What has really worked for your RED MARKS?

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Jan 31, 2013
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I'm talking about red marks from acne.    

Also, would like it if you tell how long it took before you saw results with your product of choice.  If its a Peel, please state which peel you did and whether you did it at a dermatologist/spa or at home and how many peels and percentage you did before you saw results.

I have literarrly tried everything and the only thing that seem to work is AHA cream.  However, that was back then but now my red marks doesn't seem to fade anymore with AHA cream.  I have used ACV and i broken out horribly with that.

My skin is so sensitive that it won't tolerate peels. I washed my face a few times a week using Oil Cleansing Method with sweet almond oil. That has softened my skin and it has helped the scars heal a little.

I use a 9% bha over my acne as it heals and the red marks I away a lot faster now.

Have you tried emu oil? I've been applying it every night for a few weeks and it really seems to have helped some of my red marks fade. You can find it at health food stores or online. I'm a bit uncomfortable with the fact that it's not vegan so the next thing I'm going to try is a 5 % glycolic acid cream from Reviva Labs since it's gotten good reviews regarding acne scars.

I'm a picker and had several red acne marks. They disappeared after I started using Ole Henricksen's truth serum. It took a few weeks but they are gone! I also started using Josie Maran argan oil at night and apply a little extra to my spots and it has helped keep new red marks at bay. The Ole serum has also helped dramatically cut down on the number of breakouts I get! I've been using it for about a year and love it.
