What Saved Your Skin?

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Using Retin-Mirco-A, year around useage of a spf, and cleansing beads, and a good moisture masque for my dry skin.


Silica gel, drinking 2 litres of water a day and using the skin care recommended in The Skin Type Solution.

maybe I spoke too soon earlier..but i've been clear from taking 2 1300mg Evening Primrose Oil from GNC. I used to have cysts along my jawline..but they're gone!! My acne is mainly hormonal (pcos related) and so this has worked great for me. I use Duac (derm prescribed) once in awhile..but it's not really needed.

i found the combo that really works for me :

alep soap, Cattier white clay scrub, LRP hydraphase, Evian waterspray.

1) Exfoliating with baking soda 2) Apple cider vinegar toner 3) cornstarch to absorb extra oil 4) Ambi skin tone cream (lightens brown spots) 5) milk of magnesia facials

I wish someone had told me about a few of these 20 yrs ago. Also, I never use sunscreens or moisturizers!! Sorry, I know it is a shock to some, but it really works for me..

When I had real bad acne, going to the dermatologist.. and now birthcontrol pills.

I've recently simplified my skin care routine.

Face wash: I use facial soap; Dove or whatever type of "facial" bar soap I may have. I use this everytime I shower with a plain washcloth. I also use the same soap every night to remove my face makeup.

Moisturizer: I use plain, unscented Aloe Gel. Only at night.

Breakouts: I do have a bottle of witch hazel and occasionally, if I am suffering breakouts I will tone with that (after washing my face) and I will apply plain Vitamin E oil to the breakouts. They are usually much less noticeable and pain free the next morning.

I still have some MK microdermabrasion left and I use that maybe once a month, in the shower, for exfoliation.

That's it. I will apply Aveeno sunblock if I expect to be outside for an extended bit of time, but I live on the face of the sun so no matter what my face looks "tan".

As a final note, I have VERY oily, shiny skin, and large pores, (thanks Dad) , and I'm 45. I've used Clinique, Aveeno, E. Arden, MK, anti-aging everything...blahblahblah...for skincare. I've been using this routine since I had thyroid surgery in April and my skin has NEVER looked this good. What surprises me most is that other people have noticed. I quess it's true, you don't have to spend a lot, just find what works, and be consistent. :glasses:

Update: Garden of Wisdom skin care, clinical basics skin care, drinking more water and using mineral makeup

Health, sun protection, Dermalogica, LUSH (Babyface and Ultrabland ONLY) and Moogoo! :lovelovee:

For me, MaMa lotion has made a wonderful difference in my skin. My skin is clearer, brighter, smoother, and alot more youthful looking. I was amazed with this product after my first use.

The fastest and most dramatic results I've seen from any product that I can remember is Derma-E Hyaluronic Acid night creme! My skin truly looked better the next morning, much much better. I'm ... a few past 29 :frown: ... and this really helps the fine lines that I'm starting to see. Uber kudos for this product!

Going to the derm to learn about my skin

Using only non-comedogenic and hypoallergenic foundation and powder

Avon Correct and fade peel ( this has faded all of my previous scars and brings blackheads to the surface, for easier removal).


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