Where Are My Latinos At?

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Originally Posted by Aquilah /img/forum/go_quote.gif For some reason, I'm often mistaken for being Arabic... However, most people seem to catch on to my ethnicity.

It's the nose. Arab would not be the first thing I think of when I see you, but for otherwise untravelled people, they might say that.__________________________________________________ _________

Anyhow, how is being Latina have anything do due with the color of your skin anyway, or what characteristics you have? You are what you say you are, people can have all sorts of looks, and Hispanics/Latinas would be the very first in the world to know this. Most of the time, people looking at anybody besides themselves just can't get it right anyway, LOL!

I have met a natural bleach blonde, paper white skin lady my age from Mexico City, and she had lived there and Matazlan all her life, as did her mother. She is Dutch by ethnicity, but she is most definitely Latina. She speaks Spanish, her culture is Mexican, she is Hispanic.

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I also agree about Brazil. That place is the real melting pot. America never really came close to it, IMO.

Originally Posted by Nox /img/forum/go_quote.gif __________________________________________________ _________
Anyhow, how is being Latina have anything do due with the color of your skin anyway, or what characteristics you have? You are what you say you are, people can have all sorts of looks, and Hispanics/Latinas would be the very first in the world to know this. Most of the time, people looking at anybody besides themselves just can't get it right anyway, LOL!

I have met a natural bleach blonde, paper white skin lady my age from Mexico City, and she had lived there and Matazlan all her life, as did her mother. She is Dutch by ethnicity, but she is most definitely Latina. She speaks Spanish, her culture is Mexican, she is Hispanic.

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ditto ditto ditto ditto
very true
Originally Posted by Nox /img/forum/go_quote.gif __________________________________________________ _________
Anyhow, how is being Latina have anything do due with the color of your skin anyway, or what characteristics you have? You are what you say you are, people can have all sorts of looks, and Hispanics/Latinas would be the very first in the world to know this. Most of the time, people looking at anybody besides themselves just can't get it right anyway, LOL!

I have met a natural bleach blonde, paper white skin lady my age from Mexico City, and she had lived there and Matazlan all her life, as did her mother. She is Dutch by ethnicity, but she is most definitely Latina. She speaks Spanish, her culture is Mexican, she is Hispanic.

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True but people always do that. If you are Indian looking people call you Mexican, if you dark skin people assume you are Dominican, if you are light skin people think you are Puerto Rican. Its silly but it always happens. People always think Im Puerto Rican because im light skinned and when I tell the im Dominican they are ALWAYS puzzled. The majority of my family is lightskinned so i guess we dont fit the Dominican mold. idk I never assume what anyone else unless they tell me or im curious enough to ask.
My godmother is natural bleach blonde with blue eyes and shes Dominican. People like to put people in categories.

Originally Posted by emily_3383 /img/forum/go_quote.gif True but people always do that. If you are Indian looking people call you Mexican, if you dark skin people assume you are Dominican, if you are light skin people think you are Puerto Rican. Its silly but it always happens. People always think Im Puerto Rican because im light skinned and when I tell the im Dominican they are ALWAYS puzzled. The majority of my family is lightskinned so i guess we dont fit the Dominican mold. idk I never assume what anyone else unless they tell me or im curious enough to ask.
My godmother is natural bleach blonde with blue eyes and shes Dominican. People like to put people in categories.

Yes, you are right about people trying to make assumptions. Like I said, too many people will not get it right anyway, so I don't worry so much about it, unless the person is trying to use that to insult me.
It's funny, because I have met a Puerto Rican that could very well represent West Africa better than myself, I have met Dominicans that have a more "indigenous" look, and Mexicans who are ethnic Europeans.

Aren't the mental pictures we try to limit ourselves to quite peculiar? When it comes to Latinas/Latinos, I have learned not to expect them to look like anything. In college, I had a study buddy from Panama... he was ethnic Chinese. It only makes us look stupid when people have to correct us, so why make the assumption? To ASSUME makes an ASS out of U and ME.

Sorry for derailing your thread Celly, but I just find this topic so fascinating. I couldn't think of a PC way to ask it on the board so I couldn't resist my piqued curiosity and I had to satiate it.

