do YOU feel? Do you think you are bipolar? Why does your mother suspect that you are? (These aren't questions you have to answer here if you don't wish to-- although if you do want to, please go right ahead!!



Hi, I am a non drinker and I go out with my friends and look at some of them slowly though the night getting plastered. Not so plesent. As a suggestion the next few times you go out or socalise, try to not drink alcohol,think of it as an experement. See what difference to your evening it makes and to the following day/week after. It's possible to very much enjoy yourself without drinking. Take care


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