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Okay, here's one that's not as bad as some of mine....

In the 7th grade, while at lunch, I started my period. I was wearing my favorite pair of white Guess jeans. I had been sitting down eating lunch and didn't have a clue. When I stood up my friends saw and told me. I made them walk behind me to the nurse's office. They weren't very discreet and ended up causing more attention with all their giggling and the like. My face was as red as my behind from embarrassment.

What's your middle name?


Originally Posted by Little_Lisa Okay, here's one that's not as bad as some of mine....
In the 7th grade, while at lunch, I started my period. I was wearing my favorite pair of white Guess jeans. I had been sitting down eating lunch and didn't have a clue. When I stood up my friends saw and told me. I made them walk behind me to the nurse's office. They weren't very discreet and ended up causing more attention with all their giggling and the like. My face was as red as my behind from embarrassment.

What's your middle name?

Are you quiet or loud while having sex?

What color panties do you have on?

Originally Posted by Little_Lisa I'm quite loud.
What color is your toothbrush?

I'm not wearing any right now but I have on some purple shorts that say delicious on my booty.

How long have you worked at your current job?

8 years

Do you work?

Originally Posted by Little_Lisa I'm not wearing any right now but I have on some purple shorts that say delicious on my booty.

How long have you worked at your current job?

I am a buyer

How do you get away with not working?

Originally Posted by Little_Lisa No
What do you do at your job?

Originally Posted by **Jen** I am a buyer
How do you get away with not working?

I don't!
What job would you rather be doing?

Beach Bum

What color is your car or neighbors car if you don't own one?

Originally Posted by Sirvinya I don't!
What job would you rather be doing?

Not wearing one, took it off

what size bra do you wear?

Originally Posted by Little_Lisa It's white.

What color is your bra?

Originally Posted by **Jen** Not wearing one, took it off
what size bra do you wear?

32A barely a B and plan on increasing it someday.
If you could be a celebrity for a day who would you be and why?

Angelina Jolie, because she's beautiful and would love all the attention

What brand jeans are your favorite

Originally Posted by Little_Lisa 32A barely a B and plan on increasing it someday.
If you could be a celebrity for a day who would you be and why?


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