I'm 100% Puerto Rican (Boricua para que tu lo sepas!) LOL!

I was born and raised in NY though but still consider myself 100%

I am bilingual I can read, write, and speak Spanish.

I'm often mistaken for an Italian or something else but not spanish) I live in Florida so I blend in well. LOL!

Originally Posted by emily_3383 /img/forum/go_quote.gif True but people always do that. If you are Indian looking people call you Mexican, if you dark skin people assume you are Dominican, if you are light skin people think you are Puerto Rican. Its silly but it always happens. People always think Im Puerto Rican because im light skinned and when I tell the im Dominican they are ALWAYS puzzled. The majority of my family is lightskinned so i guess we dont fit the Dominican mold. idk I never assume what anyone else unless they tell me or im curious enough to ask.
My godmother is natural bleach blonde with blue eyes and shes Dominican. People like to put people in categories.

You're a fake! you're white! lol jk

I have had PR and Dominican in me. lol, but that belongs in another thread!

I'm not hispanic although throughout school, people thought I was mixed with some of hispanic descent. I remember in JHS they literally put me in a spanish speaking class and the profesora was asking me some questions. I'm like "que? lo siento, pero yo no entiendo" lol, I do speak some spanish. I've taken spanish for 8 yrs in school, but I'm not fully fluent and everyone in that specific spanish class were native speakers. I had to be removed and placed into a NON-native speaking spanish class :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Now that I lost my tan, I don't look that "hispanic" anymore. My cousins in SC get asked if they're mexican all the time. lol, they're way darker than I am with their tans.

LC, I totally get you on that. Phillipinos are the ******* in the asian world, as carlos mencia would say haha.

I have met folks from asian decents with full on cuban accents because cuba is mixed like that. But they are still consired latino - their generations were brought up from there. My great-great grandma was chinese... she lived in cuba.

If you want my specifics then i'm native indian (forgot which my mother said), spaniard, african and some chinese.

Oh, and someone mentioned they loved cuban and puerto ricans accents... I do too! I effin love it. My dad use to have a strong one but as time went on it's been more "mexicanized" haha. Just right now I heard him say, "no mames way." His family still have it but I can never understand them. It always seems like they're yelling.

This thread is all very confusing...to me.

I am kind of like Nox in this thread...these are thing I've always been curious about, but never thought it was PC to ask.

On a side note: People never know what ethnicity I am. I have gotten Middle Eastern, Latina, Bohemian?, All sorts of things. I am actually Italian, German, Irish and Australian. Weird mix huh??

Oh dude, i would answer all that but i dont want all my info on the internet :S

But anyways, i guess i agree with Nox, my mom is white and as a child she used to have white hair and blue eyes, that darkened with the years, she now has hazel eyes and brown hair, my dad is dark skinned, but he doesnt look mexican he looks lebanese, i have a mix of spaniard and swedish in my family, so, i dunno, i guess you aren't able to tell what people's ehtnicity is anymore these days =)

Originally Posted by BeneBaby /img/forum/go_quote.gif This thread is all very confusing...to me.
I am kind of like Nox in this thread...these are thing I've always been curious about, but never thought it was PC to ask.

On a side note: People never know what ethnicity I am. I have gotten Middle Eastern, Latina, Bohemian?, All sorts of things. I am actually Italian, German, Irish and Australian. Weird mix huh??

You totally look italian to me
Originally Posted by lia_matos /img/forum/go_quote.gif You totally look italian to me
LOL, I would actually have thought some "Roma" heritage or a dash of gypsie myself if I were looking at Amanda for the first time.
But now that you say Irish, I would definitely not argue with that. You have some trademark features!

I teach at a school that is 98% Latino. Of those students, 90% are Mexican, 5% Puerto Rican and the rest are from a variety of backgrounds. It has been really educational for me and I mean that in a good way. Today a girl told me how her great great grandmother gave food to Pancho Villa. This is a very interesting thread even for a white boy like myself

I'm actually terrible at "guessing" someone's nationality but sometimes you really can't tell. My little italian great grandmother was very blonde, pale and blue-eyed. All her kids were dark haired, olive skinned and brown eyed, more what you might consider "typical" Italian.




yup, read it and write it too.


i was born in east los angeles


my mom was also born in east los angeles, in the same hospital as me, and she went to mexico on vacation and met my dad at a club and fell in love, my mom would visit alot to see him, until she brought him across the border, got married and had me.


not really, but for some reason a long time ago when i had my hair blonde at my job, customers would always ask if i spoke spanish, (people who didnt speack english) i dont know why cause i think i look BIG TIME latina.

