What products do you use for shaving or waxing your bikini area??

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Oct 11, 2006
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I would love to hear what other people use in the bikini area for shaving or waxing. I have never wax that area or any other because im too chicken for that but i do shave but the only downside is that i get tiny little red bumps after shaving and i would love to know if there is any way to prevent them.

I have tried a lot of different things for shaving. And a lot of the things that worked for other people were hit or miss with me. But here is what I have found works the best:

I use a razor that I only use for that area and only use it twice max for that area. The duller the razor is, the more likely to get the little bumps/razor burn. Unfortunately for me, the razor is too dull by the third use. To extend the life of it and make it not so wasteful, I will then use that razor to shave my legs and under my arms at least a few times after I stop using it for my pubic area. Those areas do not really get razor burn for me, so it being slightly dull (and I mean very slightly, like I do not notice the difference in those areas) does not matter.

I try to sit in a tub of warm/hot water for a couple minutes at least before I shave and also shave with a thicker cream type lotion or a body butter. I tried the conditioner, special gels and stuff, exfoliating first, etc.

I only shave over each area a maximum of two times. I learned that if you keep shaving over it to try and get it smoother, it ends up causing the bumps every time.

If the hair is long enough that I can trim some of it, I do that first. Since I only shave my pubic area completely during a certain time of year, or at least not all year, some of the hair tends to be to curly point and I find it clogs my razor less if I trim it first.

I think that pretty much sums up what I do. Hopefully some of that works for you. Those little bumps are not fun at all!


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