Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes debaucle forums

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Mar 20, 2008
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Anyone want to weigh in on that situation? I think TC is crazy as hell but that's just me. I don't blame her for wanting to get out. I mean being audited by a religious organization? That's a new level of insanity.

I think even if Scientology wasn't involved, the fact that she had to plan her divorce with extreme precaution is unnerving and makes me feel awful for what she might've gone through in the whole marriage. I wonder how it would've played out if TC even had an inkling of the whole deal.

The more I learn about Tom, the more I'm happy Katie finally "woke up" and decided to get herself and her daughter out of that situation!

Other than gossip rags, is there a legitimate site or source that clearly states that Katie Holmes ever converted to Scientology?

I know of couples that have different beliefs but they have not converted to their spouse's.

So why would Katie convert to Scientology?

The divorce may have come down to preventing Suri from being exposed to Scientology but I don't believe Katie ever left Catholicism.

Katie would have had to convert to Scientology or she would not have been allowed to marry their golden boy. The further you get up the bridge in Scientology the more you are pushed to distance yourself or cut off completely any friends or family that are not Scientologists.  Non Scientologists are considered Supressive People that will inhibit your potential to get to higher levels.  Katie herself has admitted to taking classes and doing lots of auditing in interviews in the past. 

Scientology will say that you don't have to give up your religion to be a Scientologist but the deeper you get into it the more you are coereced into taking more Scientology courses and to have more auditing done. Everything else is slowly squeezed out of the picture. 

I got really into researching the cult last year. There are a ton of websites and books written by former members that are just shocking. A lot of the actual Scientology teachings have been made available online by former members as well. 

Thanks for the insight LoriAnnLV.

I wasn't familiar with Scientology's teachings on marriage and parenting.

Am I the only one who finds that creepy? To me, I'd definitely agree and say it meets the criteria for being a cult, but some others might be offended to have it referred to as such...

Don't feel bad. The only reason Scientology has religion status is because they kept suing the IRS. Eventually, the IRS ran out of money in its litigation fund to keep up the fight. Many countries do not recognize it as a religion. Some classify it as commercial, some as a charity, and it is banned in some countries as a cult.

No not at all! I think its totally creepy and crazy as all hell. Auditing? Seriously? No thanks!! <3

Originally Posted by MissLindaJean /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Am I the only one who finds that creepy? To me, I'd definitely agree and say it meets the criteria for being a cult, but some others might be offended to have it referred to as such...
Thanks so much for for the information on Scientology. I'll pass! lol

Originally Posted by LoriAnnLV /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Don't feel bad. The only reason Scientology has religion status is because they kept suing the IRS. Eventually, the IRS ran out of money in its litigation fund to keep up the fight. Many countries do not recognize it as a religion. Some classify it as commercial, some as a charity, and it is banned in some countries as a cult.
To add to the creepy factor, I'm now seeing articles come out about how the Scientology crowd was wife shopping for Tom Cruise before Katie Holmes...ewwww..arranged marriages?
