Originally Posted by Dalylah /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Honestly a lot of us have burnt out or are starting to burn out on subs. I know I have scaled way back and just keep a couple that I really love.
I can see myself getting there eventually but right now I feel like I really want to try everything so I know which subs are worth it for me and which aren't.
I tried out some of the more expensive ones, like quarterly BeautyFix and NB Test Tube - unsubscribed after two seasons from both. BeautyFix just wasn't fun enough although I liked the idea of choosing my own products; and NBTT kept on sending drugstore products and reusing the same brands consistently. Both are amazing value for the money but the purpose of those boxes for me personally is the fun of discovery, and after 2 seasons the fun factor ran out.
From the fancier monthly ones I unsubscribed from Glossybox after 2 months back in August, and now I'm giving it another shot in November. I will probably end up unsubscribing again but we'll see.
I also decided to try Yuzen box because I loved every single box they sent from the previous months - at least the pictures looked really nice. At $26/month it better be good! I have a feeling I will be keeping this one for a few months.
I will be trying out Popsugar in December, and they get one and only chance to win me over. The box has to be absolutely fantastic to make me pay $35 for another month, which is why there's a very high chance I will just cancel after December. At least I know I wouldn't pay that money for the current October box.
I cancelled Ipsy because I don't need any more makeup at the time and Birchbox because of decreased CS quality and too many foils in recent boxes. I actually believe they will improve over time so I'll wait a few months and see if I should resubscribe.
This will be my second month out of 3 with Love With Food, and I already know I won't be keeping it.
I will be trying another food sub - Goodies - in November, the pictures looked promising and it's only $7/month. Might end up keeping it just because of such low monthly price.
Other subs I'm interested in trying: Conscious box, Hammock pack