What Facial Scrub is Recommended

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Oct 31, 2012
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Okay I am looking for a great facial scrub that is reasonably priced. I have a little peeling under my neck where i shave and its really bothering me because I have not had this issue in the past. If there is one that has worked great for any of you would you please let me know the name. I'm just looking for something that can be purchased at any drugstore such as Walgreens or CVS. Also is it recommended that I purchase a facial cleansing brush or could that do more damage?

If you don't want to go purchase a special facial scrub and need something right away you can add a teaspoon of granulated sugar to your regular cleanser and achieve the same results. If you do want to purchase I personally like Exfolikate.

You could try just using a facial brush or cloth first, to see if that helps with your skin. I wouldn't necessarily combine that with an exfoliant, as it may be too harsh. A lot of people seem to rave about St. Ive's scrubs, which is a common drugstore brand. I'm currently in love with Vasanti Enzyme polisher, but at $38, it's definitely not a drugstore item lol.. I know L'Oreal makes one, in an orange tube, I believe, and Nuetrogena as well.

this is going to sound weird but the best facial scrub i've ever used (and i've tried many) is plain oatmeal. just take a handful of it and run it under water until it gets a bit pasty. and then just rub it on your face/neck. it's great at sloughing off any peeling/dead skin and it intensely moisturizes. and a big container of oatmeal is about 2-3 dollars. can't get any cheaper than that!

St.Ives Apricot Scrub is good and you can get it at CVS. CVS actually has their own version, but it is not as good in my opinion.

Thanks for all the advice. I think I might try to create my own scrub and see how it works. If I find it doesn't work then I will get the Apricot Face scrub. I'm assuming that any face scrub that I make from ingredients in my pantry should be kept in the refrigerator so I I will look online and do some research on which ingredients will have a longer shelf life.

I've tried everything from obscure high-end to St. Ives to Asian peeling gels. I think my absolute favourite exfoliator is just a bit of baking soda and water. It's a pretty intense exfoliation so it may not be for everyone and I wouldn't use it more than 2x a week but I found it to work much better than any scrub that I've ever purchased. It made my pores appear much smaller and made my skin luminous and smooth. Plus its so easy and inexpensive and if you have baking soda already its pretty much free.

Thank you for the recommendation. I will try it

Originally Posted by NYgirlBeauty /img/forum/go_quote.gif
this is going to sound weird but the best facial scrub i've ever used (and i've tried many) is plain oatmeal. just take a handful of it and run it under water until it gets a bit pasty. and then just rub it on your face/neck. it's great at sloughing off any peeling/dead skin and it intensely moisturizes. and a big container of oatmeal is about 2-3 dollars. can't get any cheaper than that!
I totally agree with this! Almost forgot I had done this at one point... I had a reaction to something last year (or maybe it was windburn? really dont remember) but my face was red and splotchy for days... I did some research online and it said that oatmeal would act as a calming agent on the face and help the redness go away and it did, and it made my face super smooth and soft. 
