Tips on how to grow your hair forums

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Jun 8, 2010
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Funny title i know..

The reason im asking i so badly wanna grow my hair long again

I used to have it long 7years ago, but now i have had this short hair...

when your hair gets to that awkard stage, i always cut cause i never know what to do with it...


Check out the thread called:

"Those with healthy bra strap length hair and longer...questions for yall" in the hair care forum. Lots of great advice!

Or you might want to start a new thread in the Hair Care forum - you might get more more information from other muters there.

i wish a had long hair too but when it gets to a certain i jus have to cut it cos its so unmanageable

I've always heard that mint shampoo is supposed to help with growing your hair faster but, I've never tried it. Has anyone else heard of that?
heya you can get health supplement tablets that help your hair grow && also your nails there really good,you should try them or else you could try hair extensions for awile until your hair grows?!

One word: Biotin.

Comes in a bottle and is a pill but is quite natural. Everyone's bodies produce biotin to help grow hair, nails, and have good healthy skin. When we want to speed up that process we can supplement the Biotin pill to add half an inch to a whole inch of more hair growth a month.

Learned about this when I gave myself a Mohawk and decided it wasn't "me" afterwards...

if your problem isn't growing it, but it's cutting it when you're at the awkward phase, you might look into getting extensions. They last a few months which can help you get through the awkward phase with your natural hair. Since the extensions allow you to "skip" the awkward phase, you can just move on to having longer hair, then when the extensions come out, your hair has had some extra time to grow!

When I grew my hair out from a pixie, I used a lot of hairpins, headbands and pretty barrettes. I focused a lot on doing as much cute stuff to my hair as I could so I wouldn't focus on how much I hated the length. I'd pin and fold the hair in the back until it was pinned up to my head, almost like an updo.. and then headbands in the front. I also wore a lot of bandanas and scarves when I was at home/goofing around.

My hairdresser told my sister (who due to over-styling in high school has a hard time growing her hair out) to take Vitamin E because it will help your hair grow.

I frequently grow my hair really long, cut it short, regret it, then grow it out again.

When your hair gets to that awkward stage you just have to power through.

I get side bangs sometimes and when they're growing out they constantly fall in my face. So I sometimes have anywhere from 4-8 bobby pins in my hair when I have it up to control it. But after a couple weeks usually I can tuck them behind my ear.

Here are the logical tips. Keep it healthy and well conditioned so that you will not have the urge to cut it. Have patience because it will take time and get some clips or headbands that gets you thru those 'I can't do anything with my hair' days. Find a good style for each length of hair. You can cut parts while you are letting other parts grow. Cut bangs or long layers into your hair, part it differently etc. Letting it grow doesn't always mean just leaving it alone to grow. Get highlights, change the colour, get a perm. I've gone from super short to letting it grow but I still have a perm that keeps it from looking awkward. I dye my hair and put highlights when I get bored so I don't reach for scissors.

I especially second the headbands advice.

I have yet to meet anyone headbands don't look cute on.

Well I had a bad hair before ..But i had it fix and i just maintain it with conditioner....Now it is long and healthy...I think one must have to find a conditioner that suit your hair needs.

Eat a healthy, protein rich diet and take a regular multivitamin daily. Since hair is protein, eating foods rich in protein like peanut butter, eggs, and fish can help to accelerate growth.

Also recommend to read Myhairway book, about hair growth.

Originally Posted by divadoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif Here are the logical tips. Keep it healthy and well conditioned so that you will not have the urge to cut it. Have patience because it will take time and get some clips or headbands that gets you thru those 'I can't do anything with my hair' days. Find a good style for each length of hair. You can cut parts while you are letting other parts grow. Cut bangs or long layers into your hair, part it differently etc. Letting it grow doesn't always mean just leaving it alone to grow. Get highlights, change the colour, get a perm. I've gone from super short to letting it grow but I still have a perm that keeps it from looking awkward. I dye my hair and put highlights when I get bored so I don't reach for scissors. Exactly! This is more or less what I was going to say.
these were some really good tips, im going to try taking the biotin vitamins! =) I hate going through the awkward phase of my hair right now =(

i had a victoria bob haircut and letting it grow out again was kinda wierd, i want to have long hair, atleast till half my back only cuz i want to see how i look with long hair since i know how i look with short hair. i heard cutting it every 8 weeks is suppose to help, well atleast the split ends. atleast thats what the hairstylists tell me, they said that's there's no other way on having ur hair grow faster. im trying that out but i get sidetrack with other things
