What Should I Do??

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Jan 22, 2006
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Hey, guys:

I am involved in a play right now, and for the show my hair was dyed a very dark, dark brown (almost black) with very short bangs. I don't have a picture of this new look, but the length is not too much shorter from these pictures, and just imagine bangs. I was thinking about cutting it after the show - possibly the inverted bob look. But I wasn't sure what color to dye it too. The brown is way too dark for my skintone. Any ideas?? I also don't want to go back to the color in the photos - it can look too reddish in certain lighting, and I want to shy away from red.

I think you would look cute with an inverted bob and possibly even a messy pixie style would be adorable with your features! There's always the chance that lightening your hair from almost black will damage it, so I would be tempted to just cut the dyed hair off and let it begin to grow out. From there, you can probably have it lightened with less damage. I would get a soft brown color with some lighter brown highlights (and avoid the coppery gold highlights since you want to stay away from reds.)

You have terrific features! You look so delicate, so I think the shorter hair would look great for you.

You would look very sexy with yer hair up in a small pony and dyed darker but u look great now!

Thanks for the comments so far, you guys!! I really like that picture with the short hair you put up, empericalbeauty! I've actually had really short hair like that before, and I'm always tempted to go back!

You guys are so sweet. I love how you think I look "glowing" when I refer to it as "oily". ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

My hair is pretty much like yours now, but I have a little more bangs and they're a little longer than what your are. My hair is cut into an inverted bob in the back. I like it, it's fun, but I'm getting sick of it.

The short hair style emperical beauty posted is fantastic and has an edge to it. Go for it!

I agree about the pic that empirical beauty posted. It's fun and cute.

I think that going to a lighter brown would suit you more.

IF you don't want to wait you can find a good stylist they could do a corrective color. I wouldn't let anyone try to bleach the dark color out. Get someone to strip out the color because that isn't as damaging on hair. Corrective color can be expensive and since your considering going short anyway, it might just be better to let it grow out since going short will cut out most of the dark color anyway.

Thanks for all the suggestions and options you guys!! I will be getting it cut soon, and I will post pics when I do!

I love that pic of that asian girl's hair. It's so cute. I wish my hair could do that.

I can't wait to see pics of your hair.


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