What color eyeshadow you dislike most?

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i like all colors on me. you just have to use it right. like, mix an ugly color with another color and it'll look fantastic!

although, the color i hate to look at in the pot, is a shimmery brown or olive. those colors are just ... unpretty.

I don't "hate" colors, I just know that some of them look like garbage on me, and that would be Red, Orange, Yellow.

Anything in the red/orange family tends to look pretty awful on me. Lighter greens as well, although darker greens are fine. Lighter purples look bad too. Good thing I like dark or bright/neon colours and not pastel colours.

hmm i dont know! i like all colors! like mentioned above, i would have to pair up an ugly color with a good color and then i like it lol

I think any colour could look good if done right and on the right person, but I personally find reds, dark grey/blue colours, very deep purples, pale greens and any muddy or reddish shades of brown just look awful on me.
I don't like greeny-yellow, like khaki shades and also really glittery white and silver.

As many have mentioned already, I think that people tend to dislike the colours that look bad on them. Personally, I don't like blue and orange eyeshadows because they look absolutely hideous on me!