Originally Posted by Aquilah /img/forum/go_quote.gif Well, I just say I'm half Black, half Puerto Rican. However, my dad's side has more than Puerto Rican... Panamanian, Cuban, Tijito Indian and Spaniard.
I took 3 years of Spanish, and understand more than I speak. My stepfather didn't want us using Spanish in the house (pretty much so we couldn't figure him out).

I was born in the USA, but have visited PR a few times. My dad was born in Carolina, PR and raised in NYC.

For some reason, I'm often mistaken for being Arabic... However, most people seem to catch on to my ethnicity.

I'm half black, half puerto rican as well, and I've gotten mistakened for being middle eastern, especially when I wrap my hair up (even as large as it is!!!) even by other middle easterners! I think it must be the lighter complexion mixed with the slightly hooked indian nose that sometimes happens with this partical combination. But onto the actual questions:

1. 50% black, 50% puerto rican (but isn't part of that indian as well? I know that gives me my nose, cause my father has it too, and his great grandfather was half Taino, so I guess the puerto rican is 6% Taino indian for me as well... as well as there is some black *in* the puerto rican already...now I'm getting all anal...I guess my true overall percantages are like 6% Taino, 22% Spaniard, and 72% African. Pretty cool.)

2. Do you speak Spanish fluently? Not fluently, but if I see someone that doesn't speak English and they need help, I can speak enough to help them out. And I'm pretty darn good in my dreams

3. Where you born in your Country or somewhere else? Well, I was born in the USA, not Puerto Rico.

4. If you were born in a different place beside your Country, how & why did your parents move? My father was also born in the US, but his mother moved here in the 60's for the first time and then after that back anf forth. I think my dad just saw a lot more opportunty for what he wanted to do here (construction).

5. Do people mistake you for another nationality, if so, what? Yeah, a lot of people think I am just black (sometimes other mixed girls guess I am also mixed, but not always), since my hair is so tightly curled, but then the second guess is middle eastern when I straighten it. Only other hispanics actually catch onto me being latina or mixed with it. I can almost always tell another Puerto Rican from a mile away (at least in person) lol

1. State your nationality. Black, white, puerto rican ( 1/4 Rican )

2. Do you speak Spanish fluently? a lil bit, I know enough to get by, tryin to learn still!

3. Where you born in your Country or somewhere else? Born in U.S. but conceived in Germany!

4. If you were born in a different place beside your Country, how & why did your parents move? I'm gonna edit this....My parents meet in Germany, both were in the Army, and my mother got a medical discharge so she could have me here.

5. Do people mistake you for another nationality, if so, what? I get Dominican alot, or in SD people think I am mixed with Indian.

I bags being an honourary latino, because this thread is so interesting
Can I join?

"To ASSUME makes an ASS out of U and ME." Omg Nox I Love that! Lol

Rosita! Siiii me gusta!

Lol Celly, yeah I think it's very funny the times I've heard "No mames guey." It's like a "You're kidding me", "I can't believe it." sort of thing I think. In Puerto Rico we'll say more, "No jodas" like "You're fu**ing with me."

Ohh and that reminds me..

We Puerto Ricans, Dominicans and Cubans (Spanish too) have a little problem when we communicate with other spanish speaking people lol.

Here we say "coger" to mean take or pick i.e. "Pick up the trash=Coge la basura." "I'm taking a test=Estoy cogiendo un examen." "I'm going to take the bus=Voy a coger la guagua." Ok so, it happens that Argentinians and Colombians among others use the word "coger" to mean "f*ck" so imagine how those senteces sound if you replace the word pick or take with f*ck hahaha. They make fun of us when they hear us use the word. Happened a lot of times to my friend when he visited Argentina.


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