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I switched from drugstore shampoos and conditioners (Pantene and Aussie) to Matrix Sleek Look shampoo and conditioner and my hair is like 100 times better.

i don't like much drugstore stuff, i like to switch frequently my shampoos.

i like to wash my hair with a neutral shampoo (you may like to switch your shampoo from time to time or it won't be as effective, that's what i do and it works). then i take care of it.

i apply coconut oil, olive oil, shea butter, even palm oil and let the hair absorb it during the night. natural products are a great help so if you live near one, visit an african store, or a healthfood store, and pick those products. they're a great help for my combo hair and you can also use them on your body so no waste.

whatever product you choose, you need to let it be absorbed by your hair. so if the label says "wait 5 minutes", wait 10. if possible, apply your products before going to bed, attach your hair, and the next morning shampoo it gently.

another thing you can do, if you don't already, is to comb your hair rather than brush it.

i've been dyeing my hair since 6th grade and just recently i bleached my dark brown hair to light ash brown with baby blonde highlights, so my hair was definitely damaged to the core. lol...and you know what works the best on my thick, straw-like bleached hair? Neutrogena's triple moisture deep recovery hair mask!


omg that stuff is my HG hair treatment. and it's fairy cheap too. what you do is shampoo your hair like usual, then after that, put the deep recovery hair mask all over your hair but mainly on the ends. then wrap your hair up with a hot damped towel. it's best if you do it while you shower because the hot steam helps the hair mask to penetrate into your scalp and your hair. it said on the tub that you have to leave it on for 3-5 minutes, but since i thought my hair was fried so i leave it on for 10-15 minutes instead. then you rinse it out, use one of those heat-defense treatment spray before blow drying your hair. and finally, put on some leave-in conditioner. my personal favorite is Sexy Hair Concept Healthy Soy-Tri-Wheat leave-in conditioner.


it doesn't smell all that great but it leaves my hair really soft and untangled. i've only used the hair mask along with the leave-in conditioner for 2 weeks and my hair has felt much softer and healthier than before. people even complimented on how i fried my hair with bleach yet still manage to look shiny and healthy. so if you haven't try these products, definitely worth a try. Good luck

P.S. I use John Frieda' sheer blonde highlight activating volumizing shampoo and it's matching conditioner. both works really well as in cleansing and maintaining your hair color from turning dull and brassy.

Wen by Chaz Dean cleansing conditioners have completely changed my hair. I have long, highlighted hair that I flatiron a couple of times a week (my hair is somewhat wavy). It's basically like a lotion that you coat your hair in and leave on for about 5 minutes in the shower, then rinse (thoroughly
I was a little leery, but my mom insisted I would love them. I use the cucumber aloe one, the smells of the others are a bit much for me. After I rinse, I use a couple squirts of it as a leave-in on the ends of my hair. Frizz is no longer a concern of mine, my hair is super-healthy and silky looking and feeling now
I've had to shampoo a few times in a pinch since I started with these, and I can completely see the difference. They are definitely pricier than I'd gone with my haircare before, but I figure I'm saving on not constantly buying new types of defrizzers at Target.

The best thing to do is a deep conditioning treatment once a week, use professional products (ones you can buy at a beauty supply store or salon) each product works different and you just need to find the ones that works best for you. I personally love Joico K-Pak. I also use a flat iron and I use a curling iron. Limit the use of any dryers or styling tools as much as possible as these contribute to the damage of your hair. I use a ceramic flat iron that I bought through the salon owner but my hair still gets damage. It helps to have styling aids (hairsprays, gels, etc) however make sure you find one that will not make your hair icky so you don't have to style it every day. I personally don't use much since those that are for heat make my hair icky. After I shower I use a little of the biosilk silk therapy and apply when my hair is wet and let it air dry then I will use the flat iron and straighten all of my hair except the tips then I go with either a curling iron or round brush and curl the tips. Also most important thing make sure you trip at least 1/4 of an inch off every 6 weeks because if you don't trim the ends your split ends will continue to split and you hair will damage will get worse. Hope this helps.
